Rick said he is making a change at the 5 spot next week

Whose left to try? He gonna put Levitch in the middle? Our bigs are just flat awful. I will give Mango credit today, 4 points and 7 boards. I thought he played aggressive and with renewed confidence.

Our secret weapon the "Norwegian Nightmare"?
Originally posted by REDBEASTFURRY:
Only change Rick needs too make next week decide to change his recruiting style.
What would you suggest? I'm listening!
Originally posted by CardsDan:
I guess it's time to roll Matz out there. Onuaku's lack of effort today probably got him deep sixed by Rick.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
He didn't play well. I wouldn't place all the blame for the loss on him, but his defense was below what it's been lately and UNC's bigs had their way.

IF I had to guess, and I am just guessing, Pitino isn't going to change up much because he doesn't really have many options left. He's just venting because he hates losing more than anyone posting on this board. He is ultra competitive and just hates to lose.


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