Here's financial info for the Bama game.
Appears we're getting about the equivalent of a home game for these made-for-TV openers. However, I'd be a little surprised if the Purdue game is getting us that much. Like LPT,
I still don't know why that game and IU was scheduled...
I would surmise, because they are close games for fans to travel too and they are very winnable games against a P5 team in the BIG (B-10) conference. (So for resume building)
What did TJ say about the games when it was announced the Cards were playing them? For the fans.....a game played for the fans.....for increased regional exposure? LoL on that one. As possible games on a regular basis to phase out the uk game? Again LoL...(comparable dregs of their respective conferences does little or nothing for the SoS just like uk)
Once the Cards expansion is completed....those additional seats will need to be filled by more of the opponents fans than what has been the rule in the past for the Cards.
If the future attendance (seats sold) are going to be an important barometer than not so common sense would suggest playing regional neighboring schools in a rivalry fashion or HOPE that one of OSU, Mich St, Illinois, PennSt if the B10 or Tenn, UGA, UF, Bama, Auburn, etc of the SEC; are willing to do a H and H; or at the very least these made for TV match ups like the Bama game (and most recently the Auburn game) to generate revenue equal to the est. $3 mil a home game with 65K in attendance would. Or as Zipp says, why play them?
Playing cupcakes without any being of the P5 variety (nee IU, Purdue, UK) at home will be a tough sell for any year the schedule does not have 2 P5 teams at home whether uk is one of the 2 or the dregs of the ACC (Syracuse, WF, UVA, etc) alone are not an overriding attraction.
Sure the year that FSU or Clemson come to PJS, the crowd will be there, it is the lack of another OOC T25 perennial team that hurts the SoS and home attraction even more than the IC schedule.
As we all know, it has been like forever since uk has been a T25 team.....the one thing they do have going for them though is that they travel up as they live to see uk beat UofL in anything. As said by Zipp, they are truly the little brother in this rivalry series now. They need us more than we need them on the schedule.
My hope is that we get ND in a H and H to replace the uk series.....and with the number of Catholics in Louisville this would be an attractive rival to have on a yearly basis. Even Non-cath's could get behind this as the annual rivalry game. And they are in the ACC for all other sports, etc.
What say you my Cardinal brothers?