UK Football continues string of arrests ... 17 since 2012. Glass houses anyone??


Gold Member
May 29, 2001

17th UK player arrested since 2012.


Glass houses are shattering as I type this ....

Taco Meat (March 4, 2016)
Jason Hatcher (February 22, 2016)
Lloyd Tubman (October 7, 2014)
Stanley Williams (October 2, 2014)
Dorian Baker (October 2, 2014)
Drew Barker (October 2, 2014)
Tymere Dubose (October 2, 2014)
Jason Hatcher (May 26, 2014)
Demarco Robinson(January 17, 2014)
Khalid Thomas (July 6, 2013)
Pancho Thomas (July 6, 2013)
Ashely Lowery (May 4, 2013)
T.J. James (January 4, 2013)
Marcus Caffey (September 13, 2012)
Bookie Cobbins (September 13, 2012)
Raymond Sanders (September 13, 2012)
Ridge Wilson (February 26,2012)
Fir some hilarious reading - and I am being serious - the UK football board quickly morphed this 17th incident (versus 4 for UofL) into a yet another full out conversation as to how Louisville is so dreadful. You couldn't invent that level of denial and ignorance.

It reminded me of the relative APR scores between the schools, lol. They contend that UofL makes it easier for athletes to pass.

In other words, everything is never their fault. It would be funny if it were not actually sick.
I have to admit, this post made me laugh: "Hope Coach Stoops gives him another chance after he tells him that stealing parking meters is wrong"

THAT guy gets it!
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