Williams wins appeal in Powell case with NCAA

Sounds like there was one way to lose to the NCAA...

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The pressure should NOT be removed on U of L to file suit over the vacated banner and games.

Let Neeli weigh in, and let the donors respond...
Zippy, I'm curious to know how you think the new admin is shaping up? Do you like the new president? Are you still vacationing in negative town or are you making your way back ? All jokes aside... curious to know what you think
Zippy, I'm curious to know how you think the new admin is shaping up? Do you like the new president? Are you still vacationing in negative town or are you making your way back ? All jokes aside... curious to know what you think
No jokes here... What can you know already besides these people hold good press conferences? (If that's your opinion...) They hardly know their way around campus--what of significance can she or Chris Mack possibly have done?

I'm not sure if you're in this camp, but way too many people here are swayed by what people say or how they say it. If that's how you analyze, you don't really analyze. Start asking me in about six months, and I may be forming an opinion...
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