First day of classes


Four-Star Poster
Jan 12, 2010
Y'all know what that means? Practice ready to ramp up for Fall Ball.
Really curious to see who's back,who's new and where they're at(the newbies)

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Yeah,me too. With the way the transfer portals are nowadays I just like to have a good idea about who actually made it back and which new faces might have an impact.
I went out yesterday and have a good idea about most of the position guys coming back. Hoping they crank up the intra squad scrimmages in a week or two.
I'll keep you guys updated:
Assuming the returnees perform consistently and at an expected level. Plus, no major injuries, This team should be talented in the field and at the plate. They should also have depth. Pitching. That is Still the $1M question since the Covid year. Can we get back to great pitching. We all know it has been very average since that year. Fri and Sat starters Have to be above average. Sunday and weekday starters Have to average at worse. Seems like the staff has been piece-meal for a while.
Assuming the returnees perform consistently and at an expected level. Plus, no major injuries, This team should be talented in the field and at the plate. They should also have depth. Pitching. That is Still the $1M question since the Covid year. Can we get back to great pitching. We all know it has been very average since that year. Fri and Sat starters Have to be above average. Sunday and weekday starters Have to average at worse. Seems like the staff has been piece-meal for a while.
Yes and yes. It's a good core of returning guys, redshirt guys and some other returning guys like Forbes,Biven, Vierling and Klein.
I think the Sophomores lead the way with the pitching staff, but I know there are a bunch of third and fourth year guys wanting starting spots. Just not sure outside of Ligget if they're going to top Forbes,Biven, West and Campbell. Those Sophomores along with Ligget lead the charge imo. I know there were some good arms signed also.
Gotta keep the staff healthy..
Pretty good conversation with Caleb Corbett today. There are approximately 55 guys practicing right now. We know they won't all be here in the Spring. He said that there are several transfers(anybody want to jump in here and help identify some of these guys?) that are really competing for spots and a few Freshmen.
I think we did identify a few of the transfers in a different thread.
Both injured catchers from last season (Vierling and Klein) still rehabbing those injuries.
West is mended and healthy.

Scrimmages starting maybe weekend after next.

Did a little digging- Karaba,Napleton and Hoye were the 3 transfers I came up with.
Napleton is a slugging catcher and I can see why CDM went after this guy with 2 catchers still rehabbing Bramberg leaving.
Karaba is a pitcher and Hoye a middle infielder. I think these were the guys we already knew about. There are probably others if anybody wants to help with those.
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Those were the only guys I recall. The Catcher and pitcher were very good gets. The middle infielder was a bit of a head scratcher to me. Maybe a depth guy.
Those were the only guys I recall. The Catcher and pitcher were very good gets. The middle infielder was a bit of a head scratcher to me. Maybe a depth guy.
Yeah, I think they signed a ss,but if Kilen were to get hurt they'd want a guy with a little more seasoning.
I just searched againand only see the three guys. Since Hoy is a middle infielder he can backup/start at SS or 2B. It will come down to who is hitting the ball, who can lay down that bunt, etc.
I did see Forbes taking all his practice in the outfield. He's a guy that will probably be in the lineup somewhere every day.
Also,Biven is I believe another guy that can play second base.
Once again, Lippe (who was redshirted along with Dickerson) was really barreling up balls in batting practice. It's very viable that there is some serious competition in the outfield. I think the scrimmages will determine a lot.
Forbes certainly appears to be a Swiss Army Knife.
I think Biven sees the mound more than anything else else.
The OF - competition breeds success. Like the INF, whomever is hitting the ball will play. Defensively, I am sure most can get it done. It will come down to hitting the ball.
I appreciate the banter. I understand we're all thinking about the debut of Jeff Brohm's first edition of UofL football. I'm no different, but like Spring practice in football, that's what is happening over at Patterson.
The exception being that the Freshmen are involved in the practices.
I think we know the guys returning and in a few weeks get to see these newcomers.
What is crazy to me is - 55 guys on the ‘big’ roster trying to make the final what 42- man roster? That’s crazy; lot of guys not playing come Spring.
What is crazy to me is - 55 guys on the ‘big’ roster trying to make the final what 42- man roster? That’s crazy; lot of guys not playing come Spring.
That's what Corbett was talking about. He's been with these new guys,especially the bullpen guys for 4 weeks,getting to know them and said it won't be easy when some don't make the cut.
I don’t think anyone is saying that. Rather, just crazy that so many guys are out there fighting to make the ‘active’ roster.
I don’t think anyone is saying that. Rather, just crazy that so many guys are out there fighting to make the ‘active’ roster.
Yeah, I think what it says is nobody's safe. Time to put up or you know what. Mac is changing maybe just a little sleeping on returning vets and his past tendency to give those guys already in the system the outright best chance of playing.
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Stopped over yesterday and popped in (thanks for opening the gates Coach) on some live,situation scrimmages with live pitching. They went at it Saturday but we were out of town.
-Dickerson made a great diving catch in BP.
- Don't sleep on Lippe. He came back after redshirting to play. Really impressive at the plate and in the outfield.
The situation in the outfield is intriguing to say the least. Reminds me of the infield last season with King,Benson,Humphrey,Dickerson,Forbes and Lippe battling for 3 spots.
- Got my first glimpse at some newcomers.
Hoy was playing third base,probably because of that cannon he's got. I'm not sure he's gonna be content to sit and watch-serious looking ball player and instant leadership qualities.
Parker Detmers looked pretty good out there. He'll need a year to make an impact imo,along with Zion Rice.
- I thought Cook was really impressive in the batting cage. His bat is explosive. Got to see Tucker Biven go head to head against Cook and challenge him with that fastball,popping him up. Love Biven. He competes every pitch.
Lots of new faces I have to connect with names and numbers,but there are several guys that will push for their swings. As always,when Mac has this many guys that can play,it's whoever can produce at the plate. Tbs,we also know guys that have been in the system probably get first crack.
Whether it works or not, CDM is apparently sticking to his guns regarding transfers and in all likelihood, NIL. Five percent of his team (3/55) represented by transfers is not likely to have a huge impact.

