Trentyn Flowers 0n What Happened

If it is true that Flowers received NIL money from local UL sources, and is allowed to keep it after leaving the school; it should further advance the argument against this departure from amateur athletics.
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It's the beast TV contracts, and the corporate greed the NCAA and schools fostered. If they were willing to share the amount of $ with the players they were truly worth, then we'd see payrolls etc. Instead, it took the SCOTUS to make a ruling and here we are.

The value of the players is through the roof and now they are allowed to cash in on the free market. But their window to do so is limited. They care about themselves and their families. Why would a player play for 200-300k one place when they could earn roughly 7 figs somewhere else? With no contract, they are free agents.

This isn't the product the fans fell in love with decades ago. It's not easy to just cut things off as a fan and move on. But I've gradually withdrawn and this is just one more example of why.
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I've always felt the ncaa should have ave some type of wage scale for each sport and the money deposited after completing every semester your their. Unfortunately it just isn't a full proof method to pay players as shady characters will still find a way around that. College athletics are truly no more .
If it is true that Flowers received NIL money from local UL sources, and is allowed to keep it after leaving the school; it should further advance the argument against this departure from amateur athletics.
Eaves stated he got him a Audi from Mike Vine . They worked the system.

Yell i'm go ahead agrree verbally or sign a contract first . Then i'll call you or your asst coach afterwards. Dude no need to speak just to say i'm out you had these intentions all along.Played me!

That video of him and his father was so telling in so many ways. Flowers starting running his mouth his father hurried in to clean it up. Flowers was basically laughing . His parents are some sorry role models for this young man.
Just watched the interview with Flowers and his dad. I think it's probably best he did what he did. Get this headaches over before it really starts to hurt. He himself isn't as confident that he would be a sure fire one and done, even though he said he was the best player in the gym this summer.

He and his father can see a scenario where after the season, he's barely a 1st round pick. Like the many UK prized freshmen who didn't see that one and done opportunity.

I think they realized as the season got closer, playing in college could expose that he's not a lottery pick after one season. International pro ball was always a fall back position and Australia ended up being the country.

What this tells me is Flowers should have never chose Louisville in the first place. I think and this was probably his father mostly, that if they were going to leave for Australia in mid August, they couldn't do that to Kansas or Duke. Louisville coming off 4 wins would be a program a lot easier to leave hanging.

And that's what happened. KP is ignoring the kids calls because he knows he was used by this duo and he can't afford to make the news saying something insensitive to the poor point guard wanna be. KP hopefully learned a lesson on who he recruits.

Funny thing about this was I remember people talking about DJ Wagner doing something like this if he chose Louisville and realized the team may not be good enough to make him a one and done.
I don’t know how a coach can avoid all these types of situations. In this case the family was apparently a handful but are good at selling their son. The problem is they are liars, unethical and respect no one. Hard to figure that out in recruiting. The family can lie their way through a recruitment. Learn and move on. It will be best for both parties in the end.
I've always felt the ncaa should have ave some type of wage scale for each sport and the money deposited after completing every semester your their. .
They'd have to share profits. Greed. There's a shady element in all things that generate $, but if they had that pay scale/legal contract with the players at least we'd have stability in the product.
I don’t know how a coach can avoid all these types of situations. In this case the family was apparently a handful but are good at selling their son. The problem is they are liars, unethical and respect no one. Hard to figure that out in recruiting. The family can lie their way through a recruitment. Learn and move on. It will be best for both parties in the end.
It's an issue the legends didn't want so they retired.

The value of the high-end recruit for a college team is more in question now than ever before. Some of the top of the top are just skipping college they have a lot of options. Others drag out their decision to find that best option like Mgbako and Flowers and if the program fails to get the player into uniform what do they have left to show for the time and resources used?
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Flowers would have quit mid season.
good lesson to recruit experienced players over the inflated ego 5 star freshman with greedy helicopter dads.

let's hope the team and KP gets fired up. no more culture talk. time to win.
It's an issue the legends didn't want so they retired.

The value of the high-end recruit for a college team is more in question now than ever before. Some of the top of the top are just skipping college they have a lot of options. Others drag out their decision to find that best option like Mgbako and Flowers and if the program fails to get the player into uniform what do they have left to show for the time and resources used?
When does the straight from high school to the nba rule go back into effect ?That will help a little with the high end guys as a good majority of them will declare.Coaches wont have to deal with them. But then again it drives up the value for the ones left and just below 5 star. Guess it's just a no win situation going forward sucks.
When does the straight from high school to the nba rule go back into effect ?That will help a little with the high end guys as a good majority of them will declare.Coaches wont have to deal with them. But then again it drives up the value for the ones left and just below 5 star. Guess it's just a no win situation going forward sucks.
don't think it ever will as long as g-league exists. nba players hate when a youngster comes in and has no idea what to do so they really don't want the age earlier. sending the kids to g-league first preps them better than college so players want kids to go there first and learn. so i think 1 and done is here to stay in it's current form. there's no high school kid good enough in most years to ever play right into nba. it's once every 5-10 years a kid is that good. so not going to change the system for the outlier when there are 60-100 kids draft eligible who don;t get called on draft night. why add to that total with high school kids. the problem imho is nil if they got money for nothing. they should write offers so you have to be in school at end of school year to get most of money as to avoid a grab and split.

Trentyn did what’s best for him, and that’s well within his rights. Chase the bag while you can, especially if you think the fit is better. Trentyn also quit on Kenny Payne and Louisville on the *first day of classes*. Louisville doesn’t have another option they can bring in. Put another way, Trentyn f-ed over the team he committed to. Why would KP want to talk to him after that? If someone gave me their word they’d be a part of
then backed out last minute, I’d be pissed. Happened last year. I have no ill will, but it doesn’t mean we’re gonna be buddies after the fact. I have no idea why they thought it was a good idea to talk about this in this format, but they certainly aren’t making Louisville look like the foolish ones here.
SMH , just shows you when a person or people (media) doesn't like you they can take a situation and use it against you . By taking the word of someone without knowing or refusing to report correct info. That Flowers interview he attempted to make KP look bad by saying we contacted 7 times without a call.
And of course the KP haters ran with it .

But failed to mention that when he told Nolan they going pro . KP was notified and KP,Nolan and the Flowers were all on phone call . So afterwards KP is like why do i need to speak with you anymore you told me what your going to do. It's a rap!
SMH , just shows you when a person or people (media) doesn't like you they can take a situation and use it against you . By taking the word of someone without knowing or refusing to report correct info. That Flowers interview he attempted to make KP look bad by saying we contacted 7 times without a call.
And of course the KP haters ran with it .

But failed to mention that when he told Nolan they going pro . KP was notified and KP,Nolan and the Flowers were all on phone call . So afterwards KP is like why do i need to speak with you anymore you told me what you’re going to do. It's a rap!
Not one UofL hates Kenny Payne - to say so is absurd. Those fans you call “KP haters” are simply fans who have correctly identified him as someone who does not have the experience to run a program like UofL.

It’s KP himself that continues to prove that narrative and only he - and not you, nor any “KP apologists” can change it.
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Continues to prove what? Exactly what did he do wrong here? The Flowers crew screwed them. They lied to him.

Pitino had his share of misses. He lost Rondo over Telfair miss. He is a Hall of Fame coach that got burned multiple times. We need to quit blaming coaches for teenagers and their families for making bad decisions. They can only vet players and families so much. KP took criticism for turning away Bates last year. We can’t have it both ways.

I agree KP was going to catch strays for this but let’s see how the season goes.

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