Tom Jurich is OUT!

Jurich didn’t have to support RP to ousted. When Ramsey left the dominos began to fall and it was just a matter of time. Yep it’s a different job now. But if you think we’re going forward just look at the BOT to get your answer. That isn’t the plan. They will starve the athletic department by taking money and limiting salaries which will lead to a drop off of quality coaches. And it will fall from there.
What you are saying is this BOT isn't smart enough to realize the importance athletics has on the University. I don't believe that for a second. If they gut athletics like you say they are basically gutting the University which will end up hurting the City of Louisville. I do believe this BOT or more likely the Chairman didn't believe they could work with Jurich. I don't agree with the decision, but I guess I am naive to believe people that accept an appointment on a University board aren't out to destroy the University they were appointed to protect.

Do they have the best interest of UL? I’m not so convinced, but will see. We don’t have a choice.
I am on record as saying that self-imposing was dumb as hell. That being said he probably is qualified to review dept processes and procedures.

When you hire someone to find something, there's no way they don't, either fabricated or exaggerated, to justify their pay.
You can blame Postel all you want but you are wasting your time. This decision is coming from Grissom who had his marching orders from the Governor.

Apparently the demand came from Postel to fire Pitino immediately. Jurcih wouldn't do it.

It leaked out that Postel wanted Pitino gone.

Grissom is responding to Postel. Apparently they were asked to do so.

The Governor has stated publicly and also in a letter I believe that he supports Jurich and wants him to remain.

Well according to Postel that’s not true. In an interview he said that he did not ask Jurich to fire Rick.
My honest feeling is that the Board had Smrt do a comprehensive review of the athletic dept and its processes. From that, they felt that a "with cause" threshold was met.
There sure better be some other things listed but, I bet that’s in there and I stand by my point.
When you hire someone to find something, there's no way they don't, either fabricated or exaggerated, to justify their pay.
With the notable exception of those NCAA idiots who looked into the unc situation.
Well according to Postel that’s not true. In an interview he said that he did not ask Jurich to fire Rick.
According to what postel said to the ncaa, pitino should not be held accountable for the powell situation either.

Wouldn’t take anything he said (or was told to say by grissom) as anything more than whatever they thought was expedient at that moment in time.
I am on record as saying that self-imposing was dumb as hell. That being said he probably is qualified to review dept processes and procedures.
Based on what? He was an NCAA enforcement guy - if he couldn’t judge the processes and procedures related to the Powell scandal and juxtaposed them with what he should have known about what the NCAA might do - he’s not qualified to look into this either.

Seems on its face like a conflict of interest to boot.
...There is no person that cannot be replaced.
John Wooden

And I'll go out on a limb here...Nick Saban

Jurich is in that realm, and we'll probably have that same chance at success...
When, in years to come, we have teams with losing records, untalented players and coaches, empty stadiums, and sagging revenues, remember this day. The fallout is going to be massive.
Wholeheartedly disagree. Will it be a rough patch absolutely, but we will be back. Might take a few years but it will happen. Bump in the road.
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No the athletic department has not. Get out of the 80’s. There’s more to UL than just BB. 22 programs have had zero issues. I’m not on a ledge but the University is and it’s being pushed over. But will see.

You and I both know there are 2 programs that matter more than all the rest combined. And those two have a host of issues. Not to mention the piggyback approach to finances and disregard to any though of proper program governance.

So let just do away with the rest. I see you include baseball in that. Well the good news for is that you may very well get your wish. And I for one like being competitive in all sports. Guess what that’s what attracts many good students to UL. I do not want to go back to the one trick pony. And for the record if it ever comes down to BB or FB. Count me in with the majority of our country. Give FB all day long and twice on Sunday. BB is a close second.
It is really hard to stay at any place for 20 years, even harder when leadership changes. People in high level positions have enemies which over time continues to grow. At some point the number of enemies make the job impossible, especially when your leader is no longer their to support you. Make no mistake Jurich had his enemies and his leaders no longer supported him. It looks like his loyalty to Rick is what will officially cost him his job, but I doubt this relationship with the new board would have ever worked. Jurich would of had to fundamentally change how he operated the athletic department which wasn't going to happen.

It is extremely disappointing that 2 incredible leaders are terminated, but let's not act like they both didn't contribute to their own demise. They allowed their ego's blind them. Jurich sacrificed everything he built by protecting one coach over and over. He failed to realize his past decisions were draining his political chips and after stripper scandal his chips were gone. Then the next scandal hits he goes to grab those chips again and he finds out he doesn't have any. He finally gave his enemies enough to bury him.

The good news is the job is completely different now because of Jurich. Jurich was the perfect guy and the perfect time. It truly was a match made in heaven. He may have been the only guy to navigate them to the ACC. They need someone that can maintain the program, heal the community and bring the Univeristy closer. That is a different skill set.
This post is the most sane post I've seen in months.
The wise thing to do, in my opinion, is suspend Jurich for 6 months for being insubordinate. This would give the BOT time to find a President, get more information on the most recent scandal, and most importantly let emotions calm down. They are paying Jurich no matter if they keep him or terminate him, what is the hurry? The chances of finding a full time replacement AD without a President are pretty low. They have someone in place, that is qualified, to handle the department in the meantime.

