UofL athletic admin. fired by Tyra sues UofL.

Just started a thread on the premium site... In truth, she looks a little wacky to me. It was probably a situation like the lacrosse coach that U of L was managing.

But now we have an AD whose experience primarily was in rationalizing operations, taking profits, and running. Not exactly a "culture" guy or someone steeped in HR management issues.

It's gonna be interesting watching this kinda stuff play out under fanboy's guidance. The ugly underbelly along with everything else the clown show has to manage. I feel bad for the employees--from whom I hear more negative stuff all the time--but I couldn't wish it on a better group of managers...
it's an ugly divorce so everyone's claws are coming out.

more and more it looks like that place needed a top to bottom house-cleaning.
it's an ugly divorce so everyone's claws are coming out.

more and more it looks like that place needed a top to bottom house-cleaning.
So you think most large employers have a "clean house"? Where's that rocket ship you just landed?? :cool:
Generally, when you see such a laundry list of issues as this one, you also tend to find no cause for suit. These are complaints listing every single violation or anything close to violations in her history - a wholesale flinging of crap against a wall to see what sticks.

If we did have someone under our employ who had their own hot "Firing Jar", sadistically forcing employees to rat out people who did nothing to earn censure - that is most certainly cause for termination because it creates an intolerable, abusive ambiance. Frankly, if such a person exists, what this lady has done was to blow the whistle appropriately on one uncivil, powercrazed POS.

But I;m afraid sexual relations between employees of relatively equal standing- shock of shocks! - is not only one of the most common modes of some great relationships starting at work places - as delicate as that can be - but is hardly fireable, lol."Having an affair" violates no policy known to man, outside of the family if one is married, or when clear of abusive possibilities by virtue of career positions.

The thing with Petrino hiring family is another moot point.........the last hire was the intimate everyday strategic partner of a Heisman Trophy winner - a reasonably efficient track record. Add the numbers of fans who were loudly advocating we rehire Paul Petrino for the :fire" he brings, lol, and the case begins getting confusing.....Everyone in a field where trust is vital hires family, especially football, as is known and illustrated elsewhere in spades, if they are lucky enough to have some. Then there was this, which gives the entire thing even less cred: "The suit also raises concerns about “a coach’s unused University office reserved for his private Foundation.”" Really?? An unused office, lol? Are the closets busy?? I actually once had an affair in a closet at a party myself. Now that I am finally a clean individual, I realize those things are vile and dirty as hell. Good Lord, the unused office is the Devil's Playground.

I'm disappointed in this lady.. She's a whiner with a lawyer. She probably had a case if she were doing a good job at her field. She was swept out with Mark and Julie under the new regime's filter - very unceremoniously and with apparent rancor, humiliatingly - but all this other crap tells me they may have made an excellent decision ridding themselves of her whiny, dissolute ass.
From what I've heard, this employee was kept on staff as a favor. Her husband donated to the university and was close with Jurich. This does look like a money grab, and a possible attempt to make Tyra look bad. The coach who she claims was having an affair with another employee, I won't spread rumors. It would come as a surprise, however. But, hell, Bill Cosby was just convicted of drugging and raping a woman, so you just never know about people anymore.
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...The coach who she claims was having an affair with another employee, I won't spread rumors. It would come as a surprise, however. But, hell, Bill Cosby was just convicted of drugging and raping a woman, so you just never know about people anymore.
This is the slippery slope I've preached about to those wanting to crucify Pitino for his off-the-court misdeeds. You don't know how far down that slope you're gonna be sliding.

We're not recruiting deacons or scout leaders here, and it's best we not act like it...