So I get home tonight and ESPN is re showing the 2006 Rose Bowl between Texas and U S C.We all know by now that the whole time Reggie Bush was at U S C him and his parents were living in a house that boosters paid for along with them taking other improper benefits from the very same boosters.My point is that they can say whatever they want about U of L and it's 2012/2013 season but none of them can deny how magical their run was that year.I keep hoping that they will replay one of their games from that tournament but they just keep showing the same ones over and over.Thing is that game against Texas should be viewed the same way they view our season that year.By their thinking both teams played and won games with a player or players deemed to have received improper benefits, and both teams had championships and games taken away.Thing is one team's accomplishments are to be hidden away in a secret vault by the NCAA while tonight on April 2, 2020 the other team is on national TV on prime time.Not only is U S C on prime time but it is on the very same network that seemed to go out of it's way to make sure the whole scandal that occurred with U of L was highlighted every day 24/7. That U of L team was special and it should sit along side the 1980 and 1986 teams especially after they way they fought back following the Kevin Ware injury.