NIL: "We aren't close to that..."

the artist FKA zipp

Gold Member
May 29, 2022
More on what I think the real story is behind U of L's current NIL experience... No one's reporting this systematically, so you look for anecdotal evidence like this comment from Jeff Walz on Drew Deener's radio show Wednesday morning. If you wanna listen for yourself, it's late in the second hour of his show.

Walz was quoted during the discussion on what he's heard about the NIL income for the starting five on Tennessee's women's basketball team. The average he quoted was $75-100,000 per player. And his quote in the header was his own team's experience.

FWIW Deener remarked that based on his own assessment, the average well heeled donor at U of L isn't naturally plugged into NIL. He should know less than Walz, but that guy's a schmoozer often spotted in suites or behind the bench of a U of L basketball game like the Maryland game on Tuesday. Again anecdotal, but not necessarily a throwaway comment.

The entire 10-minute or so discussion is worth a listen. Walz made a couple points pretty clear... One is that elite players expect money to be prearranged before they step foot on campus. And he goes on to say that his program needs to find players who aren't as highly ranked that they can develop into highly regarded players. Loose NIL translation... We don't have that kinda money, nor are we likely to get it.

Obviously Wlaz has an elite basketball program. And based on performance alone, we should be getting our fair share of NIL flowing into women's basketball. He would explain it's not that straightforward.

I relate this all as a counterargument to the belief that U of L football is taking maximum advantage of NIL money. I dispute that as a not-so-subtle distinction from we are BENEFITING from recruits getting NIL money. The Clarkson kid, his connections, and his future teammates have done most of this on their own. There are no references anywhere to what U of L had set up for him. Nor would anyone logically expect that of or from a school that can hardly raise money to save itself.

Good for the young man and good for us to be the beneficiary. But that's all the accolades I'm doling out at this point...
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That was a very interesting listen for sure. He also commented that Hailey has set all of her NIL on her own.
HVL has something like a million Twitter followers IIRC. She brought that with her from the West Coast. She was her own brand before U of L. Same with the Clarkson kid.

U of L's NIL program is about revenue raising AFTER the kids arrive to campus. If there's credit or blame in that regard, it's how much money is raised from that point forward. There has to be that distinction.

And I haven't heard others comment, but I haven't run into a fan yet who's contributing money to NIL. The schools want fans to do that, but is it occurring at U of L in any significant way? I kinda doubt it...
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Thanks for the well-thought out post Zipp! You came about as close to answering the question that I have posed on several threads about why this 2023 recruiting class has been so successful thus far. There were a few responses, which I appreciated, but they were all based on opinion. However, one poster provided a specific answer that made sense; specifically how Steve Clarkson’s relationship with Adidas via his QB Academy explains the 4 California recruits.

Allow me to offer my own explanation about Tennessee Womens Basketball that Jeff identified; specifically in a more general sense ……. the SEC. The level of fan support in the SEC is well beyond any other conference. It started with their Football, but anyone who is paying attention can see how the attendance for SEC Baseball games over the years has been huge. Now you can see the increase in SEC Men’s and Women’s Basketball …… it is not just those at the top; it’s from the top to the bottom.
Thanks for the well-thought out post Zipp! You came about as close to answering the question that I have posed on several threads about why this 2023 recruiting class has been so successful thus far. There were a few responses, which I appreciated, but they were all based on opinion. However, one poster provided a specific answer that made sense; specifically how Steve Clarkson’s relationship with Adidas via his QB Academy explains the 4 California recruits.

Allow me to offer my own explanation about Tennessee Womens Basketball that Jeff identified; specifically in a more general sense ……. the SEC. The level of fan support in the SEC is well beyond any other conference. It started with their Football, but anyone who is paying attention can see how the attendance for SEC Baseball games over the years has been huge. Now you can see the increase in SEC Men’s and Women’s Basketball …… it is not just those at the top; it’s from the top to the bottom.
Agree with pretty much all of that. I'm obviously grateful that we have HVL and hope that these football recruits sign.

At this point, those kids are benefiting from NIL, and I guess you could say U of L is as well. But that's about all you can say until (if ever) there is national reporting of how much NIL revenue is flowing to each school's student-athletes. Then and only then will we know how well U of L is enabling these kids to raise NIL money...
All I want is transparency; if folks want to see this go totally off the rails, just let this NIL remain undisclosed.

I would imagine this recent increase in IRS agents will be engaged in looking at whether these athletes and their respective families paid their Federal,Taxes.
All I want is transparency; if folks want to see this go totally off the rails, just let this NIL remain undisclosed.

I would imagine this recent increase in IRS agents will be engaged in looking at whether these athletes and their respective families paid their Federal,Taxes.
Those 80 thousand additional IRS agents haven't been hired yet and the new Congress is not going to supply the money for them.
I hope your right, but you can bet this NIL a is going to attract whatever IRS agents are in place, as this is a sufficient amount of money that is going to young folks who the majority have not been accustomed to this situation
I think there's little question that U of L will have the NIL data. The only question is whether we see it and how easy it is to get...
HVL has something like a million Twitter followers IIRC. She brought that with her from the West Coast. She was her own brand before U of L. Same with the Clarkson kid.

