UofL basketball recruiting has gone SILENT


Jul 8, 2007
Boone County
There are about 6 players, that are highly talented 4 or 5 stars, that are thinking about UofL. I am sure all of them are waiting to see what happens to UofL. Plus already commit ,5 star VJ King, is watching UofL very closely.
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Are you friggin kidding me?

This will drag on for a long, long time......and in all honesty, that's a big part of the punishment when you can't immediately refute or deny these types of events....

Recruiting is about to look like the last 2 years of the Crum era......and in this league, even Pition won't be able to save us from .500 seasons....
Look, I am one who believes that yes this will have some impact on recruiting but it doesn't change that much over what I think has affected recruiting the past couple of years. The biggest issue is that we know CRP is getting closer to retirement and the question has to be in every recruit's mind, will he be there for as long as I am there.
V.J King will be a star and he'll show his character by sticking with us. If this ends up hurting us with any other recruits its on the media for overblowing this minor story. Sickening really how the media is running our name through the mud.
Are you friggin kidding me?

This will drag on for a long, long time......and in all honesty, that's a big part of the punishment when you can't immediately refute or deny these types of events....

Recruiting is about to look like the last 2 years of the Crum era......and in this league, even Pition won't be able to save us from .500 seasons....

I would like a link also, I really think he stays.
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Alot of fans do not want to come to realization no matter what happens recruiting is going to be an uphill battle .Here on out.
I read the opposite about King on the Courier Journal last week, his father said this would not affect his decision. I would like to see the link that says something different as well.
Man you guys are really drinking some serous stuff i bet you any money we start hearing about VjK looking around. Not starting a rumor but don't say you haven't heard this ,
The recruiting of Carolina and Syracuse has seen barely a blip resulting from their NCAA issues. My expectation is that the same happens here...nothing at all.
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You made a statement saying you read where King was looking around and we are asking for the link so we can read it. Instead of providing the link we are told if we don't believe this we are kook-aid drinkers.
Everything doesn't have to be from an article you know! Did you read what Jerry Eaves is saying about recruiting going forward.
Like T-Will said,it's a privilege to come to UofL.Guys don't want to come here,find guys that do.
I think its foolish to think that it won't have even a slight negative impact on recruiting which is unfortunate because Rick had finally started to seem to win the attraction of elite level talent last year in Adel, Mitchell and Blakeny.

Rick's a tough coach to play for and our recruiting has always been up and down and full of projects and highly ranked kids that never pan out so I'm not sure what to think about recruiting.

I did find it hilarious that people were worried about TJ Leaf being on campus when this news broke. We were NEVER, NEVER, EVER going to get TJ Leaf...Leaf isn't going to play for us and it had absolutely nothing to do with the scandal.
Rick had finally started to seem to win the attraction of elite level talent last year in Adel, Mitchell and Blakeny.
I think its foolish to think that it won't have even a slight negative impact on recruiting which is unfortunate because Rick had finally started to seem to win the attraction of elite level talent last year in Adel, Mitchell and Blakeny.

Rick's a tough coach to play for and our recruiting has always been up and down and full of projects and highly ranked kids that never pan out so I'm not sure what to think about recruiting.

I did find it hilarious that people were worried about TJ Leaf being on campus when this news broke. We were NEVER, NEVER, EVER going to get TJ Leaf...Leaf isn't going to play for us and it had absolutely nothing to do with the scandal.

Completely OT: Are you from Logan, West Virginia? A good portion of my family grew up there.
There are about 6 players, that are highly talented 4 or 5 stars, that are thinking about UofL. I am sure all of them are waiting to see what happens to UofL. Plus already commit ,5 star VJ King, is watching UofL very closely.

If VJ's commitment can hold plus a few other solid (not necessarily spectacular) additions that can be coached up, this storm can be weathered. Pitino may not have known about these allegations but it's up to him to keep Louisville going.
L1C4 is not built on a foundation of 5-star players. Some of you guys who closely follow recruiting worry too much...
L1C4 is not built on a foundation of 5-star players. Some of you guys who closely follow recruiting worry too much...

