Serious question about the C-J Sports section.


Oct 27, 2006
I know a lot of you have already cancelled subscriptions to the C-J long ago as did I but sometimes I will grab a Sunday paper and did this morning.

Would love for someone to explain why the main feature on the front page of the sports section is about UK Soccer and one of its players. UK Soccer? In late January after UofL and UK (both top 20 basketball teams) win important conference games? It's not as if the snow storm prevented them from having pictures and write-ups about both games. There were both.

Are we suddenly in Europe?

It's bad enough when they give top billing to UK on the front page in the Louisville hometown paper when both teams play because they could easily create 2 different front pages, one for Jefferson County and one for the rest of the state. But I'm just curious of the number of people out there that could give a damn about UK Soccer or one of its players? I'm sure he's a fine young man and it really is a great story but seriously, front page? Today? What genius made that call?

No wonder they are going tits up. Maybe there is a legitimate reason for them to do this but I have to wonder. Imagine if the Columbus Dispatch made the feature on the Sunday Sport front page about a Cincinnati Soccer player or even an OSU Soccer player after a Buckeyes win in football.:eek:

I know a lot of you have already cancelled subscriptions to the C-J long ago as did I but sometimes I will grab a Sunday paper and did this morning.

Would love for someone to explain why the main feature on the front page of the sports section is about UK Soccer and one of its players. UK Soccer? In late January after UofL and UK (both top 20 basketball teams) win important conference games? It's not as if the snow storm prevented them from having pictures and write-ups about both games. There were both.

Are we suddenly in Europe?

It's bad enough when they give top billing to UK on the front page in the Louisville hometown paper when both teams play because they could easily create 2 different front pages, one for Jefferson County and one for the rest of the state. But I'm just curious of the number of people out there that could give a damn about UK Soccer or one of its players? I'm sure he's a fine young man and it really is a great story but seriously, front page? Today? What genius made that call?

No wonder they are going tits up. Maybe there is a legitimate reason for them to do this but I have to wonder. Imagine if the Columbus Dispatch made the feature on the Sunday Sport front page about a Cincinnati Soccer player or even an OSU Soccer player after a Buckeyes win in football.:eek:

On the other hand, Cincinnati newspapers speak little of OSU sports. I've always felt that the local medias reverence for UK has helped keep this a half-ass town.
Not to mention that the AFC & NFC Championship games are today. You know C-J, the winners get to play in a little thing called the Super Bowl. Brady vs Manning, Carson Palmer vs Cam Newton.

UK Soccer?
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This thread brings back great childhood memories for me of my dad always griping about UK getting the lion's share of the front page coverage in the CJ. I thought it was pretty balanced back then, but you sure couldn't convince my dad of that. LoL!
Sorry to piss on a nice dog pile, but some of yall need to get a grip. First of all, yes, the soccer kid played at UK, but he also lived in the city of Louisville. The article, which was interesting, was primarily about his journey from Africa to being on the verge of playing professional soccer. It was not a UK soccer piece. If your take away was that it was, you either lack reading comprehension or just blindly hate the CJ and are looking for something to moan about.

Secondly, the UofL game was prominently featured on the front page and then continued on with a whole page on the inside devoted to the game.
Sorry to piss on a nice dog pile, but some of yall need to get a grip. First of all, yes, the soccer kid played at UK, but he also lived in the city of Louisville. The article, which was interesting, was primarily about his journey from Africa to being on the verge of playing professional soccer. It was not a UK soccer piece. If your take away was that it was, you either lack reading comprehension or just blindly hate the CJ and are looking for something to moan about.

Secondly, the UofL game was prominently featured on the front page and then continued on with a whole page on the inside devoted to the game.
Oh lord. Glad you enjoyed the piece and yes it was a great story as I mentioned but what the heck does that have to do with the fact that 99% of the people who read the C-J sports section would rather read about UofL or UK basketball on the front page especially this time of year?

Your lame barbs of people lacking reading comprehension skills is not only a tired response, it also has nothing to do with the OP or other comments on here. We all get the fact that we can turn a few pages to read about basketball so save it. Its still odd the choice of the sports editor for the feature story given the time of year.

It was still a story (albeit a good one) about a UK Soccer player.

I'm sure there are great stories about players on Bellarmine's Golf team but....
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I stopped my subscription in September, they still deliver me a free paper every day.
I cancelled in writing and went on a trip. When I got back 10 days later I had a stack of CJs. I had to call them and tell I had cancelled. They seemed surprised.
One good thing the CJ has done in the past year was that article and picture of Cals head on a babies body in a diaper. I thought that was funny.
In all fairness, the article was less about UK soccer and more of an uplifting feature profile that described the student-athlete's journey from Lesotho, Africa to Louisville and how he's chased his dream of being a pro soccer player and following in his father's footsteps. It's what editors would call an "evergreen" type of story that could run just about any day of the year. They've probably had it written for weeks.

Now, back to the CJ bashing......
Doesn't matter if it was a UofL soccer player and his eventful journey,


That used to be a priority coverage. The crap journal must realize Cards fans no
longer suscribe, so we run a story we can run ANY TIME, after the Cards get a big,
road conference win. Koo-koo for cocoa puffs.

Denver has a professional soccer team. You think the feature is on a player on
a OUT OF SEASON sport, or the fact that theyre going to the SB.

Again the crap journal proves me right on why i stopped buying that paper
6 yrs ago.

Now back to worshipping the lexington courier jounal for some of you...........
The C-J is on life support. The only people who still subscribe to it are Seniors (for obituaries, not kidding) and those who chose to live "off the grid". A shame a city the size of Louisville has to be represented by a rag like that. The C-J is even worse in Southern Indiana...they just cut and paste stories from the Indianapolis Star and still feed UK crap up on the front page. UK is clearly the 3rd place team (maybe even 4th behind Notre Dame football) in Southern Indiana behind IU and UofL. The high school sports coverage on both sides of the river is non-existent.
C-J = Crappy Journalists!


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