I applaud anyone who had the discipline and stamina to play organized football. And I’m not dismissing anyone’s knowledge thereof.Post away Negative Nancy’s. You and your friend clearly have an unusual fandom. Anyways, I’d suggest some positivity and that enjoying the moment is a good thing. Perhaps your friend did play in college but I’d doubt it because anyone who has played learned along the way to celebrate positive moments. Football is hard damn game.
This credentialing issue on a message forum is always amusing as hell. I generally get victimized in the “true fan” category, although you’re trying hard to also overlay happiness on it. If someone like me or anyone else wants to look at the other side of the coin, that in essence says nothing about me, my friendships, my state of mind, or which team(s) I support, among others.
It may in fact show how simplistically the person asking for credentials thinks and reasons…