North Carolina bill would require UNC and NC State to leave ACC

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It's about time somebody stood up to the ACC and their touchy, feely bailout. It would serve the ACC right to lose two members, who will have NO problems getting in another conference in a heartbeat.

I'm sick of "boycotts" over political decisions. Politics is temporary.

But how ironic would it be, if losing UNC and NCST started a domino effect leading to the breakup of the ACC as we know it?

I would say "this will never happen" but we're in strange times.
This is more about fallout from HB2, the bathroom issue. I don't foresee the ACC from boycotting the state again for any reasons but who knows. I think the championships should be held at neutral locations. I don't have too much of an issue with the football championship in Charlotte as it is a major airport hub, but I don't like the fact that the basketball championship will go back to Greensboro.
It's about time somebody stood up to the ACC and their touchy, feely bailout. It would serve the ACC right to lose two members, who will have NO problems getting in another conference in a heartbeat.

I'm sick of "boycotts" over political decisions. Politics is temporary.

But how ironic would it be, if losing UNC and NCST started a domino effect leading to the breakup of the ACC as we know it?

I would say "this will never happen" but we're in strange times.
Politics may indeed be 'temporary' but, doing what is right is permanent. That ship has sailed and no amount of squawking about the farcical 'good old days' will bring it back.

Hope those idiots in the NC legislatures budget the money for those two schools to pay their GORs to leave the ACC. o_O
I never understood the need for a 'bathroom bill' in the first place. We are all human beings, and I believe all of us use a public bathroom from time to time. Why make a big deal about it? I don't care if someone is gay, transgender, straight, or whatever the latest buzz word is and I really don't care where anyone pees or poops as long as its not in my yard! Pee or poop in my yard and we are going to have problems. :D
It would be sad but funny if lobbying for the bill was sponsored by the SEC or the B1G trying to take advantage of the situation and get a foothold in the state.
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It's not about peeing or pooping. It's about perverts having the law protect them when they go to peep at females in bathrooms and locker rooms. Don't forget that. It's not just bathrooms. The state of North Carolina has the right to pass common sense laws without being blackmailed by the ACC or the NCAA. There has been several accounts of women being stared and gawked at in bathrooms by men who are dressed as men. The mainstream media doesn't report it because they protect the progressive agenda. But if Trump or any Republican would have been the genesis of something like this the media would be raising hell.

Trying to equate this with civil rights is ridiculous. Less than one percent of the population is transgendered. There's only a issue now because the left was emboldened the past 8 years to do everything it can to disrupt traditional America. The LGBTQ when they're done will have every letter in the alphabet. They're already trying to add incest as a protective civil right. When will it end? Well, in North Carolina, they're trying to end it now.
It would be sad but funny if lobbying for the bill was sponsored by the SEC or the B1G trying to take advantage of the situation and get a foothold in the state.

What you said is mostly if not all true. There's either power or money or both behind what happens in this country today. If something doesn't make sense, that is why.

I guess by now, people are seeing Papa John's comments. I can't help but agree with some of what he said. Mr. Jurich is invisible as was Mr. Ramsey, unless you were Ali or a Mr. Owsley Frazier with lots of $$$$$$$.

I was told that UL Athletics would not want to hold raffles - instead of donations - for a chance to sit in Jurich's suite, or behind the bench, or go on a charter - they wouldn't get the return on their investment. Meaning, someone like my husband and myself might win and we aren't going to donate $100,000 to UL. (I hope to win the lottery. Have UL wine and dine me, then give some of the money to Simmons.)

You can bet your house the SEC would tell the NCAA to #U@K OFF if they tried to hold them hostage about the bathroom bill that NC passed...They'd bolt the NCAA and I'd say another 50-60 other schools would follow (say bye to the Liberal PAC Schools), and become their own entity...Money talks and the money would follow!!!

You can bet your house the SEC would tell the NCAA to #U@K OFF if they tried to hold them hostage about the bathroom bill that NC passed...They'd bolt the NCAA and I'd say another 50-60 other schools would follow (say bye to the Liberal PAC Schools), and become their own entity...Money talks and the money would follow!!!


You know the bill was passed by the righties.

Guess who runs legislation in SEC country........thats right-righties.
It's not about left or right, liberal or conservative Kerry. Not to me. It's about common sense. There is no data that I know of that supports TheRealVille's take regarding perverts dressed up like men to spy on women in bathrooms (which I guess could happen but who's to say it wasn't already happening before this bill?)

