Army now part of Wakieleaks


Gold Member
Sep 23, 2016
They are now reporting that Army is being questioned about receiving WF plays from Tom Elrod. I think the list will continue to grow I just wonder if it will be reported in the same way.
No cayuts fans or "scandal" fatigued UofL fans care to comment on this?

No 3 page rant ?!

Step your weak game up :mad:
If it turns out Army had it and used it, there will be consequences there (if the people are still on staff). The service academies don't play around with rules and ethics violations.
If it turns out Army had it and used it, there will be consequences there (if the people are still on staff). The service academies don't play around with rules and ethics violations.

Excuse ME! It's apparent that they just did. And by the way the military is heavily (VERY) involved in espionage. Maybe they'll think it just part of the lesson plan.

GO CARDS - BEAT EVERYBODY!!! God Bless America!!!
Gentlemanly wager that if Army had it and used it, if any of the people that were involved are still on staff that the consequences will be severe?

No offense, but you apparently aren't aware of how the service academies operate.
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Gentlemanly wager that if Army had it and used it, if any of the people that were involved are still on staff that the consequences will be severe?

No offense, but you apparently aren't aware of how the service academies operate.

Respecfully, you'd be mistaken about my "lack of knowledge". I am completely aware of how "classroom" cheating is dealt with in any of the service academies. But somehow, I see this as a bit different than classroom cheating or plagerism. But with that said, we'll just have to wait and see.

GO CARDS - BEAT EVERYBODY!!! God Bless America!!!
If it turns out Army had it and used it, there will be consequences there (if the people are still on staff). The service academies don't play around with rules and ethics violations.
You mean when outsiders find out about them?

It wil be impossible to prove the other schools actually received plays because that evidence is long gone. The story will be "we were contacted by Elrod, but never gameplanned for it and dismissed the offer."

We're the only ones with documents found diagramming for the defense of specific plays. The others have deniability with no evidence.