Let's hope it's not true


One-Star Poster
Feb 13, 2012
reports about a book being released about Louisville paying for escorts to woo recruits.
Some serious allegations there that would be very damaging to the basketball program if found to be true. We will just have to wait to see how it plays out. Glad the university is treating it seriously by hiring an investigator.

A "Madame" who pimped out her 3 daughters?
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No doubt there are going to be some very uncomfortable coming months for UofL basketball and its fans. If even some of these allegations are true, it jeopardizes the national championship. Also it wouldn't be unreasonable to see Coach Pitino resign. Lets hope these are fabricated allegations.
I will admit that I am a UK fan, but I wouldn't worry too much about this currently. The media will shine a light on UL for awhile as a result, but as they say, there is no such thing as bad press. This is more than likely a money grab much akin to legal extortion. I would worry if she has text messages like she has claimed to that proves her allegations. Until she provides those or we as the public hear about them, I wouldn't give this a second thought. Just my 2 cents looking in from the outside.
It's not true. Don't worry. It's probably just some UK fan trying to get UofL in trouble. I've seen this play before and it never works out for the poor sUcKs fans.
Really? It's going to be in a book. This isn't some Facebook post or some other social media post. Someone looked into her allegations and proof and decided there was enough evidence to warranty being published. I, being a huge cards fan, am very concerned.
If there are pictures and text messages then things could be very problematic even though she is a low-rent @#$%*

You can get pictures of players and recruites at ANY function where they are at...NOW, if there are NUDE Pictures...Then PUNISHMENT IS REQUIRED!!!

No doubt there are going to be some very uncomfortable coming months for UofL basketball and its fans. If even some of these allegations are true, it jeopardizes the national championship. Also it wouldn't be unreasonable to see Coach Pitino resign. Lets hope these are fabricated allegations.

Nothing will happen to the 2013 Title...Can you say Duke...Kentucky, Syracuse, UCLA Or UNC!!!

Kentucky fan here. This smells like crap and i wouldn't worry about it if i were a ul fan. Looks like somebody wanting to sell books.
I've seen a lot from the inside... Don't believe ANYTHING you read or hear on first blush nowadays regardless of the source.
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If she contends this is all true and the recruits, as reported, are high school kids, there have to be some serious charges brought here including statutory rape on her part as well as a long list of other offenses. Statute of limitations is still in effect. Looks like a confession to me. Jurich was asked at the phone press conference if there was any attempt at extortion before this info was released and his response was, "I'm not going to answer that question". Really smells like a set up.
You've gotta love the whores. The IRS and the vice squad might want to get their take on what Katina Powell and her daughters "made." If her and her daughters performed sex on under age recruits they may find themselves getting some in the pen.
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In the article under "The Vetting Process" I thought they would talk about how her story was corroborated by others mentioned in the book. Instead, they found an investigator to interview her and he said he found her credible. This is vetting???
What is Indiana's and Tom Crean's role in this?

To my little tiny bit of understanding of this, nothing. It's my understanding that an IU booster had a photo that may have involved a UofL player/recruit that he contacted UofL sources to confirm. At this early stage, I don't THINK there is any thought that IU sought to do UofL harm.
You've gotta love the whores. The IRS and the vice squad might want to get their take on what Katina Powell and her daughters "made." If her and her daughters performed sex on under age recruits they may find themselves getting some in the pen.
I just looked up Kentucky's age of consent, and it stated 16 years old. At 16 years old a party can have consensual sex with anyone 16 or older.
I just looked up Kentucky's age of consent, and it stated 16 years old. At 16 years old a party can have consensual sex with anyone 16 or older.
Not 100% but I think that just means 16 is when it is ok to have sex. If you violate something like a 3 year cushion it would still be statutory. Aka a 16 yr old can't have sex with a 15 yr old because they aren't deemed mentally developed enough to give consent.
If true, I'm just frustrated that they used the services of that nasty piece of stray, and not a premium escort. I mean really, if you want to get the five star guys you have to provide them with five star women. What does it tell a recruit when you send in some broken down stripper with stretch marks and bullet holes all over her body? SMH.
If there is any truth to this it should be pretty easy to find out how or where the money was coming from whether from Andres own pocket and was expensing it or if it was funded through an account. When this was reported to start Andre wasn't making enough money to do this.
Not 100% but I think that just means 16 is when it is ok to have sex. If you violate something like a 3 year cushion it would still be statutory. Aka a 16 yr old can't have sex with a 15 yr old because they aren't deemed mentally developed enough to give consent.
Either way, this girl probably isn't very smart, but I'm guessing the some of the people she's working with are; and I doubt they would let her potential incriminate herself if all this turns out to be true. I guess will know a lot more about this tomorrow.
It really sux all the way around even if the allegations turn out not to be true because of the publicity it brings and will continue to bring. If the allegations turn out to be true, the crap could hit the fan. I heard on one radio station where the NCAA has their top investigator assigned to the situation, if that means anything.
If true you would have thought we could have got more 5 stars...
That was my first thought too as bad as that sounds. Maybe this turns out to be BS or maybe it is true. The only thing any of us can do is wait to see how it plays out.
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As many others have commented, I hope this news ISN"T true, I won't and don't want to say nothing more cause it's sickens me to even think about this for my fav college school.
With all the stuff in our society today that is considered normal behavior why would a young man having sex with a prostitute be so alarming?
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Don't you think the reality was Chance could have some young beauty from campus or Ville? Would Chane really need to go after trash such as Madame & daughters?
He left in '14 for an assistants job. Money! Experience.
With all the stuff in our society today that is considered normal behavior why would a young man having sex with a prostitute be so alarming?

The act itself is a misdemeanor. But, if a coach is paying for it to help entice him to come to the school then it becomes a big NCAA problem
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McGee will get hurt by all this, probably out of the business for good.

The book didn't really produce a "gotcha" moment. 700 texts disappearing due to a virus, pictures of full clothed players sitting on coaches, and a diary.

No doubt she has names of players and timing of recruits being in town, some specific detail not just anybody might have.

More than likely McGee's relationship existed w/ this woman and he set up some gatherings, but as to evidence of paper trail of finances, that's TBD.

Since there were outsiders involved, i.e. - players that chose to go to school somewhere else, the truth will come out. Antonio Blakeney was already questioned, seemed his responses were denials.

National media will be all over this. Sex sells. It's juicy. It will be a cloud over the program, at the very least.

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