Not Much Traffic Tonight...


Five-Star Poster
Jan 20, 2011
Hang in there haters, the likely UNC rematch on their turf should give you opportunity to return to share some thoughts.
Like cockroaches they scattered after Mangok's dagger. Then they watched the Cardinals take over their spotlight which lasted about 3 hours.

31 and schmo.
Just got on line.

I'm really surprised and disappointed.

Originally posted by zipp:
Just got on line.

I'm really surprised and disappointed.


Seriously though,hard to get these "fans" to talk about wins.
Originally posted by earsky:
Originally posted by zipp:
Just got on line.

I'm really surprised and disappointed.


Seriously though,hard to get these "fans" to talk about wins.
It is weird isn't it. All those so called fans who come on here whining after a loss strangely don't post after a huge win. I don't need to name names. They know who they are. So do the rest of us who pay attention.
Originally posted by Cue Card:
Originally posted by earsky:
Originally posted by zipp:
Just got on line.

I'm really surprised and disappointed.


Seriously though,hard to get these "fans" to talk about wins.
It is weird isn't it. All those so called fans who come on here whining after a loss strangely don't post after a huge win. I don't need to name names. They know who they are. So do the rest of us who pay attention.
Exactly. You see who posts ONLY when the Cards lose and also who the trolls- both undercover and not- are whenever that happens. You also get to see who posts whether the team wins or loses.
Let me preface by saying that I'm about to practice without a license. But I've come to the conclusion that the venting phenomenon that the rest of us see is psychological. The posters who come here fuming after a loss do it as a sort of therapy. They don't need that therapy after a win.

These guys are U of L fans, and their complaining and whining don't indicate otherwise. For whatever reason, however, they don't readily cope with losing. It's possible that there are non-psychological explanations. For example, that they work with LPT fans and have to face them routinely. I don't think gambling explains it--assuming they'd bet on U of L--because it's possible for U of L to lose and still cover. And these guys react after EVERY U of L loss.

Maybe it's family related. Maybe their spouses isolate them in the basement during a game, and they have no one to interact with, no one with whom to "share a loss" or to console them... So, it's left to us.

Maybe it's an inferiority complex. Their identity is so interwoven with U of L that a failure by U of L is a failure by them. (Alternatively, I'd call that an "LPT complex"...)

Who knows? All I do know is that the rants are generally irrational and full of emotion. That screams "psychological" or "psycho" for short...
I'm looking forward to this week, possible UNC, UVA, DUKE, back to back to back trifecta for us. If our team plays unselfish we could win all three, if we play selfish then it will be a short tournament for us.
Originally posted by zipp:
Let me preface by saying that I'm about to practice without a license. But I've come to the conclusion that the venting phenomenon that the rest of us see is psychological. The posters who come here fuming after a loss do it as a sort of therapy. They don't need that therapy after a win.

These guys are U of L fans, and their complaining and whining don't indicate otherwise. For whatever reason, however, they don't readily cope with losing. It's possible that there are non-psychological explanations. For example, that they work with LPT fans and have to face them routinely. I don't think gambling explains it--assuming they'd bet on U of L--because it's possible for U of L to lose and still cover. And these guys react after EVERY U of L loss.

Maybe it's family related. Maybe their spouses isolate them in the basement during a game, and they have no one to interact with, no one with whom to "share a loss" or to console them... So, it's left to us.

Maybe it's an inferiority complex. Their identity is so interwoven with U of L that a failure by U of L is a failure by them. (Alternatively, I'd call that an "LPT complex"...)

Who knows? All I do know is that the rants are generally irrational and full of emotion. That screams "psychological" or "psycho" for short...
There might be some truth to that zipp but I don't get it. Why can't people express when they're happy too? I was on a natural high after that win over Virginia and couldn't wait to get home to post about it. It was an incredible game with a great ending.

