The natives are getting restless…..


Gold Member
Mar 9, 2009
We’re almost ready for the “fire Brohm” thread to start. I’ve never seen a fan base turn ugly so fast as on this board. A couple of thoughts:
  1. When a play doesn’t work, it’s not always a terrible play call. You could have the same call, have one guy on defense miss an assignment or a tackle, and suddenly it’s a brilliant call.
  2. When the other team does execute a good play, they are usually at a matchup advantage. When we “look slow” it’s usually because a LB is trying to cover a fast WR.
  3. SMU won their conference last year and returned a lot of talent from that squad. They also have an excellent head coach. This was always going to be a tough game. This whole schedule is far tougher than last year.
You guys need to step away from the ledge. We’ll be fine. Every coach can’t be Saban. Jeff will get things corrected. This isn’t just another rung on the career ladder for him.
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First off, I don’t think anybody is ready to fire Brohm.
As for #1, when the average fan in the stands is saying “WTF” on crucial play calling and personal in the play then there is some merit there.

As for #2, I don’t believe those are linebackers getting beat 20, 30 and 40 yards downfield. Secondary didn’t bother to show up yesterday until the last quarter.

As for #3, SMU is a decent team but Louisville showed coming out of the locker room they were better imo. But down the stretch choked on opportunity after opportunity to win that game.
We’re almost ready for the “fire Brohm” thread to start. I’ve never seen a fan base turn ugly so fast as on this board. A couple of thoughts:
  1. When a play doesn’t work, it’s not always a terrible play call. You could have the same call, have one guy on defense miss an assignment or a tackle, and suddenly it’s a brilliant call.
  2. When the other team does execute a good play, they are usually at a matchup advantage. When we “look slow” it’s usually because a LB is trying to cover a fast WR.
  3. SMU won their conference last year and returned a lot of talent from that squad. They also have an excellent head coach. This was always going to be a tough game. This whole schedule is far tougher than last year.
You guys need to step away from the ledge. We’ll be fine. Every coach can’t be Saban. Jeff will get things corrected. This isn’t just another rung on the career ladder for him.
Although I typically agree with your takes, I think the cause for alarm is warranted. Not that it cannot be fixed. I think most obvious is that yet again this year, we are completely outmatched on both lines, add to that the seemingly utter confusion of getting guys lined up correctly.
We are 1/2 way thru the season and based on the last 2 games we are going to struggle the remainder of the year. If we can't sustain any consistent line play against SMU, how are we going to hold up against Miami and Clemson at Clemson.? I don't see that changing. It's a matter of personnel. Again, we don't have the hogs up front. To put it bluntly, extremely slow and soft. Jeff completely miffed with down lineman portal additions. As I mentioned in an earlier thread, 1 year mercenaries from Harvard, USF, Rutgers etc., are just not going to get it done.
English certainly is culpable but he doesn't have the players, same with Owens on the Oline.
Enough blame to go ahead.
I do agree that given time Jeff will get it fixed, just not convinced it's going to be this year.
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I am hoping Jeff “gets it fixed”.

However, his history says “defense is optional” and head scratcher losses to go with upset wins.

Well, we can look forward to an upset win. Or two maybe?
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Get real; no one, and I mean no one is talking about firing Jeff!

Think about how the Tide, Vol, Missouri Tiger and and Cal fans feel after being upset yesterday ….. losing is a bitch, particularly a conference game.

Watch SMU, they are improving every week.
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Get real; no one, and I mean no one is talking about firing Jeff!

Think about how the Tide, Vol, Missouri Tiger and and Cal fans feel after being upset yesterday ….. losing is a bitch, particularly a conference game.

