Kentucky fans on the radio

Jun 10, 2005
It cracks me up that Kentucky fans feel the need to call in a University of Louisville radio show on The Ville 93.9 and try to give opinions and theories that would make an X Files episode. Glad Drew Diener hangs up on most of them. One Ky fan said that John Yarmuth was involved...waiting on them to stick Obama in soon.

1. Why do you care?
2. Stop listening to Matt Jones and his minions.
3. Get a life.

Remember, karma is a b!tch....just sayin'
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It cracks me up that Kentucky fans feel the need to call in a University of Louisville radio show on The Ville 93.9 and try to give opinions and theories that would make an X Files episode. Glad Drew Diener hangs up on most of them. One Ky fan said that John Yarmuth was involved...waiting on them to stick Obama in soon.

1. Why do you care?
2. Stop listening to Matt Jones and his minions.
3. Get a life.

Remember, karma is a b!tch....just sayin'
If any school knows what we are going through it would be them...they wrote the book
It cracks me up that Kentucky fans feel the need to call in a University of Louisville radio show on The Ville 93.9 and try to give opinions and theories that would make an X Files episode. Glad Drew Diener hangs up on most of them. One Ky fan said that John Yarmuth was involved...waiting on them to stick Obama in soon.

1. Why do you care?
2. Stop listening to Matt Jones and his minions.
3. Get a life.

Remember, karma is a b!tch....just sayin'
Do you really think it would be different if roles were reversed?? UofL fans would have a field day... It is what it is
Do you really think it would be different if roles were reversed?? UofL fans would have a field day... It is what it is

Maybe, but not on the scale of what UK fans are doing. They are in their own dimension. They are the fanbase that needs to feel reinforced by their Cat Call shows on every other night and all day long. It is what it is.
Question is how does Matt Jones get the 1st scoop before local pro U of L media. Someone in u of L is pro uk or anti u of l. And nothing is being leaked pro u of L about why , ramsey did what he did.
Maybe, but not on the scale of what UK fans are doing. They are in their own dimension. They are the fanbase that needs to feel reinforced by their Cat Call shows on every other night and all day long. It is what it is.
I listen to "The Afternoon Underdogs" just about everyday (when I can) b/c I like Vanetti. On Wednesday, they spent the entire show mocking UK for losing to UT. They started the show playing Rocky Top and played various versions of the song at every break. Took calls from UL fans about how losing to a team as bad as UT is nearly a fireable offense for Cal. All of this is fine and it was funny b/c of the rivalry. My point being, if a UL radio show and their fans will make fun of UK for a single bad loss, you don't think they'd thoroughly take advantage of a UK NCAA violation... just like UK fans are doing? Seems a bit self-righteous to think otherwise.
UK fans are absolutely the most disgusting and uneducated people on planet Earth. Go read any of the posts on rupp rafters, when UK loses they hate their team, when they win " I KNEW WE COULD DO IT, LOVE THEM THERE CATS WERE SO GOOD". Literally a bunch of mongoloids, who cares what they get on radio stations and say. They've been in trouble before, and their oh so pristine Calipari (who 99% of UK fans hated before he came to UK) has 2 final 4's stripped. You'll recover from this Louisville, yeah it's disgusting what happened, but you guys will be alright.
"You got proof players accepted benefits?
If not STFU."

and this:
"crew Ramsey and his uk fluckie insiders. His self saving fall on the sword move. has cost this university a HOF coach,possibly a excellent Ad, and a loyal fanbase and donor love. not oo mention going forward what this could do to this program."