Not be the contrarian but "L1C4" was a simple marketing ploy by Rick once he figured out that he wasn't getting any of the elite kids. What I find interesting is fans talk about how Rick doesn't want one and done kids and he doesn't want these "pampered, AAU athletes." Well that's just flat out not true. You can easily go look at any of the recruiting sites and see who UL has offered. I mean he's basically offered every player in the top 20 of the 2016 class.

He's offered: 9 of the top 15 players and 14 of the top 25. So this idea that he only wants or he only goes after a certain type of player isn't really accurate. He's always shooting for the best talent, he just hasn't been able to convince any of the truly elite kids to commit.
If you are a top recruit and you listen to the media and some squirrel trying to get a nut you are too dumb to come here anyway.
Not be the contrarian but "L1C4" was a simple marketing ploy by Rick once he figured out that he wasn't getting any of the elite kids. What I find interesting is fans talk about how Rick doesn't want one and done kids and he doesn't want these "pampered, AAU athletes." Well that's just flat out not true. You can easily go look at any of the recruiting sites and see who UL has offered. I mean he's basically offered every player in the top 20 of the 2016 class.

He's offered: 9 of the top 15 players and 14 of the top 25. So this idea that he only wants or he only goes after a certain type of player isn't really accurate. He's always shooting for the best talent, he just hasn't been able to convince any of the truly elite kids to commit.
Interesting take. I dont disagree entirely but I would say the reason why many of the 5 stars dont come is because Rick demands players buy in to his L1C4 philosophy. Most of the elite guys are all about Me1Me4 and not willing to change. I dont see how taking kids like that would be good for the longevity of the program.
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RP wouldn't cater to Tyreke Evans handlers, and his criminal past, which was the reason Calipari got going. You can basically make an argument that RP made Cal, and the UK program. We don't recruit those type of guys anyway.
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Interesting take. I dont disagree entirely but I would say the reason why many of the 5 stars dont come is because Rick demands players buy in to his L1C4 philosophy. Most of the elite guys are all about Me1Me4 and not willing to change. I dont see how taking kids like that would be good for the longevity of the program.

Thats another interesting take that I see constantly when it comes to recruiting. I'm not sure if fans are just trying to convince themselves that Rick is doing what's best or they really think that. (Not saying you are either) But I do see a lot of posters talk about how going after these high profile kids isn't good for the program when each and every season its proven to be incorrect...and its also proven incorrect that Rick doesn't want these kids because every year he offers all the top 25 kids. So neither statement is true. Rick wants elite talent and recruiting elite talent isn't going to somehow diminish the program. The two schools that have benefited most from the one and done system over the last 6 years? Duke and Kentucky.....

Duke's last 6 seasons? Championship, Round of 64, Elite 8, Round of 64, Sweet 16, Championship
UK's last 6 seasons? Final Four, Runner Up, NIT, Championship, Final Four, Elite 8.

Now, UL's last 6 seasons look really good too and are right there with both Duke and UK. But this idea that Rick isn't recruiting elite kids because he doesn't want incorrect...and the idea that if he did recruit and get elite kids it would somehow diminish our program or hurt the program is high inaccurate as well.
Thats another interesting take that I see constantly when it comes to recruiting. I'm not sure if fans are just trying to convince themselves that Rick is doing what's best or they really think that. (Not saying you are either) But I do see a lot of posters talk about how going after these high profile kids isn't good for the program when each and every season its proven to be incorrect. The two schools that have benefited most from the one and done system over the last 6 years? Duke and Kentucky.....

Duke's last 6 seasons? Championship, Round of 64, Elite 8, Round of 64, Sweet 16, Championship
UK's last 6 seasons? Final Four, Runner Up, NIT, Championship, Final Four, Elite 8.

Now, UL's last 6 seasons look really good too and are right there with both Duke and UK. But this idea that Rick isn't recruiting elite kids because he doesn't want incorrect...and the idea that if he did recruit and get elite kids it would somehow diminish our program or hurt the program is high inaccurate as well.
What happens the 6 seasons after Cal leaves though? They have no players? Maybe one of these 5 star players gets them in big ole trouble? Duke is the premier team in the country. I think with coach K you just have to trust his judgement. He spent 30 years laying a foundation there. Same with Rick. If he takes a player you have to trust his judgement at this point.
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Mitchell/Adel/Spalding - FR that figure to play prominent roles throughout their careers.
Onuaku/Snider/Johnson/Mahmoud - SOPH that figure to play prominent roles throughout their careers.