This would give Jurich time to reflect and decide if he wants to really work under this new board. He may say it is time for him to move on and leaving on his terms. No one wants to see him go out like this especially over a perceived ego battle.

The BOT has backed themselves into a corner and they need the bell to ring so they can regroup. Time will give them a chance to really reflect and engage the athletic community to get a true sense of what the athletic department means to the University. If they do their job in that 6 month time frame then decide it is in the best interest of the University to part ways then people will be more understanding as long as they clearly state why they feel a change is needed. Firing Tom for cause for backing a coach, while I get it, is not the way to do this because they botched it from the beginning.
This post is the most sane post I've seen in months.

...and out of touch with reality. Bring the University closer and heal? That's a bunch of crap. You know how that happens, winning. Nothing solves problems in the Athletics realm faster and better than winning. If you are losing, the wounds will close but the resentment will linger like a scar forever. The city has been and remains pretty downtrodden over the issues collectively, I don't know how much closer we can be. The single biggest issues debated among most fans are whether TJ should come back and are the President and BOT are actually doing a good job or we would be served better by people who we think are actually invested in the success of the University (or doesn't seemingly surround themselves with people who graduated from an Arch Rival).

How is the next AD going to heal that?

Secondly, if you don't have the talent to lift a program to this level then how do you intend to maintain it? It's the same freaking skill set. You have to stay hungry and driven to keep the edge or other programs will catch up and pass you. So that part is crap too.

But have it your way, let's talk about what we need to heal and come together? We need someone that can continue the upward trajectory of this department and continue the sustained success and improvement over the next 20 year period like we have the last 20. Someone that can ignite a community and give them something to cheer for and rally around. Someone that can help give back to the community through jobs, investment, and commitment. Someone that can attract, hire, and retain top level coaching talent in all sports, establish facilities that will compete with other P5 and ACC schools and inspire student athletes to continue to excel both on and off the field.

In short...the best person to help us heal and come together is, unsurprisingly, Tom Jurich.
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Can we please forward this post to the BOT and Postal as quickly as posible?? Nobody has more insight and knowledge about a Louisville matter than a UK fan. This settles it right here in one paragraph.

IMO, Top Cat should be sitting in on the meetings, giving his expert advice and swaying the Board with his impeccable knowledge.


:) Don't be feeding the trolls Commodore, just makes them come back to the table begging for more.
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I bet folks thought that Bear Bryant was irreplaceable, but then came Saban. No one is irreplaceable.

Bear Bryant wasn't exactly setting the world on fire his last few years at Alabama.

The years after his retirement were some of the lowest in Alabama football history. They did win a title in 1992, but NCAA violations tainted it and the years following it.

Saban came along some 30 years later, are you suggesting Louisville wait for 30 years?
For those of you saying Tom will be fired for insubordination. Postel said in public interview on Oct 2nd (there’s a video out there) that he NEVER asked Tom to fire Pitino. So I don’t see how there is just cause for firing Jurich. He may get fired but if he does we owe him a lot of money.
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20 minutes or so ago on twitter Eric Crawford has NOT heard from any source through the university that Jurich will be fired today.
For those of you saying Tom will be fired for insubordination. Postel said in public interview on Oct 2nd (there’s a video out there) that he NEVER asked Tom to fire Pitino. So I don’t see how there is just cause for firing Jurich. He may get fired but if he does we owe him a lot of money.
Yeah..the University should shelf out money to him while under a budget shortfall. Tom's really hurting for cash too..:rolleyes:
I can't wait until this is all over, and we can move forward. Tom needs to be fired. The integrity needs to be restored within my alma mater. L1C4.
Yeah..the University should shelf out money to him while under a budget shortfall. Tom's really hurting for cash too..:rolleyes:
Doesn’t matter one bit what the university can “shelf” out or Jurich’s financial status is - all that matters is the contract between the university and Jurich.
Doesn’t matter one bit what the university can “shelf” out or Jurich’s financial status is - all that matters is the contract between the university and Jurich.
He's going to get a hefty settlement if he gets let go. Do you think he stays if he is in fact reinstated?
As the BOT continues to meet, indications are the tides are turning a bit. This thing has gotten uber political. This is Bevin's board. Everyone knows this. Some even believe this rigamaroo with Jurich is Bevin's fault, as it's his board. Well, Bevin is a lot of things. Being stupid isn't one of them. He needs Jefferson County votes. It seems he has contacted the BOT to get them to reconsider ousting TJ. Word yesterday was there were 11 votes in favor of termination. After Bevin's call, not so much. His support may be fake, as it's just an attempt to appease right leaning UofL fans in Lou. Metro. Regardless, if it works, great.

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