#1 craziest trolling fanbase...the UK nut jobs

From our friends board to the east.

"Still feel no sympathy for him or his family. As head of the household he should do a better job of keeping them safe than to willfully( and probably criminally as well) screw over a fan base as rabid and far reaching as BBN. Who gives a sh!t that his son cried? Higgins has sent my boy to bed red-eyed more than once. F him."

That last sentence though....maybe praying your sons nuts finally drop would be a better way to spend your time. Craziest, sickest fanbase in all the land
The Higgins thing is one of the biggest black eyes ky fans have ever had. Luckily it is the putrid minority of our fans. Every fan base has that small pocket of insane people. But I’ll freely say that our small pocket of insanity is the worst you will find anywhere.
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Unfortunately you don't have a small pocket of crazy fans you have a wheelbarrow full.
Our fans are pretty nutty but it was a very small contingent that crossed the line with Higgins. The vast, vast majority of folks in his state would never even entertain the idea. It’s always the loud ones and always the “internet fans “
I don’t think so. Maybe
What??? They went batshit crazy when that ref tried to help Snell up and he ran his mouth, pushed him away and got his dumbass ejected. Only difference was they didn’t know what that guy did for his real job or it would have been Higgins 2.0.
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What??? They went batshit crazy when that ref tried to help Snell up and he ran his mouth, pushed him away and got his dumbass ejected. Only difference was they didn’t know what that guy did for his real job or it would have been Higgins 2.0.
I thought he was asking if we had a Higgins-esque issue and we didn’t. I was at that game and the people in the stadium didn’t even know what happened. I thought snell was injured or something. It was a bad call though. The ref admitted that snell didn’t say anything to him. He basically tossed him for hurting his feelings. It was costly.
Our fans are pretty nutty but it was a very small contingent that crossed the line with Higgins. The vast, vast majority of folks in his state would never even entertain the idea. It’s always the loud ones and always the “internet fans “
And your excuse for the radio hosts who stirred it up?

And don't give me that crap about telling people not to do it. Their actions made their words meaningless.
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When slapd!cks wanna get a pass on these ridiculous events, it's always a "small minority".

A small minority here plus a small minority there...eventually you're talking about the fanbase.
What??? They went batshit crazy when that ref tried to help Snell up and he ran his mouth, pushed him away and got his dumbass ejected. Only difference was they didn’t know what that guy did for his real job or it would have been Higgins 2.0.
With the exception of the PAC12 supporting their ref and some UK haters, that ref was criticized very harshly by nearly everyone.
With the exception of the PAC12 supporting their ref and some UK haters, that ref was criticized very harshly by nearly everyone.
I stand corrected. Not from anything you said though - I was wrong when I said that idiot yut fans didn’t know where that ref worked. Apparently, he received a “barrage of threatening calls to his cell and office phones as well as the commercial real estate association he belongs to.”

And, whether the call was right or wrong (Spoiler Alert - by rule it was the correct call) wasn’t the question.
I stand corrected. Not from anything you said though - I was wrong when I said that idiot yut fans didn’t know where that ref worked. Apparently, he received a “barrage of threatening calls to his cell and office phones as well as the commercial real estate association he belongs to.”

And, whether the call was right or wrong (Spoiler Alert - by rule it was the correct call) wasn’t the question.
You must define "forcibly" very differently than I do.
You must define "forcibly" very differently than I do.

Yes, and by rule, the ref made exactly the right call. Snell has shown that “puckish” attitude before and he needs to get it under control or it will cost the uahkay cayuts big time next season. And it was a major majority of big blew fans that pitched a bitch about the call. Ignorance is bliss describes perfectly the cayut big blew fan base.

GO CARDS - BEAT EVERYBODY!!! God Bless America!!!
Just google “worst call by officials in 2017-2018 college football”.

I don’t condone any personal attacks on anyone but to say it was the right call is just rival hate speak. Remember that time when you guys played UCONN and the guy called a fair catch but not really and scored? Well this is right us there with that and I thought that was one of the worst calls I’d ever seen.

Northwestern had just as big of a gripe. The refs also threw their best player out of the game. This game was basically and exhibition game for the fans of both schools who bought tickets and travelled and took off Work to watch their teams. Then the officials decided to go into business for themselves and take the games two best players out of the game. It was very unfortunate.
Just google “worst call by officials in 2017-2018 college football”.

I don’t condone any personal attacks on anyone but to say it was the right call is just rival hate speak. Remember that time when you guys played UCONN and the guy called a fair catch but not really and scored? Well this is right us there with that and I thought that was one of the worst calls I’d ever seen.

Northwestern had just as big of a gripe. The refs also threw their best player out of the game. This game was basically and exhibition game for the fans of both schools who bought tickets and travelled and took off Work to watch their teams. Then the officials decided to go into business for themselves and take the games two best players out of the game. It was very unfortunate.
It was a lame call, but why did he act like a bitch to the ref? You don’t have to really do anything criminal to get busted by a cop, you run your mouth and shit will happen. Your team played like a bunch of mouthy thugs in several games, usually teams are good enough to offset the silly penalties, Kentucky isn’t.
....btw Kentucky fans, aren’t you guys really alarmed that your defense has dominated your offense in spring ball? That defense isn’t good.
It was a lame call, but why did he act like a bitch to the ref? You don’t have to really do anything criminal to get busted by a cop, you run your mouth and shit will happen. Your team played like a bunch of mouthy thugs in several games, usually teams are good enough to offset the silly penalties, Kentucky isn’t.
The ref stated after the game that snell didn’t say a word to him.
The ref stated after the game that snell didn’t say a word to him.

Please show me the interview. I’m in my 70s and I’ve never heard a ref being interviewed, EVER. I think you are full of shyte.

GO CARDS - BEAT EVERYBODY!!! God Bless America!!!
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Everyone gets bad calls. It's just that Ky's fanbase goes overboard by threatening the lives of officials and their families. Your Matty Bangs stirred you people into a lathering frenzy and y'all raced for your phones and computer machines. This article just proved it to the whole nation.
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Everyone gets bad calls. It's just that Ky's fanbase goes overboard by threatening the lives of officials and their families. Your Matty Bangs stirred you people into a lathering frenzy and y'all raced for your phones and computer machines. This article just proved it to the whole nation.
I agree and it’s shameful. You never want to see people fall that far off the deep end. I will never be an apologist for those people.

I’m not sure how this article proved anything though. It was just a write up of the bowl game call