Emmert remarked last weekend that they've been in contact with the FBI. People questioning or hoping that a limited amount of evidence changes hands are trying to beat the odds. There's no incentive for the FBI to bury evidence and every incentive to make as much publicity for their case as possible. The only question I have is what they can legally do with evidence if it isn't used in prosecution, by formally bringing charges. Can the FBI legally turn over evidence obtained thru office raids and wiretaps to the NCAA?
I also think people are simply hoping that the NCAA has too big a mountain to climb. That is, if there are 30 major programs involved, does everyone get off? That's not likely for one reason... It's exactly the perception of impotence and indifference the NCAA is trying to fight. How's it gonna look to their skeptics if they just give everyone a get-outta-jail-free card? Won't happen.
How can you do that without killing the golden geese? You can't NOT injure them. My guess is you make as many penalties as possible levied against PAST teams, institutions, and coaches. You vacate wins and remove banners. You levy multimillion dollar fines against schools and individuals. You issue show-cause orders and maybe ban some coaches from the game. You take away more scholarships than normal.
But you don't impose postseason bans. All schools are still eligible for the postseason which is what TV and advertisers want. And because there are no postseason bans, there are no clouds hanging over teams while waiting. The NCAA can take its sweet time as always to investigate each program and mete out its penalties.
In the end, it will significantly penalize the teams that deserve it. But they'll survive. And the NCAA needs to get kids who don't wanna be in college out of college. The first step if the NBA doesn't cooperate is make all freshmen men's basketball players ineligible. It will take the NBA about fifteen minutes to set up negotiations on changing their OAD rule...