I understand some people need to vent after a loss. Hell, I've done it too, but the insane amount of "fans" who come here to vent after a loss versus how many show up to celebrate a great win is mind numbing. It's at least 10 negative rants versus 1 celebratory post in comparison.

No, I don't fully buy that as the reason. I think there are a ton of no life loser LPT (to borrow a phrase you use) fans who are acting like UofL fans, and they love to come here to get the board spun up when the Cards lose. Then the true fans who come here after a loss start reading it, they react and join in. When the Cards win a big game, those same no life loser LPT fans can't bring themselves to keep their cover in tact and post in a celebratory manner.

Well, I don't consider myself a hater, but anyone who say's they didn't think we were toast after UVA went ahead late is either not being honest, or is just wearing red glasses. I knew we COULD win, but didn't know if the team thought they could.

I've learned not to get too bent over losses, so I'm not getting too excited over wins. I'm just going to try to enjoy every game even though I've had a hard time watching this team this year. Sloppy. No passing. Poor shooting. Just painful. But, I do watch, and I do cheer for them and want them to be all they can be.

I have tempered my expectations tremendously so that has calmed me down some.

But CRP has made a believer out of me in the last three years. He's taught me that it ain't over til it's over. But that doesn't make it any prettier.

But I'm also a lot more of a FB fan, and FB was hard to watch a lot of time too.

Hopefully, all will continue to improve

Go Cards
Zipp I think you are on to something but maybe they are in trenched in celebrating that they don't get back to the board...still seems odd that after a loss they can make time to vent. I know I'm all kinds of upset after a wife says it's going to be a bad day...lmao but it also depends on how we loss. If they played well and was just beaten it's easier to deal with. Either way it's all still just entertainment and I don't come to the board with my maybe it is just psycho ! lol
Originally posted by Rollem Cards:
Well, I don't consider myself a hater, but anyone who say's they didn't think we were toast after UVA went ahead late is either not being honest, or is just wearing red glasses. I knew we COULD win, but didn't know if the team thought they could...Rollem, when guys like you start to go soft on me, I get worried!

When I was about 12 years old, my mother did one of the biggest favors for me a parent ever could. In my younger days, I was a pretty good, competitive bowler--the activity kids and teenagers do under strobe lights and to rock music nowadays. But I had a little temper issue. When things went bad for "little zipp", I would often come back from a shot and give an energetic spoiled-brat kick to the ball-return machine. My mother was the youth league coach, and she obviously couldn't let her brat get away with that. So when she had enough, she told me the next time it happened, I was gonna be suspended for two weeks. Which it did and I was.

The embarrassment for a 12-year old bowling prodigy was too much too bear. That was the end of the ball-return kicking by 'zipp'. Almost 50 years later, if I see an adult do something similar in a bowling center, I think to myself "where was your mother?" But the other thing that whole experience did was personally teach me how to lose graciously, because that's the essence of that situation. In a more representative situation, watching Denny Crum lose graciously even during his fantastic run in the 80s was reinforcing as well.

It's not about being competitive or being a fan. It's about perspective. When I was standing at the UVA game during our timeout at 10 seconds and before Mangok's heroics, I recall thinking to myself... We played a helluva game in a helluva environment, and there's a good chance we're still gonna lose to a really, really good team. I'm not gonna let the hit-or-miss outcome of ONE shot at the very end change that perspective. Fortunately and thanks to Mangok, I didn't have to deal with the downside of that outcome.

Simply put, you shouldn't get that torqued up by the result of something as insignificant as a basketball game. Yes, it's easier said than done if you've made it well into adulthood. And nobody tell me I'm not a true fan. Being able to handle losing simply means I'm no longer a spoiled brat...
Zipp my jab was for that grouping of imposters that swing through on their new screen names. We know 'em when we see 'em.
Originally posted by Ipartiedwithhopgood:
Zipp my jab was for that grouping of imposters that swing through on their new screen names. We know 'em when we see 'em.I understand. Unfortunately, they have done it enough where what you're saying is true ("we know 'em...")

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