C-J CARDS Still looking for starting Q.B.

I don't think the poor guy can make a post otherwise. Evidently, runner thinks if you live outside of Louisville, (1) you're interested in what the CJ says, and (2) you don't know how to access their site yourself.

At least he puts "CJ" in the header since I asked him... Thanks for that. You know to simply skip over it.
He's just trying to help poor little 'ol UL get along in the Big Time FB world.

Only reason I clicked it this time was to see what Zipp had to say! :)
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What's the BFD.

The article "quotes" Bobby extensively, it's the Coach not the CJ.

I like his posting. Just don't open it if you are "offended." A lot of that "offended" going around these days. :D
I like references and important links. But I wonder about the psyche that only posts links.

What's up with that?

A ton of us local Louisville Fans have been boycotting the Cayut Journal or C.J. for years now. Their Sports Section is one-sided towards the Cayuts. People that I work with are constantly reading that garbage on their breaks (Cayut Fans) and I point out to them the biased stories and the way the Paper's layout is designed to make any Cayut fan feel good even when their program is down.

It usually goes Kentucky basketball Story as Main Headline on front Page (even when it's clearly not basketball season) or Louisville story slamming the program or a player or how Louisville is struggling in some area such as finding a starting QB. So Positive Kentucky News or Negative Louisville News as Main Headline. Positive Louisville News Stories are very small columns located usually in the back pages of the paper (if at all), very small where you can miss them if you don't look hard enough to find them. The stories are usually a day or 2 late as well if they are positive news for UofL.

I only look at their site like in this case when there is direct video interviews with our Coaches and Athletic Director . That way I know that they aren't putting their own spin on stories. I suggest that You all should too.
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