Cards lose game 2 in extra innings


Four-Star Poster
Sep 5, 2007
lawrenceburg, KY
Cards got swept today in a doubleheader by UCF. If we went out with a bang when we left the Big East, we are surely going out with a whimper from the AAC. We have a new nemesis, UCF.

Cards outdone again in the 11th inning tonight. Tied 3-3, Cards made a error to let the lead runner on. Uncharacteristically, our All American, Nick Burdi uncorks 2 wild pitches and one intentional walk in between. Cards lose 4-3.

UCF is now 12-2 and the Cards are 7-4. UCF has the head to head tiebreaker now so unless UCF has a meltdown, I am not sure we can catch them.

I feel your pain, it was like every day of the basketball season for us. I hate seeing you talking to yourself over here. The csnbbs . com AAC site had a decent thread on the first 2 games, feel free to join the conversation.
Yep, it is kind of pathetic. Our biggest series of the season and nobody is interested in baseball.... I love CBB, college FB, NFL, but my biggest love is probably baseball.
I usually post on the baseball stuff but have been busy. Outside of Houston the Cards have folded against their better competition. That's not a good sign. They appear to be a decent team but not great. They should be able to get into the tourney but I'd be surprised, at this time, if they could get out of a regional. Even have probably the best closer in all of college baseball and by not being up in games he's not (in my opinion) getting as many chances as he should.
Ive been shyin away from posting right now because this team frustrates the shit outta me and I don't want to post something based on negative emotions.

I fully understand. You guys are the exception. I too am frustrated this year. I am beginning to wonder if our recent success is more about playing in a weak conference (Big East) and just racking up wins against typically weaker northern teams like the Eastern, Western, Central Michigans....

Here are my concerns:


I know we don't have the arms we have had in the past, but it doesn't seem like we are developing any either. We seem to go with our starters way too long. In the past 2 series, against Houston and UCF, our starters are going way over the 100 pitches. We are lucky one of them doesn't get hurt and have to have TJ. We run the same old guys out there over and over. First, it was Filomeno, now it is rare he gets in on the weekend. Now, Harrington, who can't seem to get anybody out.
What happened to McGrath and Philley. Now nearly every game that we are in if we get to the 7th or 8th, we bring in Sturgeon, which in itself is an oddity even in college baseball. We have a roster full of pitchers, but our coaching staff doesn't seem to have any confidence in a lot of them. Closer role - we have been bringing Burdi in now for more than 1 inning of work. He showed last night that he is not a savior. He tries to do too much because of our lack of getting big or timely hits.


Our lack of clutch hitting has been an issue now for at least 2 years. At least last year you had shutdown pitchers on the mound. If the top of our lineup is hitting, then the bottom is not producing and vice versa. What really boggles my mind is that the first substitution we make is to take Gardner out of the lineup. Either we think he is a defensive liability or he is slow on the bases, but guys he is the one guy who can hit a HR at any time. A lot of coaches do the same thing, they go with the hot hand, but Dan seems to stay with that person without giving other people a 2nd chance. White is a good example, he was penciled in as the starting CF but couldn't hit. Well it has taken almost 2/3 of a season and now White is getting some chances. On the reverse side, Rosenbaum was going to be our 1st baseman. We stayed with him again for 2/3 of the season and now he is lucky to get an AB.


No excuses for this. Way too many errors and misplays (passed balls, trying to pick off runners at 1st or 2nd base) for college kids. This is my own reason and I will probably get blasted for this. I think we play kids out of their position. Maybe it is a necessity. Both Chittenden and Lucas came to us as SS but either play at 2nd or 3rd base. Why? Because we have a Whiting at SS. I am not sure that he is a legitimate SS and is more suited to play the OF like Boomer. We also bring in a freshman utility player? to catch as opposed to 2 senior catchers on the club.

Anyway I agree that I don't think we have the team to get out of a Regional, if we are fortunate to make the tourney. Go Cards!
Dan's teams always finish the season very strong so I wouldn't sleep on this team yet. I would switch Kidston and Funk in the rotation. I like Ruxer on Saturday and think he has been pitching well. This team just won 5 straight series against top 25 teams. They have lost a couple recently but will get back on track. I still think this is a very good team. Not sure they can make it out of a super, but have the team to win a regional.

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