Predict the Starting Lineup

Jones is a def starter. Either Withers, Minlend, or Nickelberry for the last spot. I'm going Withers.

Williamson isn’t playing the 4. We aren’t gonna force Malik to be the only size, that’ll get him in foul trouble or quick.

We aren’t gonna go that small. Jones and Johnson will handle the ball the most. Sam will develop into the wing scorer/defender we all like.

Mineland will be the 6th man.

It’s really up to Iggy and Nickelberry to step up this season. We aren’t deep, but all you need is 8 solid guys to be a good team.
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Louis what do you see from Withers? I'm not up to speed on the players at all. Thanks!
Size, length, and athleticism. From what I understand, he can guard up to 3 positions and is active on the court. Showed in his clips he has decent mid-range game and at the end of the day you cant coach size. I fully expect him to make mistakes as will everyone with jumping right into game action and limited reps, but I give him the edge in starting as a true 4 rather than going small.
Sam The Man ( I hope, has finally figured it out)

Let's have a healthy year. Injury free and Covid free.