I can only surmise that he's exploiting NIL to the same extent.

I like old school, and I hope he succeeds doing it his way...
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I do as well Zip, but I can see that model cannot be successful given the culture we have in this country. Dabo at Clemson serves as a classic example of how difficult it is to sustain the same level of traditional success without the Portal.
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Hoyt came to play. This middle of the infield might be the best we've seen defensively in a while.
CDM is taking a chance on becoming less competitive by continuing to construct his program with talented incoming freshmen rather that transfers from the Portal. It is a risky move, but I like his courageous stand and will continue to support Dan and this UL baseball program.

I am certainly no authority on any of this, but the long term success appears to depend largely on keeping that young talent from leaving UL via the portal.
CDM is taking a chance on becoming less competitive by continuing to construct his program with talented incoming freshmen rather that transfers from the Portal. It is a risky move, but I like his courageous stand and will continue to support Dan and this UL baseball program.

I am certainly no authority on any of this, but the long term success appears to depend largely on keeping that young talent from leaving UL via the portal.
Well,they certainly have some. The Sophomores are really good.
CDM is taking a chance on becoming less competitive by continuing to construct his program with talented incoming freshmen rather that transfers from the Portal. It is a risky move, but I like his courageous stand and will continue to support Dan and this UL baseball program.

I am certainly no authority on any of this, but the long term success appears to depend largely on keeping that young talent from leaving UL via the portal.
I see that perspective. Keep this mind…signing all of your recruits is huge. They did it this cycle. That has not been the case the last few years and it hurt the program. He uas used the portal. Hoy - middle infielder appears to be a massive pickup. The catcher Napleton should be the starter. He also brought in a pitcher from Wright St (Gongora) along with Lewis Univ pitcher Karaba. I think he addressed positions of need.
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I only stayed for first six innings. Lots to like,some things that continue to baffle me. Hard to see Hoyt not in the lineup. He's an absolute baller. Napleton comes from a Division 3 program-nice pickup.
Base running,young pitchers and defensive lapses with communication. And of course,those pesky runners l.o.b.

Btw, Purdue players and staff sure were fired up. I thought for a minute or two it was a regional game. Lol
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I reckon.

The catcher Napleton should be the starter.
Somebody told me Vierling and Klein were both still rehabbing those injuries from last season. Must've been pretty serious. I have spotted Klein in uniform practicing lately. Don't think he's 100 yet.
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