Coffee: Serious problems with IBJ's decision to publish


Nov 18, 2001
Jack Coffee Publisher

My life would have been a lot better if I had never heard of Katina Powell. Her revelations (or more likely her delusions) have caused me to wake up every morning since last Friday waiting for the other shoe to drop in the so-called prostitution/UofL former staff-member accusations.

It appears no one knows the truth including Powell, especially book author Dick Cady. Cady claims to be a reluctant author that refers to this endeavor (writing the book) as such, "I didn't want to take part in the project. I saw it as an awful lot of work involving a lot of time and an awful lot of bullsh-".

He initially turned it down but agreed to write the book after a request from (Indiana Business Journal owner/chairman) Mickey Maurer, "he sent me an email". After that email and most likely some serious cash, the elderly Cady agreed to write the book despite some "serious problems".

After reading Powell's journals and analyzing the Powell information in depth, Cady contacted Maurer and asked, "You sure you want to do a book like this". Maurer was emphatic that Cady should continue. At that point in the interview with C-J reporter Jeff Greer, Cady claims that he spent about five months verifying the information in the journals and "some of it was difficult and some of it wasn't". This is where Cady's credibility takes a hit.

He has already admitted that he didn't want to do the "bullsh--" necessary to write a book like this, but now claims that "Every time that we went after a fact, we either found it, or found something resembling it." The "we" in this saga is IBJ Publisher Patricia Keiffner who according to Cady talked to Powell at least 50 times.

Keiffner is the former Lexington Chamber of Commerce General Manager working for Maurer and the energy behind the book. Cady claimed to have talked to Powell "10 to 15 times". That would indicate that Keiffner was verifying the information in the Powell journals and passing it on to Cady.

Problematic in this scenario is the fact that no one - outside of Powell - named in this sordid affair admits to having any meaningful contact with Keiffner or Cady. How were they able to "find the facts" is a question that they are unwilling to answer.

My guess is that Powell was the originator and verifier of all the salacious content of her journals. Perhaps the most suspicious character in this tale is Maurer, the ultra-rich IU benefactor and a person known to use his money to manipulate events. He has IU officials on speed-dial and has given major bucks to the school.

Several questions about his involvement in this case are worthy of investigation: how did Powell and Maurer get together? Why did Maurer create an LLC Publishing company for this one book? Why did Maurer first contact IU officials when contemplating publishing the book? Why dedicate an editor (Keiffner) full-time to a project with such dubious credibility and questionable money-making potential?

I also have serious questions about Cady's veracity and Keiffner's motivation. Another question is why Powell, who said she is "in this for the money," would agree to only 10 percent of the net profit. This kind of deal would indicate that Maurer didn't expect to make much money, but wanted to insure that he recouped his investment.

This entire allegation smells like a locker room after a four-hour practice. Every time we try to verify some of the claims we turn over a rock and another slithery creature crawls away. I don't know how this is going to end, but if I was Katina Powell I would be very concerned. I doubt she makes enough money on the book to pay her anticipated attorney fees.
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Jack Coffee Publisher

My life would have been a lot better if I had never heard of Katina Powell. Her revelations (or more likely her delusions) have caused me to wake up every morning since last Friday waiting for the other shoe to drop in the so-called prostitution/UofL former staff-member accusations.

It appears no one knows the truth including Powell, especially book author Dick Cady. Cady claims to be a reluctant author that refers to this endeavor (writing the book) as such, "I didn't want to take part in the project. I saw it as an awful lot of work involving a lot of time and an awful lot of bullsh-".

He initially turned it down but agreed to write the book after a request from (Indiana Business Journal owner/chairman) Mickey Maurer, "he sent me an email". After that email and most likely some serious cash, the elderly Cady agreed to write the book despite some "serious problems".

After reading Powell's journals and analyzing the Powell information in depth, Cady contacted Maurer and asked, "You sure you want to do a book like this". Maurer was emphatic that Cady should continue. At that point in the interview with C-J reporter Jeff Greer, Cady claims that he spent about five months verifying the information in the journals and "some of it was difficult and some of it wasn't". This is where Cady's credibility takes a hit.

He has already admitted that he didn't want to do the "bullsh--" necessary to write a book like this, but now claims that "Every time that we went after a fact, we either found it, or found something resembling it." The "we" in this saga is IBJ Publisher Patricia Keiffner who according to Cady talked to Powell at least 50 times.

Keiffner is the former Lexington Chamber of Commerce General Manager working for Maurer and the energy behind the book. Cady claimed to have talked to Powell "10 to 15 times". That would indicate that Keiffner was verifying the information in the Powell journals and passing it on to Cady.

Problematic in this scenario is the fact that no one - outside of Powell - named in this sordid affair admits to having any meaningful contact with Keiffner or Cady. How were they able to "find the facts" is a question that they are unwilling to answer.

My guess is that Powell was the originator and verifier of all the salacious content of her journals. Perhaps the most suspicious character in this tale is Maurer, the ultra-rich IU benefactor and a person known to use his money to manipulate events. He has IU officials on speed-dial and has given major bucks to the school.

