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Three-Star Poster
Mar 5, 2002
Loveland Ohio
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Actually a bit sad

I agree. Jared's life has seriously been adversely affected by his weight issues. It was humorous when he was just a big boy who was still a fairly healthy athlete, but it has caused him some serious adult issues. No need to kick a guy when he's down.
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Sorry. He was out on the field bad mouthing the Cards at the start of the fourth quarter. He runs down Louisville every chance he gets. That makes him fair game in my book.
If they let him on onto the field in the 4th quarter not many UK fans were left to hear him. pathetic and embarassing :confused:
"Anyone have a fat wife or sister I might have a shot at? I'm a UK legend, and my trailer is paid off!"
I agree. Jared's life has seriously been adversely affected by his weight issues. It was humorous when he was just a big boy who was still a fairly healthy athlete, but it has caused him some serious adult issues. No need to kick a guy when he's down.

That poor man. He is such a victim. Sorry, I see it the other way. It is his fault. He might have had a NFL career, but pissed it away like so many before and since. Fat, drugs, alcohol, whatever the vice, all avoidable.
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The guy does not have cancer. He has an eating disorder. And nobody would be clowning him if he didn't cross the line of decency in regards to the things he has said about Louisville. If he showed respect, he would get it in return.
I'm familiar with his having an incredible birth weight and him being large his whole life (I believe he was something like 15 pounds when he was born)...but there isn't a long list of people who live a lengthy life carrying that much weight their whole life.

His statements about Louisville are nothing more than the standard UK thing; it keeps him in good stead with the parishioners.
Not to throw cold water on this comedy show, but the Throwboy is out of the league because he couldn't stop eating. Just. Couldn't. Stop. I have always liked Lorenzen, he is UK all the way, and was a heck of a QB not so long ago. He hates us, and is upfront about it. I respect that. I respect Towles for the same reasons, actually.