Oh my gosh ! So many empty seats in Tallahassee!

Remember a few weeks ago when Herbstreit was chastising our fanbase for empty seats? Wonder what he had to say about FSU.
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caught a bit of oregon v stanford and dudes were saying at best only half full but also said students not back on campus yet but still half full at stanford!
from the CJ ;(you can make the numbers say anything you want) last year, tickets sold and people who actually show up are two different numbers. btw, 6000 seats x $45 = $250k extra a game income

"While the announced attendance in the first four home games of the season has averaged 50,975 fans, the average number of tickets scanned has been 34,968, according to figures obtained by the Courier Journal via open-records request.

There were 35,785 tickets scanned for Friday night’s game against Georgia Tech, down from 38,496 on Sept. 29 against Florida State and 42,976 on Sept. 15 against Western Kentucky.

Louisville drew 22,615 fans in a driving rainstorm for the home opener against Indiana State"
here's the ncaa totals for all teams last year and 2017

we were actually 8th largest increase from 2017 to 2018

so technically you can have a sellout and not have a single person in the stands or even show up to the game
from the CJ ;(you can make the numbers say anything you want) last year, tickets sold and people who actually show up are two different numbers. btw, 6000 seats x $45 = $250k extra a game income...
That's if everything else is equal.

For example, THIS year we're trying to rent luxury suites by the game. If there's attrition in that area, it will swamp cheap seat sales.

The best way to analyze this situation is ticket revenue. For some reason, the ULAA has been slow to publish that info lately...
I should have went to the game !
I watched the game with a former FSU season ticket holder until just a couple of years ago, and he was absolutely SHOCKED at the view of the stands. He could not believe how empty the stadium was. And yes, attendance is a problem everywhere, not just the Ville.
Ok, fan attendance, or lack there of, is a national trend. Louisville's a rebuilding team, and not currently generating excitement from non-Louisville fans. You take those two factors, and ok, I get it. But, damn. If Willie doesn't start fast tracking it, FSU will have no other option but to make a change.
I watched the game with a former FSU season ticket holder until just a couple of years ago, and he was absolutely SHOCKED at the view of the stands. He could not believe how empty the stadium was. And yes, attendance is a problem everywhere, not just the Ville.

It's happening in college basketball as well, and the trend will continue.
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There are many reasons for the attendance falloff. At FSU it’s attributable to poor coaching selection decisions by the athletic department. Other places it’s because of scandal fatigue (UofL). And in other instances (most places) the schools are pricing themselves out of business. And then there’s always TV. There are probably other reasons but they are too many to mention. I believe there will be a resurgence of interest in college athletics but this time it will take a little longer. This is all just my opinion of course.

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