
Prepare to kiss all the Ky fans a$$. The come here in droves looking for validation. If you don’t, they will whine and cry and moan and bitch about not getting the respect they think they deserve on a UofL board.
Don’t know why our moderators just don’t ban kitty fans. You go to the kitty board and get banned for next to nothing. If that’s the way it works over on their board we should return the favor, I don’t get it!
And Mike Linnings is the best with anything fish.

Wrong thread, maybe, but until a fire, Cunningham’s on Breckenridge in St. Catherine’s had a great fish sandwich. They re-opened across the street from the theater, but I don’t know if they are still open.
I’m new also, only thing I’ve gathered is there is one person who posts constantly who hates Vince. My guess is it’s Mark Jurich.
It's TJ's biggest fan
I wonder what fish place he likes best?
I love these guys...

Never been a fan of Mike Lennig's.

Sal's Pizza Pub, 812 Lyndon Ln has one of the best Fish Sandwiches I've ever had.

I will make two sandwiches if you get extra bread.