"Two sources familiar with Louisville's case" confirmed that their hearing date has been set for later this summer on June 17-19.
As Sullivan notes in his report, we could be well into the preseason for the 2022-23 season before Louisville finally learns their punishment. Out of the six schools who have referred cases to the IARP, only NC State's has been resolved. It took 132 days from the hearing for the IARP to reach their ruling in that case, which when applied to Louisville, would put their potential ruling date on or around Oct. 27.
As Sullivan notes in his report, we could be well into the preseason for the 2022-23 season before Louisville finally learns their punishment. Out of the six schools who have referred cases to the IARP, only NC State's has been resolved. It took 132 days from the hearing for the IARP to reach their ruling in that case, which when applied to Louisville, would put their potential ruling date on or around Oct. 27.