Not looking good...


Apr 27, 2015
So far Louisville baseball looks nothing like the powerhouse program it has been for over a decade. Has the draft taking our top recruits finally derailed the success? Remember Branden McKay could have skipped college he was that good.

Another miss at the post season this year looks likely from the effort of these three games in Florida. Who are the MLB level players on this team?

Coach McDonnell has his hands full.
I wouldn't be rushing to judgment were it not for how last year ended. 5-11 the last 16 games, and 12-17 the last 29.

Even in the win, this weekend looked like much of the same. Hopefully, these coaches have a fix or two coming...
So far Louisville baseball looks nothing like the powerhouse program it has been for over a decade. Has the draft taking our top recruits finally derailed the success? Remember Branden McKay could have skipped college he was that good.

Another miss at the post season this year looks likely from the effort of these three games in Florida. Who are the MLB level players on this team?

Coach McDonnell has his hands full.
They play 18 home games in a row I think, they’ll be fine
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As the men's basketball team can attest, home games can mean nothing when you're not very good.

The keystone cops defense this past weekend is not a good sign last year was a outlier.
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I appreciate that it is premature to base the future of this season on the 3 games played this weekend, however my examination of this roster before Friday’s win over Charlotte, suggest this team lacks the upperclassman with the level of talent that we have witnessed here in the past.

There are a lot of first year freshman and several RS a kids that may, or may not rise to the level we are accustomed to seeing, but right now I believe we are short-handed in individual talent and no where near the number of talented players that we have experienced in CDM‘s era.

I sure hope I wrong here, as I hate to see another disappointing UL baseball season.
Over the last 10 years many of the Cards Baseball teams have started out slowly. As mentioned, the schedule is very friendly and hopefully will pay dividends.
It is early however struggles usually apply to hitting. Hitting early on in cold weather can be a struggle. It usually gets better.

The issue from this weekend is fielding and pitching. Louisville under Mac has always been strong in defense and pitching. The errors this weekend were on routine plays. That is a red flag. Pitching is OK, but man they all get squared up often.

They have a lot of arms so they may find some guys. They have to learn to stop the bleeding but this weekend was completely on the fielding.
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I'm concerned as well even with how early it is. Like Zipp said, last season and the first 3 games of this season look a lot alike and look at the record. 12-17 in the last 29 games.

This weekend: way too many unforced errors, bullpen couldn't throw strikes as needed, couldn't get the timely hit, and dug way too many early holes.

Let's hope they regroup and get the win over X tonight.
this weekend was completely on the fielding.
I agree with this statement. We were only able to see the Saturday game so I don't know what happened on all those errors yesterday.
As far as Saturday, the first one was on Beard,who never saw the ball in the sun. Too much ground to make up for Usher.
The second one that inning was definitely routine that I could make on Usher this time thinking about throwing the guy out at third base. That one really was the straw that probably broke Poland's back. He was in complete control of that game until that 2nd E of the inning.
I think most of the errors yesterday were throwing.
The throwing errors remind me of horse trainers that lament their horses being lights out in the morning works but not able to handle the lights coming on in the afternoon races.
See y'all at the park.
How can you determine if you're right after 3 games? You only seem to stop by when times are bad.
Do you ever have a positive thing to say about anything?
What the hell you talking about? Had the baseball team won all three games like they should have I would be here saying that last season was a fluke.

You know it's kind of hard these days to praise UofL games except the women's team who I have praised. So I should not say anything unless it's praise? You sound like one of those who thinks free speech is only positive speech.

I don't need to defend my Louisville fanship to you. I've been pulling for the Cards for 4 decades now.
I'm afraid I have to agree with the lack of top players on this team. One problem is our top two upperclass recruits, Usher and Rushing have one hit in 21 times at bat. Usher also had an inexcusable error on Saturday that helped open the flood gates in the 2nd inning. For the first time I can remember we don't have a shut-down future pro in the rotation. Reminds me of the 2011 season.
Again, my opinion about the lack of talent was prior to the win over Charlotte. Most of which admittedly is relative; as we have been blessed with so many incredibly talented players and rosters under CDM tenure.

Just not seeing anywhere close to that level of talent individually, or collectively.
The pitching is the problem (obviously) , I still think we top tier bats. We Just don't have the arms we are used to.
After last nite's game, we have allowed 30 runs in four games. And we're 2-2.

Had we allowed four more runs in the wrong places--and 34 total--we could be 0-4 to start the year.