Watch SMU, they are improving every week.
I agree, no one is talking about firing Jeff YET. That’s why the OP says “almost”. I think CJB is handling this well from a public relations POV. He must be very frustrated - you can almost feel his anger in that postgame presser- I wouldn’t want to be on that staff right now. We’ll see what these coaches and players are made of. I just see all these very negative posts and it sounds like the mob coming for Satt. We can’t keep changing coaches. This isn’t a KP situation where the coach is clueless. This is a proven head coach at the highest level (in college). He’s won everywhere he’s been and won 10 games last year with us. I have every confidence that this will get fixed. Let’s not abandon ship.
We've got the right guy and we are competitive as hell. I love both of those things about the program. Now it's time to start winning the close games. I expect to see adjustments across the board to get the Cards there.
Count me in as a native getting restless but maybe not Chicken Little... yet. It is evident we have two main issues, OL and DL. Those are not just simple scheme or playing the right guys issue. We have already had a bye week to figure things out, having games every weekend doesn't allow you the opportunity to "fix things" as you prepare for your next opponent. Its usually not something where you demote one coach and promote another on staff. The answer is probably that coach is somewhere else and yes, I'm talking about the defense. Look we just didn't have issues with the OL just with ND and SMU, they have been there all season long. its just that we had enough fire power to beat the weaker teams. We have a QB who has a history of staying healthy and yet people want him to take off and run??? We can't use our TE's as receivers because we need them to block. When teams rushing only 4 are getting to your QB, thats a problem. On the DL, I have said this all season, where are the sacks, hurries, interceptions, fumble recoveries? For us to get pressure, we have to rush more than 4 which leaves our secondary in man to man situations. Against SMU, our defense never seemed to get lined up. Did we not scout them? Yes, it does sound a little bit like Chicken Little.. I just hope I'm wrong.
I'm a big fan of Jeff's--probably more than I am of the football program and the University.

It's laughable that anyone thinks we're improving ourselves, financially and on-the-field, by withdrawing support for him. Much less firing him.

This athletic program will sink or swim with Brohm. We have no money for anything worthwhile, and we have no choice in a football coach...
he came in saying his teams were going to work harder, be more disciplined adn out hustle the the opponent. his teams are undisciplined, too many penalties, don;t know where they are supposed to be, and are doing no better than the last coach. btw, jb 1-5 against top 25 teams. i believe satts won 5 games vs top 25 his last season. jb was supposed to be an upgrade, the next step, the answer, the train conductor...well, he is not. he has not improved anything. we have 1 win against ND where they screwed the pooch from the get go and the crowd overwhelmed them. o/w jb is an average coach and we are worse off now than we were two years ago. so that's reason to talk fire him. every game this year he should be coaching for his job. i wouldn't buy tickets this year now, no confidence the money is well spent.

quite simply, lose to VA and he should be gone by the end of the year. or to put it even more simply, he's the one who recruited this team, the one who coached this team and if they don;t know where they are supposed to line up, don;t know how to get the play called in time, if they commit lots of penalties and do dumb things, that's on the person who trained them and hired them. that's on management, not the players and thus that's on JB. so to say he's got to get things tightened up, WTF why didn't you do that before the season started. why? because that's that who you are and thus not who his team is.
again 3-5 in last 8. that deserved being piled in upon.
It is the reality of the new world. I do agree the shift in transfers and the money that has to be allocated to players doesn’t benefit Louisville. With that said they do have a top 10 collective. Keep in mind Vandy just beat Alabama. Money isn’t everything.

The talent level between Louisville and the rest of the league isn’t that great. They can’t afford to be poorly coached on defense. They can’t be that disorganized. There are much better defenses that spent far less than Louisville did in the offseason. NIU defense against Notre Dame was better than Louisville. Houston has a terrific defense.

Incredibly disappointed in the defense. I am not sure they can fix it either because I think the staff is lost on that side of the ball.
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Fans hate losing. Probably should have appreciated last year's 10 wins even if the ending isn't what we wanted.

I think fans will be even more impatient in this new era.
I haven't heard anyone calling for JB's job. Now English, that's another story, I probably said it myself 10 times during the SMU game..

I think the frustration with the coaching staff in general is, we have the talent, it's just not being used correctly and the results, or lack thereof, is right there for even the novice football fan to see..

As JB said himself, gotta do better..
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The criticism directed at Jeff and this team is misdirected and more representative of people expressing opinions who are still living in the past. The Portal has changed everything in college sports, but more so in football than any of the other sports.

20 years ago we saw college football coaches bringing in HS graduates with the ability to redshirt their freshman season, knowing they had 5 years to teach them their role, which included gaining discipline in their respective positions. That is all gone now, and how these coaches can bring multiple transfers in each season and expect flawless performance when they are placed in starting positions is beyond challenging.

We are very competitive in each and every game, and while we have lost two consecutive games that were winnable, I believe the opponent deserves much of the credit.