Competent Coaching

shadow force

Jun 8, 2010
Amazing what competent coaching can achieve in such a short time.

This team looks more cohesive, better organized, plays harder, and smarter after 2-3 months together than Payne's teams at any point in his two seasons.

What a difference having a well defined offensive and defensive system makes along with the proper coaching can look like.
Amazing what competent coaching can achieve in such a short time.

This team looks more cohesive, better organized, plays harder, and smarter after 2-3 months together than Payne's teams at any point in his two seasons.

What a difference having a well defined offensive and defensive system makes along with the proper coaching can look like.
Makes a big difference when you have a coach that actually knows how to coach and a coach that can motivate instead of telling everyone their "broken"
Kenny deserves any dirt that is thrown on him. Complete douche way he acted and continues to act.

Still has the smirk on his face

F him
I will never quit piling on him.. he deserves all the smoke he gets. He wrecked our program for 2 years and was arrogant about it the whole time. He sucks and always will..!!
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KP blamed everyone except himself. We should always remember what he did to this program and how he left.

The urgency is clear. Kelsey will be interesting to watch but he appears to be able to transfer his energy and importance to detail to his teams.
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