Several questions about his involvement in this case are worthy of investigation: how did Powell and Maurer get together? Why did Maurer create an LLC Publishing company for this one book? Why did Maurer first contact IU officials when contemplating publishing the book? Why dedicate an editor (Keiffner) full-time to a project with such dubious credibility and questionable money-making potential?

I also have serious questions about Cady's veracity and Keiffner's motivation. Another question is why Powell, who said she is "in this for the money," would agree to only 10 percent of the net profit. This kind of deal would indicate that Maurer didn't expect to make much money, but wanted to insure that he recouped his investment.

This entire allegation smells like a locker room after a four-hour practice. Every time we try to verify some of the claims we turn over a rock and another slithery creature crawls away. I don't know how this is going to end, but if I was Katina Powell I would be very concerned. I doubt she makes enough money on the book to pay her anticipated attorney fees.
Hmmmmmmmm !
If the truth comes out about Powell and Maurer, we will be exposed to a lot of evil that these two have been doing.
Yell listened to his interview with Ramsey and after hearing Cady. I am starting to feel much more positive. But until Mcgee can speak about anything. I'll still be apprehensive. But why doesn't Mcgee even tweeet at least it's a lie. Saying that is not gonna compromise anything.
This is where Cox earns his money. By not letting McGee speak, the other side is prompted to by the media.

The more they say, the worse it looks for them.

Have you ever stopped to wonder why Powell is not stumping her book for ebooks and pre-sales?

Mauer won't let her get anywhere near a press conference.

Especially after Dick Cady's radio interview on 93.9 FM this evening.
I wouldn't be surprised if Powell was paid "cash" in advance for this book and the 10% royalty is only for show. Follow the money and ye shall find the truth.
I really think that UL will be cleared when the dust settles. It seems like Powell has a vendetta. And it's directed towards McGee........
It's a couple rats in the same HUGE IU Booster rat and another hooker rat that's breeding other little hooker rats.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if this Keiffner rat is a uk fan either. If someone can verify that then you'd have the triple play of scumbags. Cady is just a washed up hack who more than likely owed Maurer or got a fat stack of cash to follow thru with this "story".
I don't know if I agree with what's being said in this thread. There is no conspiracy to damage UL or UL basketball by Kentucky or IU. This is Katina Powell and Andree McGee and whoever was funding this, if true. The issues will come up not only through McGee but any recruits that talk.
Jack Coffee Publisher

My life would have been a lot better if I had never heard of Katina Powell. Her revelations (or more likely her delusions) have caused me to wake up every morning since last Friday waiting for the other shoe to drop in the so-called prostitution/UofL former staff-member accusations.

It appears no one knows the truth including Powell, especially book author Dick Cady. Cady claims to be a reluctant author that refers to this endeavor (writing the book) as such, "I didn't want to take part in the project. I saw it as an awful lot of work involving a lot of time and an awful lot of bullsh-".

He initially turned it down but agreed to write the book after a request from (Indiana Business Journal owner/chairman) Mickey Maurer, "he sent me an email". After that email and most likely some serious cash, the elderly Cady agreed to write the book despite some "serious problems".

After reading Powell's journals and analyzing the Powell information in depth, Cady contacted Maurer and asked, "You sure you want to do a book like this". Maurer was emphatic that Cady should continue. At that point in the interview with C-J reporter Jeff Greer, Cady claims that he spent about five months verifying the information in the journals and "some of it was difficult and some of it wasn't". This is where Cady's credibility takes a hit.

He has already admitted that he didn't want to do the "bullsh--" necessary to write a book like this, but now claims that "Every time that we went after a fact, we either found it, or found something resembling it." The "we" in this saga is IBJ Publisher Patricia Keiffner who according to Cady talked to Powell at least 50 times.

Keiffner is the former Lexington Chamber of Commerce General Manager working for Maurer and the energy behind the book. Cady claimed to have talked to Powell "10 to 15 times". That would indicate that Keiffner was verifying the information in the Powell journals and passing it on to Cady.

Problematic in this scenario is the fact that no one - outside of Powell - named in this sordid affair admits to having any meaningful contact with Keiffner or Cady. How were they able to "find the facts" is a question that they are unwilling to answer.

My guess is that Powell was the originator and verifier of all the salacious content of her journals. Perhaps the most suspicious character in this tale is Maurer, the ultra-rich IU benefactor and a person known to use his money to manipulate events. He has IU officials on speed-dial and has given major bucks to the school.

Several questions about his involvement in this case are worthy of investigation: how did Powell and Maurer get together? Why did Maurer create an LLC Publishing company for this one book? Why did Maurer first contact IU officials when contemplating publishing the book? Why dedicate an editor (Keiffner) full-time to a project with such dubious credibility and questionable money-making potential?

I also have serious questions about Cady's veracity and Keiffner's motivation. Another question is why Powell, who said she is "in this for the money," would agree to only 10 percent of the net profit. This kind of deal would indicate that Maurer didn't expect to make much money, but wanted to insure that he recouped his investment.

This entire allegation smells like a locker room after a four-hour practice. Every time we try to verify some of the claims we turn over a rock and another slithery creature crawls away. I don't know how this is going to end, but if I was Katina Powell I would be very concerned. I doubt she makes enough money on the book to pay her anticipated attorney fees.
I still smell some blue rats !!!

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