Appreciate your response & opinion, gocrds. I said nothing about the CJ, though. They, collectively, are just one voice, and we ALL have a voice, and shouldn't be afraid, or suppressed in any way, of forwarding it. It's what truly makes America "already" great in my opinion.
I simply asked why opposition forces haven't proven this allegation legally, or through the Ethics Commission? I don't know the answer, which is why I asked the question. But common sense tells me that a lack of evidence exists to win that challenge/assertion. This isn't about "D" and "R" to me. It's about following the law. I never defended the board imbalance under Beshear's watch, in fact, I've always placed blame where it was deserved (regarding that)...on him. If he "sold" those seats, he needs to be held accountable for it. But you and others should know that there is a distinct difference between "selling the seats" and "appointing people that have supported you." The former is criminal, while the latter is probably standard practice, which is one reason why terms are staggered on boards to limit executive powers of complete turnover/undue influence. Again, I don't know the truth, but I'm skeptical of some of the rumors/informal allegations that have been discussed on the matter, and until I see more proof, simply dismiss as nothing more than party politics.
"Biased" mainstream media is a problem, no doubt, but not nearly as much as rampant made-up stories for pure profit ("fake" news) that pollute our social media outlets. It's very difficult for us to find the truth these days without extensive research/review, and nobody seems to have the time or focus to achieve it...and that's a HUGE problem for all of us.
I'm going to stop here, because I don't want to continue a political discussion on a UofL sports forum. Go Cards!