U of L's NIL program is about revenue raising AFTER the kids arrive to campus. If there's credit or blame in that regard, it's how much money is raised from that point forward. There has to be that distinction.

And I haven't heard others comment, but I haven't run into a fan yet who's contributing money to NIL. The schools want fans to do that, but is it occurring at U of L in any significant way? I kinda doubt it...
Zipp I gave some recently was going to do 502 circle but my contact at u of l said it was better to do it through them. Thanks for the parking pass I would love to have it next year
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More from Jeff Walz on NIL...

Attended his coach's show last nite at the downtown Parlour Pizza. I recommend to anyone who wants a good pizza and entertainment to attend one. His are far better than either of the football or men's basketball shows, even during a good season!

I can't recall the question that got him started, but Walz began talking off the cuff about the NIL situation at U of L. This was after the radio on-air part of the evening. Despite HVL's tremendous success, he clearly thinks that his program is well behind other major programs nationally. Walz mentioned again the Tennessee example. He also said that an LSU star recruit is reportedly banking $250,000.

Walz made a comparison of U of L's situation to a small market professional franchise, specifically mentioning the Yankees and the Reds. And he didn't appear to be couching his remarks as just pertaining to women's basketball. He thinks U of L athletics will be running to catch up to the programs that always have the advantages, the large state universities and those with traditions. He reiterated that his players aren't getting or will be getting what Tennessee's are getting in women's basketball.

Walz said more or less that he fears NIL will be the downfall of college sports. Keep in mind the guy saying this coaches one of the best programs in the country in his sport. I agree with that sentiment although I fear it most in a sport like men's basketball. How much of that translates to football or women's basketball, as examples, will be interesting.

Hard to square Walz's comments with what is PERCEIVED to be the case with football. And I'll keep saying it, much of the football money that U of L is benefiting from came along with the recruits and not because of U of L's direct involvement. I'll continue to monitor events and comments to change that assessment...
Nice report Zipp …… I value Jeff’s opinion. In fairness, anyone should be able to see that NIL, transfer portal and the NCAA are a few of the reasons college sports will never be the same. I see the SEC as an example of what Jeff described ……those State Institutions are dominating college sports.
I think Walz has it exactly right. The small market analogy is perfect.

And the projection that college sports are turning into pro sports is also correct

And Louisville cannot compete in this environment.

College sports as we knew it is kaput. NIL and Transfers have destroyed it.

The big schools will be fine running their new College Pro programs. But not Louisville
I think Walz has it exactly right. The small market analogy is perfect.

And the projection that college sports are turning into pro sports is also correct

And Louisville cannot compete in this environment.

College sports as we knew it is kaput. NIL and Transfers have destroyed it.

The big schools will be fine running their new College Pro programs. But not Louisville
And I hope JW doesn’t run to the money. He is spot on in his assessment.
I think Walz has it exactly right. The small market analogy is perfect.

And the projection that college sports are turning into pro sports is also correct

And Louisville cannot compete in this environment.

College sports as we knew it is kaput. NIL and Transfers have destroyed it.

The big schools will be fine running their new College Pro programs. But not Louisville
Thanks for your encouraging outlook :(
In regards to the SEC schools having great attendance in all their sports I have to refer to a comment made by Rick Pitino when he was at sUcK. “ The best thing about coaching in the SEC is when I take my team on the road I never have to worry about them violating their curfew. In the towns we go to there is nothing in the world to do there”.

I have been to a lot of the SEC campuses because of work and I had to stay extended time. Rick Pitino was right when he said that and that is what makes their attendance so good. They are definitely the only show in town. As far as Tennessee goes so far this year it looks like they have over paid their women’s basketball team because they are under performing.

I think you’re right that NIL and the transfer portal will ruin college sports. We are starting to see separation from the schools that use it to the maximum like Texas volleyball and others from the schools that don’t. I really think one way to combat this is to limit how many transfers you can take every year. In a way I feel sorry for the students who go to a school and put their time in thinking they will finally get into the rotation next year only to have a bought and paid transfer come in and bump them out. They have to wonder do they really want to go to a school like Texas who will bring a whole new lineup that is bought and paid for and bump you out?
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I wish it was different that what we are witnessing, but we are already seeing a trend where the talented HS kids are transferring to more attractive schools and “Academies” that would suggest ”pay for play” is involved.

At one time it was only the private schools who engaged in recruiting student athletes, but now you see it happening in the Public Schools.
Louisville has one commitment so far and that is Sole Williams who plays guard and is a top 50 recruit. They are also in on some top inside players as the staff will hit the road this weekend.
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Louisville has one commitment so far and that is Sole Williams who plays guard and is a top 50 recruit. They are also in on some top inside players as the staff will hit the road this weekend.
Sorry. Incorrect- we have zero (known) commits. Williams decommited a while back. Going to USC (I think).

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