Can’t see us getting any more than what OK State got. Ok State was just like every other school except us in this - basically telling the NCAA to “eff-off” and daring the NCAA to do something about it.
UofL already proactively took what amounted to an ENTIRE YEAR ban by firing the head coach just before the 2017-18 season started AND had an assistant with 6 years experience plus hastily promoted grad assistants coaching the team that year. We also fired the AD who stood by the coach, resulting in a lawsuit that cost UofL lawyers fees and eventually a severance package for the fired AD.
In other words, UofL was the poster child for how the NCAA would have liked to see every school involved in this to act, and UofL is the only one who did so.
AND … the guy UofL was involved with never played for UofL (unlike the OKState player). The only one who ever got any money was his dad, directly from an assistant coach who was also immediately fired.
If we get hammered with a postseason ban, it’s going to be because of the additional secondary crap that went down last year in addition to the FBI stuff. This is why the secondary violations are so disappointing … the NCAA already acknowledged that they recognized the proactive steps we took in firing Pitino and Jurich.