Considering that, I feel pretty damn lucky to be .500. Hope the baseball team feels that way too...
Like I said in the other thread,we might be a year away from contending for a national championship. Probably depends on a couple of things whether they do or not this year.
I noticed no Kerry Wright on the roster,we haven't seen Lohman or Seed yet and there are a lot of new arms being thrown into the fire much like 2020 when there were 4 freshmen pitching early before that season was halted.
The defense is a different issue,one that looks like more of guys not communicating. I saw it firsthand last night. I really think CDM will address that issue and get it fixed.
Lots of upside to this group. How fast they get there is the question. Seems we truly have all become used to seeing a polished product in March.
Might take a little longer but I think it's coming. The vets on this team,whether they're playing or watching,have to lead.
Kerry Wright is at Houston now. Is Seed healthy? As for this year, we may need a youth movement to get where we want to go a little bit faster.
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Kerry Wright is at Houston now. Is Seed healthy? As for this year, we may need a youth movement to get where we want to go a little bit faster.
Houston?! Well,that's that then as Don said to Randall Pink Floyd in Dazed and Confused. Seed was seen at the dinner and said he was good to go.
The youth movement is already in process. Humphrey started in center last night,Wescott at 1st base.
Like I said in the other thread,we might be a year away from contending for a national championship. Probably depends on a couple of things whether they do or not this year.
I noticed no Kerry Wright on the roster,we haven't seen Lohman or Seed yet and there are a lot of new arms being thrown into the fire much like 2020 when there were 4 freshmen pitching early before that season was halted.
The defense is a different issue,one that looks like more of guys not communicating. I saw it firsthand last night. I really think CDM will address that issue and get it fixed.
Lots of upside to this group. How fast they get there is the question. Seems we truly have all become used to seeing a polished product in March.
Might take a little longer but I think it's coming. The vets on this team,whether they're playing or watching,have to lead.
The biggest takeaway I saw last night (I wasn’t able to go to Florida) is that this team is not as aggressive on the bases as Coach McD’s teams usually are. It seemed in the past that every guy was a threat to steal. Now it seems like a lot of guys are just trying to hit HRs like the major leagues. I like small ball and always putting the pressure on their pitchers and defense.
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Not sure about those arms in the outfield either. We'll see...
IDK - think it was Benson who got that ball to home plate. Rushing didn’t handle it very cleanly and runner made a great slide.
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IDK - think it was Benson who got that ball to home plate. Rushing didn’t handle it very cleanly and runner made a great slide.
That was a pretty good throw. I was on the 3rd base line. Thought they had him.
Humphrey is actually a better fit where he was,in right,because of his arm.
There are folks here who know more about baseball than I. And I sincerely hope the guys get better as a group with more game time experience. As it stands now, and I like to think I have a pretty good eye/judge of talent, our Cardinal nine are not good. Not even close. Now, it’s only been 4 games. Not exactly much to go on. They have failed, badly, the eye test so far.

I’m a sadist. I love being proven wrong. Let’s go, Cards!
Pitching has to work itself out and be reliable. I think we will know in a couple of weeks. Leaving runners on in scoring position has presented itself in the past and…it worked itself out. Defense…this has to be there. If the pitcher struggles a bit the defense needs to bail them out. Thus far that hasn’t been the case. They don’t have to be an award-winning defense - just solid.
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Most of the team that started last night will be back next season. I think if fans were expecting a championship run after what happened last season,there's obviously concern.
I think I said it in the game thread last night, my honest opinion is I think they're a year away from competing for serious hardware. I don't think they're bad,just young...really young. I'm intending on enjoying the ride.
I'm not quite ready to write off our issues as youth or inexperience. Think back the last decade and recall how many freshmen and sophomores have made big contributions to this program.

And that kinda performance wasn't luck or by chance. These coaches identified talented kids and got them ready to play well very early in their college careers. Which is what they (the kids) want because they wanna be in the Draft as juniors academically.

That system has been working in spades, and I'm curious why it wouldn't be working now. Covid? Everyone's had to deal with that...
I know I was certainly not thinking this group was ready for a deep run. I do think there is enough talent to make the tournament.
I think the covid season that ended the Cards chances to make a serious run for the championship has temporarily halted the programs dominance. In 2020, the Cards were loaded and poised for a championship run with Detmers and Miller pitching and Binelas and others at the plate. But they didn't get the chance.

Then the 2021 season was so disjointed, the team never reached its usual potential while at the same time, the most talented players were thinking more about their draft status than the team.

Now two years later the program so far has no conference all-Americans or can't miss MLB prospects. For the program to get back to where its accustomed to, some current players will need to reach that level. If not, we will just be another average team.
I think the covid season that ended the Cards chances to make a serious run for the championship has temporarily halted the programs dominance. In 2020, the Cards were loaded and poised for a championship run with Detmers and Miller pitching and Binelas and others at the plate. But they didn't get the chance.

Then the 2021 season was so disjointed, the team never reached its usual potential while at the same time, the most talented players were thinking more about their draft status than the team.

Now two years later the program so far has no conference all-Americans or can't miss MLB prospects. For the program to get back to where its accustomed to, some current players will need to reach that level. If not, we will just be another average team.
Naw, it’s not Covid. It’s the result of being a top notch program and losing several players to the MLB draft. Some guys we thought would come back but the reality is every kid has the dream of being drafted. The burden is that you continually have to replace those kids with at least equal talent. It hasn’t seem to work out, at least not yet. I think the biggest miss is top level pitching.
I don’t think you necessarily need AAs or multiple all-conference players. Why? See WBB. If you have multiple guys who are above average i don’t think you need any one (or two) guys who are superstars (although that would be nice). A couple of pitchers do, however, have to shown they can come in and not walk guys and not give up homeruns. Maybe a few wins will build some much needed confidence and get a lot of these guys’ heads in the right place.