Suggestions for away team fans


No-Ranking Prospect
Jan 5, 2015
With a mere 203 days remaining until the start of football season, I'm trying to go a head and plan my away trip. I knew the game vs y'all would be the game I came to, I'm kinda bummed it's a Thursday but hey that's the ACC for ya. Last season when y'all made the trip to tigertown, I didn't meet a Cards fan I didn't get along with, I would say y'all are one the most courteous fan bases I've ever been around. That's what I love about college football, meeting strangers, sharing a beer, sharing a laugh... You have 3.5 hrs of being enemies, then back to the good times.

Here's my question. Hopefully someone can help me out as I have never been to Louisville and know nothing about the city whatsoever

Where to stay? I would like to explore the city, I would probably come up early Wednesday morning (I found flights for $164, didn't know you could still get flights that cheap) and make a mini vacation out of it. I was looking at the Galt. I'm pretty sure that's what it's called- that seems to be in the heart of DT? Or would it be easier to stay near the football field- somewhere walkable for after the game?

I just have no clue what your tailgate/traffic scene is like. Is it a mad house like clemson where your going to sit in a lot of traffic? If I stayed up in the heart if DT could I get a taxi after the game or would I have to wait like 3 hours? Are there busses or other public transportation? Is a rental car necessary or could I make due on foot? Y'all have uber right? It just going to be a group of about 6-10 all late 20s

Also, anything cool we just ABSOLUTELY have to do while we are there? Best place to eat? Bars? Things to do?

Thanks in advanced
Since you are flying in and only staying a short time, you can save money by not renting a car. There is an oasis within walking distance of the stadium aprox. 1/3 of a mile with a Hilton Garden inn, the Cardinal Hall of Fame Restaurant and bar.
It is 3 miles from the airport and about the same to downtown, so the cab rides will not be too expensive.

About tailgating, one of the unique things about the Ville is the tailgate cabooses just outside the home side gates. I will try to find the picture and post it here.;_ylt=AwrBT7_KhN9UrCAARLdXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTExZzQ0YmY1BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDVUlDMV8xBHNlYwNzYw--?p=Louisville+Cabooses&fr=ymyy-t-999
This post was edited on 2/14 12:26 PM by Hedgerunner
I would recommend staying at a hotel on 4th street if you want to stay downtown.
Clemson Fans on my visit, Ranking: 11 out of 10.

What some have posted previously and what I think is good advice depending on your amount of time here:

M/Hotel near PJCS. Urban Tailgate(PJCS is not like CU) before game and walk wobbly back to your lodging after game.

Drive yourself to the Bourbon Trail, if you have an afternoon. Or, merely drink some of the 160 plus Bourbons at any good bar/restaurant in the four areas described below.

Cab or Uber with no stress to:
Downtown(Fourth Street Live), NuLu, Highlands(Bardstown Rd.), Frankfort Ave., for Bars & Restaurants, and save yourself form driving in a new city with fender benders and breathalyzers!

ps, tailgating is a little lighter during the week night games.|pcrid|3126545666&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=hilton%20garden%20inn%20louisville%20ky&utm_campaign=Hotel%20Chain%20-%20H&mm_campaign=61e23501c3a7666376c173fa44c75e69&keyword=hilton%20garden%20inn%20louisville%20ky&hotelid=216091

This is the Hilton and location referred to.