This is 7 guys with an eternity of eligibility remaining. Granted, at least a couple may not reach their potential for a variance of reasons. But even if just 2 or 3 reach their ceiling, or come close to it...we are in really good shape. And if it's more like the 3-5 reaching their potential, then we are probably looking at more FFs.

Factor in all the negative treatment they will be getting this year on the road and through the media, and these guys just might turn into sharks before they move on. True story.

I'll give this HC a chance. He's pretty good at this.
... What I find interesting is fans talk about how Rick doesn't want one and done kids and he doesn't want these "pampered, AAU athletes." Well that's just flat out not true. You can easily go look at any of the recruiting sites and see who UL has offered. I mean he's basically offered every player in the top 20 of the 2016 class...
Off the top, it doesn't help your argument that you are factually incorrect at least far as Rivals is concerned. (And this is a Rivals site...) "Basically offered every player in the Top 20" is factually 9 of that 20 or 45%. So, Pitino hasn't even offered a majority of them, while in fact most coaches would probably take ANY player from the Top 20.

It's true however that U of L has offered almost half. And if these guys are simply rotten-to-the-core prima donnas with great basketball skills, how is that consistent with L1C4? Erroneous info notwithstanding, I think that's your question. Please correct me otherwise.

My answer is I don't necessarily think that every Top 20 kid is NOT L1C4. That is IMO true in general. Pitino would like to find and sign the few blue chippers each year who are not. You're right, it's probably not 45% though.

But that doesn't mean he's wrong offering that many. For one thing, he knows most will decline. The couple who do not probably need more vetting. If a kid comes to campus with his hand out, he's usually sent packing. IIRC, I don't think Blakeney had a particularly good visit perhaps because of a character flaw. As proof, isn't he in the middle of this mess with the ho?

It's true you need good talent to win a championship. No one's arguing that. Is some of Pitino's sales pitch self fulfilling? Probably. But that doesn't bother me. For one reason, he owns it. Most of those 11 blue chippers who haven't been offered and most of the ones who did can't make it through Pitino's boot camp. That's a good enough reason for me. Would they have wanted to play here anyway is your retort? And my comeback would be what difference does it make?

You're going to be unhappy expecting U of L under Pitino to compete very well for 5-star recruits. And that didn't start with this book...
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Pitino absolutely wants 5 star talent. Not all 5 star talent is created equal either. For every OJ Mayo there is a Michael Kidd Gilchrist. Pitino wants the latter. As does Cal and every other coach out there. My guess is he will keep recruiting until he snags a few which will begin to make UofL more attractive to the one and done type player. But he covets blue chippers just like everyone else. It's rediculous to say that RP doesn't want these type of players. If Anthony Davis (who pitino loved) says "sure coach, I'll come", then Rick does a freaking backflip on his way to the green room on draft night.
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Pitino wants L1C4 kids who are 5-star. Who wouldn't? But they're rare, and you're not going to get everyone you go after.

More likely we can (and do) land 4-star kids who meet the test. If that's NOT what a U of L fan can live with, you have a problem.

"Elite program", my a$$...
Interesting take. I dont disagree entirely but I would say the reason why many of the 5 stars dont come is because Rick demands players buy in to his L1C4 philosophy. Most of the elite guys are all about Me1Me4 and not willing to change. I dont see how taking kids like that would be good for the longevity of the program.
Bingo. We have a winner. Great take.
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Mitchell/Adel/Spalding - FR that figure to play prominent roles throughout their careers.
Onuaku/Snider/Johnson/Mahmoud - SOPH that figure to play prominent roles throughout their careers.
Exactly. The only true need we have next year is VJ King and a combo guard.
Frankie Hughes verbals. 3 star that's rising.

Obviously, there are many questions at this time about the roster/staff moving forward.

Hard to believe Frankie gave a verbal in the middle of all this. Just a verbal but still.