Classic Pitino: "It doesn't take any talent to be a critic"...

Originally posted by KerryRhodes:
...THIS IS THE UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE. The Cards will always be elite. If that coach, cant live up
to the standards set by Coach Hickman, Coach Crum, and Coach Pitino, he's out.

For all of Coach Pitino's "great run", its still produced only ONE TITLE. Its not about SuCkS or the future Without him, Its about what he does as the HC...
I like the positive attitude. But the we-will-be-elite-because-we've-always-been-elite attitude is an entitlement mentality. If it was that easy, IU would always be great at basketball, and Nebraska would always be great at football. You don't just put this thing on auto-pilot, and watch it cruise.

Like the prior poster, I HOPE for blue skies after Pitino. And I'm very pleased with where we are today. I like the L1C4 concept because I don't like pro ball or anything connected with it. I like the athletic culture that U of L tries to foster and how the coaches have bought in. And I'm really happy with the guy (Jurich) at the top leading the parade.

But NONE of that guarantees anything as far as the future is concerned. If you believe otherwise, you're as delusional as the LPT fans we all beat up on. Like Jurich says, "we're Avis"...
Originally posted by zipp:
I'll probably post that after every loss (which means you won't hear it much...)
I thought Rick was gearing that to the media, but maybe I didn't pay enough attention to that presser.

As I recall the question--and I don't care to research it--a reporter mentioned the past criticism that Wayne has received. And the source of that criticism wasn't specified. IMO, could just as easily be message board posters.

And then Pitino fired back, maybe before the reporter finished his question...
Originally posted by KerryRhodes:

Originally posted by NISMOZCARD:

I have observed endless debate here about recruiting issues and so forth. The fact is, Louisville basketball is having the best run they have ever had! I personally have been enjoying it instead of worrying about what could have been. My observation is that too many of the negative thinkers are so affected by what UK is doing that they cannot enjoy what Louisville is doing. When Pitino leaves, the Cards will be hard pressed to find a replacement that has brought the kind of success to this program he has. You may just find that then you will really have something to complain, worry and gripe about. "Microwave society"

THIS IS THE UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE. The Cards will always be elite. If that coach, cant live up
to the standards set by Coach Hickman, Coach Crum, and Coach Pitino, he's out.

For all of Coach Pitino's "great run", its still produced only ONE TITLE. Its not about SuCkS or the future Without
him, Its about what he does as the HC.

HES SAID "Recruiting is 50 % of this business"
You hope that is the case and so do I: however, there is no guarantee. See Nebraska, Indiana and to a lesser extent Louisville football when Stevie took over. And I disagree, for a number of the negative posters it is ALL about SuCkS!
Originally posted by KerryRhodes:

For all of Coach Pitino's "great run", its still produced only ONE TITLE.
Are titles your only measuring stick? There is much more to a successful program than winning the end of year tournament. Winning the tourney requires a good team, a good coach, and a measure of luck.... plus, there can only be 1 winner if that is your measure.

Total wins, tournament appearances, Sweet 16s, Elite 8s, Final Fours, rankings, attendance, APR, GSR, graduation rates, community service, etc... there are many other ways to measure success. By any other measure, RP has UL on an amazing run...

Unless you only measure by titles.... which is short sighted, IMO
Originally posted by KerryRhodes:

Originally posted by NISMOZCARD:

I have observed endless debate here about recruiting issues and so forth. The fact is, Louisville basketball is having the best run they have ever had! I personally have been enjoying it instead of worrying about what could have been. My observation is that too many of the negative thinkers are so affected by what UK is doing that they cannot enjoy what Louisville is doing. When Pitino leaves, the Cards will be hard pressed to find a replacement that has brought the kind of success to this program he has. You may just find that then you will really have something to complain, worry and gripe about. "Microwave society"

THIS IS THE UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE. The Cards will always be elite. If that coach, cant live up
to the standards set by Coach Hickman, Coach Crum, and Coach Pitino, he's out.

For all of Coach Pitino's "great run", its still produced only ONE TITLE. Its not about SuCkS or the future Without
him, Its about what he does as the HC.

HES SAID "Recruiting is 50 % of this business"
Sorry my friend, gotta disagree on part of that. Being elite isn't guaranteed. As great as Crum was, his time had passed and he put a few 12-20 teams out there. He was forced out to save the program. It wasn't going to get any better with him at the helm. I completely agreed with him being forced out.

In a kind of segue, it goes back to my original thoughts in this thread: Recruiting. That's what killed Crum. He didn't suddenly forget how to coach. He lost it on the recruiting trail. I'm not overly thrilled with what I see happening with the recruiting under Pitino. Mistakes are being made. It's not near the level of poor recruiting like in Crums final years, but there's definitely some mistakes there. Having to sign 6 freshmen in one year because 80% of the guys that were supposed to be upper classmen either quit or were dismissed is not a good way to do things. If these guys were leaving for the NBA it would be a different story, but they're not. they're leaving because something was wrong/didn't fit to begin with and Pitino missed it.
I agree that UofL could very well go into a Indiana like slump, however that Coach wont stay around.

I have no problems with Coach Pitino's recruiting, except for missing the top State players. Russell, Rondo, etc...
Even Remy Abell would have been better than Gill.

The last time players went straight to the league, remember Pitino missed out on 3, that brought the Cards a NIT in 06
Telfair, Amir, Donta. So that could happen again.

My criticisms are about his in game coaching. When the team losses, he gets criticized, when he wins, some proclaim
him the greatest coach in NCAA history. Youre paid millions to win. Period.
Old 16-post LPT Huckleberry...

Originally posted by imyurhuckleberi:
doesnt take any talent to squirt 15 seconds into sex either
I'll never understand why trolls come here just to immediately sling some shat and get banned. I mean, if you're any kind of real rival, why not troll within the rules, and stay long enough to make whatever point it is you want to make...other than how big of a DA you are. Makes no sense. SMH.
Originally posted by imyurhuckleberi:
doesnt take any talent to squirt 15 seconds into sex either
Maybe not, but it takes LOTS of talent to have final 4's vacated at two different schools. Takes lots of pride swallowing to know that your coach is the ONLY coach in the history of college basketball to have accomplished that feat, yet you support him fully.
Four straight sweet sixteens, two final four's and a title. Not bad for a coach who can't recruit.

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