is why we are in the position we find ourselves in. Kids, pay close attention. It's something I learned in my 25 years an Army soldier and then officer. The wrong thing might be the easiest route but in the end you'll never lose a night of sleep or worry about your job if you do the right thing. We were wrong and should suffer the consequences. Hopefully, in the future, others placed in positions of authority will do the right thing. As of today I have stopped giving money to the University. They and the fan base will have to prove to me that they understand what right is. I'm sure I'll be censored once again here, which again highlights the problem......the right thing to do isn't always the easiest or popular thing to do.
I listen to "The Afternoon Underdogs" just about everyday (when I can) b/c I like Vanetti. On Wednesday, they spent the entire show mocking UK for losing to UT. They started the show playing Rocky Top and played various versions of the song at every break. Took calls from UL fans about how losing to a team as bad as UT is nearly a fireable offense for Cal. All of this is fine and it was funny b/c of the rivalry. My point being, if a UL radio show and their fans will make fun of UK for a single bad loss, you don't think they'd thoroughly take advantage of a UK NCAA violation... just like UK fans are doing? Seems a bit self-righteous to think otherwise.
Once 93.9 came on Vanetti got turned the f***k off. He is licking all over Matt's behind, hosting ksr radio show sometimes. He is such a uk homer.
"You got proof players accepted benefits?
If not STFU."

and this:
"crew Ramsey and his uk fluckie insiders. His self saving fall on the sword move. has cost this university a HOF coach,possibly a excellent Ad, and a loyal fanbase and donor love. not oo mention going forward what this could do to this program."

is why we are in the position we find ourselves in. Kids, pay close attention. It's something I learned in my 25 years an Army soldier and then officer. The wrong thing might be the easiest route but in the end you'll never lose a night of sleep or worry about your job if you do the right thing. We were wrong and should suffer the consequences. Hopefully, in the future, others placed in positions of authority will do the right thing. As of today I have stopped giving money to the University. They and the fan base will have to prove to me that they understand what right is. I'm sure I'll be censored once again here, which again highlights the problem......the right thing to do isn't always the easiest or popular thing to do.
So, the "right thing to do" is punish kids who had nothing to do with the situation?
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Why would a true Cards fan be listening to 790 The Dogs? That radio station died back when this hooker trash started. They can make fun of BB all they want. Dials aren't going back to 790. Try 93.9 the true Cards radio talk.
I am not a Cards fan. I just like the show b/c it's funny. As for UL listeners, based on callers, they do pretty well.
My roommate is a UK fan and he was pissing and moaning about UofL fans calling in to their show when they s#it the bed against Tennessee. Both fan bases have a percentage of idiots who live to troll. But that small percentage doesn't represent them or us. Like someone posted earlier in this thread, it's a rivalry. Probably the most heated college basketball rivalry in the country. Can't let some morons who have nothing better to do than call in on a rival's radio show bug you that much.
So, the "right thing to do" is punish kids who had nothing to do with the situation?

The two "kids" in question made a business decision just like all recruits do. I feel badly for both, as they seem like good kids who play hard and represent your university the right way. Unfortunately, it was a bad decision. I blame CRP, he could have probably been more honest with them from the onset and given them more info, but he didn't. Really, he probably didn't need to, as he probably really thought this would blow over . I mean after all, he did know about all of this quite a while ago. So, at the end of the day, it is what it is. These two men aren't being punished, the university they chose to play for is being punished. And yes, that is the right thing to do. At least, in the eyes of your very own university it is? I think so too, by the ways.
The two "kids" in question made a business decision just like all recruits do. I feel badly for both, as they seem like good kids who play hard and represent your university the right way. Unfortunately, it was a bad decision. I blame CRP, he could have probably been more honest with them from the onset and given them more info, but he didn't. Really, he probably didn't need to, as he probably really thought this would blow over . I mean after all, he did know about all of this quite a while ago. So, at the end of the day, it is what it is. These two men aren't being punished, the university they chose to play for is being punished. And yes, that is the right thing to do. At least, in the eyes of your very own university it is? I think so too, by the ways.
As a yut fan I can certainly understand how you've become jaded enough to view every decision by a "recruit" to be a business one. That's the business model that uk now is the face for - and proud to be.

You blaming Pitino and suggesting he knew flies in face of the conventional wisdom that he had no knowledge of the events that occurred, and is a specious argument from a bitter yut fan that reeks of pent up anger for him jilting big hillbilly nation years ago.

By the "ways" (sic), nobody here gives two caliparis what you think is right.
As a yut fan I can certainly understand how you've become jaded enough to view every decision by a "recruit" to be a business one. That's the business model that uk now is the face for - and proud to be.

