OT: Garret should be banned from NFL- what a doucher!!!


Jan 26, 2007
honestly, it's probably the most cowardly act i've ever seen on the football field. what a disgrace. and his comment afterwards was

"A win's a win. I don't think it's overshadowed by what happens in 8 seconds,"

hopefully he never plays again this year and should be gone from next year also. pretty sure assault with a deadly weapon charged are justified. he swung a helmet and hit a dude directly in the skull. i see no other way but he should he arrested on violence charges
The NFL is on the clock.

As far as “charges”, that’s up to the victim most likely. The Stare can do it, but they’d need the victim’s cooperation.

But the NFL can do whatever they want. And people are watching
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Meh, it's the Steelers. They had it coming to them.
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In hockey everyone loves the fights.
Expects it. Yes i know they dont fight with their sticks, but their have been people intentionally slashed.

In baseball they throw a ball at the batters head and some batters have thrown the bat at pitchers or other infielders.

Pouncey kicking a guy on the ground is just as bad. Kicks to the face or head can cause serious damage.

8 game suspension for Garrett
5 game suspension for Pouncey
2 game suspension for Rudolph

Its all overblown.
Its all overblown.

nah, it’s really not. Garrett’s act was cowardly and could have seriously hurt Rudolph. Helmets are not soft. I would say it would have been overblown had Garrett taken his helmet off, they fought fair, and then people made a big ado about it. Garrett essentially used a weapon. He’s a coward. And as the op stated, after some half-assed apology, he brushed it off like it wasn’t a big deal. He needs to be held accountable for his actions.
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Garrett is suspended indefinitely and fined $250,000. Ban him for life. He could have killed that idiot qb who started it.
nah, it’s really not. Garrett’s act was cowardly and could have seriously hurt Rudolph. Helmets are not soft. I would say it would have been overblown had Garrett taken his helmet off, they fought fair, and then people made a big ado about it. Garrett essentially used a weapon. He’s a coward. And as the op stated, after some half-assed apology, he brushed it off like it wasn’t a big deal. He needs to be held accountable for his actions.

The assault was serious, but its a sports fight. Not the 1st, nor the last.
He just picked the wrong sport to use a weapon

He'll probably get cut from the browns.
He'll probably miss the 2020 season, but he'll be back in the league.
The assault was serious, but its a sports fight. Not the 1st, nor the last.
He just picked the wrong sport to use a weapon

What sport do they let you use weapons? In hockey they allow fist fighting, but nothing more.

Look I’m not advocating banning the guy for life, hell not even the rest of the year (which the nfl has already done), I’m thinking more of a huge, huge fine, multiple games, and an apology.
250K fine was issued to both teams. Garret susp indefinitely with minimum of this season, Pouncey 3 gms and other Cleveland player 1 gm.
From what I saw in the video, Rudolph tried to remove Garrett's helmet before Garrett ripped off Rudolph's. Rudolph's penalty should reflect this as well, as he mulls his "legal options"
I’d suspend him for remainder of season. However I thought the hit on the Steelers receiver was almost as egregious.
From what I saw in the video, Rudolph tried to remove Garrett's helmet before Garrett ripped off Rudolph's. Rudolph's penalty should reflect this as well, as he mulls his "legal options"

Even before that, Garrett should have let go of Rudolph instead of dragging him to the ground, because Rudolph had already passed the ball. The act of pulling Rudolph to the ground and jumping on top of him is what angered Rudolph enough to kick Garrett and attempt to pull off Garrett’s helmet. Garrett then escalated it further by ripping off Rudolph’s helmet and hitting him over the head with it.
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The assault was serious, but its a sports fight.
The NFL has a specific rule stating that the helmet at no time shall ever be used as a weapon. it's 100% assault. imagine if the part of the helmet that hit rudolph was not the softest, padded edging of the helmet. what if the hardest part cracked his skull and he was left bleeding? why does the injury matter? my brother went to jail twenty years ago for assault for hitting a person in the head with his motorcycle helmet. what's the difference?
Even before that, Garrett should have let go of Rudolph instead of dragging him to the ground, because Rudolph had already passed the ball. The act of pulling Rudolph to the ground and jumping on top of him is what angered Rudolph enough to kick Garrett and attempt to pull off Garrett’s helmet. Garrett then escalated it further by ripping off Rudolph’s helmet and hitting him over the head with it.
You won't get arguments from me that Garrett's behavior was probably the worst that could have happened. I think that Rudolph also did not conduct himself properly in the situation. He should admit that he could have acted better as well and quit portraying himself as a victim.
The NFL has a specific rule stating that the helmet at no time shall ever be used as a weapon. it's 100% assault. imagine if the part of the helmet that hit rudolph was not the softest, padded edging of the helmet. what if the hardest part cracked his skull and he was left bleeding? why does the injury matter? my brother went to jail twenty years ago for assault for hitting a person in the head with his motorcycle helmet. what's the difference?

The difference is that athletes are rarely prosecuted for in game behavior.

Not only did Rudolph attempt to take off Garretts helmet, he grabbed his face mask first and kicked him in the privates. Who knows, he could have verbally sparked the whole situation.

There are policemen on the sidelines.
They made no move to arrest him. Matter of fact, they made no move to even break it up.

Its football. It happens.
I again say wrong sport.
If this were hockey or beisbol there would only be faux outrage.
Well not in hockey. Fights in hockey are not only expected, theyre celebrated
Well then. I am glad that hockey is not football.

All I know is that if a FB player took my helmet off and hit me in the head with it for any reason; then that would constitute assault with a deadly weapon.

There is no justifiable reason to ever do that in any FB game. This needs to be nipped in the bud. Jail time may be an appropriate remedy to this type of criminal behavior especially since the perp had no remorse for his actions.

The NFL needs to take a hard look at a total ban from FB as the necessary action to prevent future behaviors of this type occurring by any FB player.
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