Walz teleconference 5/11/21


Jun 20, 2001
Jeff Walz addressed this media this afternoon via Zoom. It was recorded by UofL and I'll post a copy of that here when it becomes available.

The areas he addressed:

-- Staff. All the staff from last year is back
-- Roster Changes -- He is quite excited about transfers Emily Engstler and Chelsie Hall and what they will add to the team
-- Incoming freshme...n. Walz said both Sydni Schetnan and Payton Verhulst will compete for playing time. Syd will arrive on campus in June and Payton after her time with U19 is completed.
-- Ahlana Smith is trying out for the Puerto Rican National team and Walz thinks the experience will be good for her.
-- On Hailey. Her summer has been going great and he thinks she'll show an increased assertiveness this year at guard, now that Dana is gone. Multiple players will play the point, including her, Kianna and Mykasa.
-- Walz is excited about Dana and the other Cardinals on WNBA rosters and has been in contact with Angel since her injury.
-- Monique Reid was on the Egyptian national championship team and Sam Fuehring was voted MVP of the German league she just completed.
-- Olivia Cochran is travelling with the USA 3x3 team as an alternate and training with them.
-- Players and parents can start to visit campus on June 1st. and Walz and his coaches can start making in-home visits on July 1st.
-- His oldest daughter Kaeley is a freshman in high school now and was on a championship Volleyball team at her school in South Carolina. Walz plans on her attending UofL Volleyball camps this year. He says, "She's a pretty good player"

Ok color me confused CJW’s oldest daughter is a is a freshmen in high school in a South Carolina.