You blaming Pitino and suggesting he knew flies in face of the conventional wisdom that he had no knowledge of the events that occurred, and is a specious argument from a bitter yut fan that reeks of pent up anger for him jilting big hillbilly nation years ago.

By the "ways" (sic), nobody here gives two caliparis what you think is right.

Well, was just trying to take part in a conversation. I can see your just into slinging poo. No worries. And what I was eluding to was that Pitino knew of the allegations but didn't tell either of those two guys. I'm probably not correct on that. I believe Pitino said he knew in the summer, and Lewis transferred in April. And also, if you can honestly say that those two boys weren't making a business decision, well. Whatever.
Well, was just trying to take part in a conversation. I can see your just into slinging poo. No worries. And what I was eluding to was that Pitino knew of the allegations but didn't tell either of those two guys. I'm probably not correct on that. I believe Pitino said he knew in the summer, and Lewis transferred in April. And also, if you can honestly say that those two boys weren't making a business decision, well. Whatever.
No, I'm not just into slinging calipari and regardless, you took part in the conversation so, mission accomplished I guess.

Curious though, if your point was Pitino knew, then why are you trying to run away from it - lol. If, rather than trying to escape it, you were insinuating that Pitino knew, again that seems to run counter to most accepted opinion on the matter.

I don't know DL & TL so I don't profess to know their innermost secrets. What I do know is what they've said. That after spending their respective collegiate careers at teams that had never made the NCAA tournament and, had legitimately no chance to do so this year, they decided as graduate students to transfer to a program where they could play better competition and have a good opportunity to play in the tourney. The removal of that chance is what they've discussed has been the hardest thing. Again, as a yut fan I get that you've been trained to view the selection of the university of calipary by recruits as a business move, and to celebrate draft night as the biggest night in big hillbilly nation's year. That's not the case here, or really anywhere else on the collegiate landscape.

And FYI, a "business decision" would have been to blow off their collegiate careers and declare for the draft or, start cashing checks to play professionally in Europe.
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Well, was just trying to take part in a conversation. I can see your just into slinging poo. No worries. And what I was eluding to was that Pitino knew of the allegations but didn't tell either of those two guys. I'm probably not correct on that. I believe Pitino said he knew in the summer, and Lewis transferred in April. And also, if you can honestly say that those two boys weren't making a business decision, well. Whatever.
Noone here cares what you have to say. Your 11 or so posts on a Louisville board mean nothing head on back over to the board where someone gives a crap what you have to say.
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...I blame CRP, he could have probably been more honest with them from the onset and given them more info, but he didn't. Really, he probably didn't need to, as he probably really thought this would blow over . I mean after all, he did know about all of this quite a while ago...
And do you have evidence about what Pitino knew and when, or is this more of the typical slapd!ck BS that you clowns expect everyone to believe? Link your sources.
Well, was just trying to take part in a conversation. I can see your just into slinging poo. No worries. And what I was eluding to was that Pitino knew of the allegations but didn't tell either of those two guys. I'm probably not correct on that...
Of course you're not. Just another slapd!ck doing, how do you say, "slinging poo"?


"Elite program", my a$$...
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I often wonder if there is a term in UK lexicon for "transparency". The stuff we see here almost always seems so remarkably lame. Meanwhile, at their site, every hyperbole known to man and beast is accepted conventional wisdom. What a bizarre feeling it must be to post here for such a self-protected, circle jerking cult of humanity.

Something as mind-numblingly honest and simple as Pitino explaining much earlier his expectations that "the investigation will toil onwards towards deep summer" would seem to be ample fuel to assume his reflected those same thoughts to Lee and Lewis.

How hard is that?
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The UK fans on here crack me up...They are saying that "You would be doing the same thing if it was UK". Well, for one thing the UK Rivals doesn't allow non UK fans on it's boards...unless you lick the boots of their admins and promise pretty please with sugar on top not one negative word would be said about the Cats or Pay Pal Cal. You have a far too long of a leash on UofL boards in my opinion. I find it odd that UK fans would want to post here 24/7 anyway. Just like calling into UofL radio shows, way more UK fans do it than UofL...I don't listen to Matt Jones, so tell me how many actual "UofL fans" call into his show?? Arch rivals or not, it's just odd.
We threw them a big fat soft ball. The example provided by "leaders" with no moral compass is taking it's toll. These kids see what goes on and think they can do the same. It's kids seeing drug dealers and thinking they do this too. It's kids seeing adults not taking responsibility and players getting the penalty. It's kids seeing "leaders" doing immoral things and getting away with it when they should be role models for the kids.
I only speak for myself as a UK fan but I think that aside from a little schadenfreude from watching Pitino squirm, I mainly feel bad for this years team. They are a likeable group and they play hard so what is not to like. I give them benefit of the doubt that they don't know about or were involved in any wrongdoing so that makes the post season ban a shame. I think UL would have made some noise and even if the NCAAs goes nuts and starts vacating games (which I don't think they will do) at least the team would have had the experience of playing, travelling, etc. For what it is worth, I am old enough to remember the $1000 emory (which I still think was a setup) and Eric Manual's SATs (I am less certain that there was nothing to see there) and so I have some empathy for you guys. Mainly most of have one thing in common which is we like our teams and they provide a little break from the stress of daily life. When things like this creep in, it stinks.

Hopefully the people that did wrong will pay in some way and the injury to the innocent will be minimized.
Question is how does Matt Jones get the 1st scoop before local pro U of L media. Someone in u of L is pro uk or anti u of l. And nothing is being leaked pro u of L about why , ramsey did what he did.
I think the simplest answer is that all of the media is pro UK. That's the problem that we face in this town. It leans blue in our own city. Personally, I think it's time for the university to stop talking to them and giving them information. It would make things harder on us but we can get our coverage from Howie, Deener, John Ramsey, and those guys. I don't need Blozich, Forde, Crawford, and the rest of the pro UK minions telling us things. Quite frankly I don't want to hear what they have to say anyways.
I have never listened to a sUcK radio show much less ever call into one. I don't ever watch them play unless they are playing UL.
This. I don't have time to care beyond Louisville. I just don't have the time or energy to care about anything outside of UofL. If it ain't a UofL game, I ain't watching. Sorry, sUcKs fans. Don't care enough.
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You guys always mocked UK fans for our players not being around long enough to "get to know them". We're l1c4, we want our players around 4 years to get to know them.

Your two "one and done players" seem to be good kids, but, why all the concern, they've only been there a few months?
Anyone who can't tell the different between a college graduate choosing to compete at the highest level and a money hungry high schooler that doesn't care about the program, has as porous morals as the coach that represents his fan base.
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The UK fans on here crack me up...They are saying that "You would be doing the same thing if it was UK". Well, for one thing the UK Rivals doesn't allow non UK fans on it's boards...unless you lick the boots of their admins and promise pretty please with sugar on top not one negative word would be said about the Cats or Pay Pal Cal. You have a far too long of a leash on UofL boards in my opinion. I find it odd that UK fans would want to post here 24/7 anyway. Just like calling into UofL radio shows, way more UK fans do it than UofL...I don't listen to Matt Jones, so tell me how many actual "UofL fans" call into his show?? Arch rivals or not, it's just odd.
This is the first time I've looked at UL's board on Rivals. I am a UK fan that constantly is bashed on UK's board because I am regularly critical of our fans that just bash UL for the sake of bashing and make up stupid names for our rival. Having read this thread, I realize that UL fans are the exact same. I have to deal with fans from both teams regularly, and think everyone can hate the other team for rivalry's sake, but to be so juvenile to criticize solely for the sake of criticizing and not admitting your team's shortcomings is stupid. I feel bad for your 5th year transfers, but to say they aren't doing the same thing that better players that only play one year at UK is sunshine pumping. They could have went to the tournament at Drexel or wherever Lewis came from. No one made them play there originally. If they are so good, carry your team to a conference tournament championship. Like I said, they had the rug pulled from under them for something they didn't cause, and I feel bad for them. But you can't just lie and say they love your program and UK's freshman one and dones don't love UK.