Common sense tells me everyone has to use the bathroom out in public from time to time. People of all factions use those bathrooms. The gay people. The straight people. ALL people including perverts I assume. Some stupid bill making a statement about who can or can't use a bathroom isn't going to stop any of the people from using a bathroom. I'm fairly sure all people of all backgrounds, sexual oreintations, and yes perverts have used a public bathroom many time prior to this becoming a issue. The real issue here is this is a NON issue. Nobody is going to stare at your junk, and if they do then you can call a cop and press charges. Good grief.
I never understood the need for a 'bathroom bill' in the first place. We are all human beings, and I believe all of us use a public bathroom from time to time. Why make a big deal about it? I don't care if someone is gay, transgender, straight, or whatever the latest buzz word is and I really don't care where anyone pees or poops as long as its not in my yard! Pee or poop in my yard and we are going to have problems. :D
I have been to France a couple of times. There are a lot of public bathrooms that are used by everyone.....It takes a bit to get used to........
It's not about left or right, liberal or conservative Kerry. Not to me. It's about common sense. There is no data that I know of that supports TheRealVille's take regarding perverts dressed up like men to spy on women in bathrooms (which I guess could happen but who's to say it wasn't already happening before this bill?)

Common sense tells me everyone has to use the bathroom out in public from time to time. People of all factions use those bathrooms. The gay people. The straight people. ALL people including perverts I assume. Some stupid bill making a statement about who can or can't use a bathroom isn't going to stop any of the people from using a bathroom. I'm fairly sure all people of all backgrounds, sexual oreintations, and yes perverts have used a public bathroom many time prior to this becoming a issue. The real issue here is this is a NON issue. Nobody is going to stare at your junk, and if they do then you can call a cop and press charges. Good grief.
Wish I could like this post 100 times.
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the bathroom bill is 100% about white conservative males fearing that they are losing their grip and control over the rest of society so they instill fear as a way to ostracize, alienate, oppress, and rule over those people of which do not look like, talk like, or act like white conservative christian males.
if you grew up in the 70's conservative white christian males told you interracial marriages were against god and a perversion and they would be the destruction of the american society and family values. these are the same people who tell you gays are wrong and that gay marriage will destroy our society and family values.
the bill comes from the same people who believed in slavery, who believe you should bow down to their god, and the simple truth is these are bills created by white men with small penis' who are inherently affiad their wives will realise how horrible people they are and will leave them.

so they create stories to instill fear when none should exist. the reasoning for the bill is they ay men could dress like women adn go into bathroom and rape actual women? is this a problem in NC? or anywhere? are rapists dressing up like women to rape other women? that's their argument and it's simply becasue they don't want to learn or understand anything about anyone who is not a white conservative christian who believes exactly in their god. they see gays, transgender, lbiasexual as deviant behavior that goes against their god. they don;t beleive in all men are created equal, they only believe in their own myopic view of the world, an uneducated, non-intelligent view.

these are the same people who think gays are pedophoiles when it's only straight white men who are. these bills are simply created by white men who understand the country is getting less white and white every day and their ultimate fear is that they will be the ones will be oppressed by the non white people of this country. the funny part is they expect ;liberals to be the mean oppressive, hate spewing aholes that they are so they live in fear of retribution when in realirty the liberals just want the same freedoms for all.

basically, if you look in every state across the country, you see bills everywhere limiting the freedoms tou have as a citizen in the name of them using their religious freedom to instill fear and oppression. since the tea party movement of 2010 conservatives have not created jobs but everywhere they've enacted laws limiting your rights, your freedoms as an individuals while preserving their religious freedom to discriminate, oppress, judge, and devalue other Us citizens. which btw, if you believe in our constitutuin that says all men are created equal, if you say someone else doesn't deserve the same freedoms as you than you are simply not an american. and regretfully, if you look at the republican party, and those who support our douche prez, you;ll find that most of them aren't true americans, they believe in a white run american, not one of all colors. and they don;t believe everyone deserves to be treated equally. if so why is it there is no equal rights amendment? why is it women don;t get paid the same?
so in the end, the bathroom bill was only created to allow white men to instill fear and use their closeminded, intolerant religion to oppress it's fellow tax paying citizens. UNC is an academic embarrassment and i say let them leave and nc state with them. i'm pretty sure the ACC will survive without them. we've got a better football conference then the sec and the bball league is still the best if you lose those schools. so good riddance
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even funnier part is if you are born a male but dress female they expect you to be dressed as a female and go to the men's room. and if you were born a female and dress as a male they now expect you to go into the women's room dressed as a man. that's what he bill does. they fear without it a rapist will dress as a women and go into the ladies room and rape women. so instead we must force women who dress like men to go into the women's bathroom but somehow a rapist can't just dress as a woman and go into the ladies room and rape. that would never happen in their mind. but a transgender person to them, all they think about is going into the bathrooms of the opposite sex and raping the women.
so you tell me, if you dress like a girl and act like a girl, should you use the ladies room or the men's room? and if you are a rapist, does the bill matter at all to you because if you are going to rape a women, you can now walk into the women's dressed as a man and no one will question you because you just say you are a women's who's transgender and they'll need a search warrant to stop you? so what if anything did the bill solve except to install fear among white conservative voters over an issue that didn't exist? imagine if white conservatives put this much effort into creating jobs or uplifting the poor and making healthcare cheaper? but nope, they only deal with oppression on the human level. worst of all, in most cases, they'll claim they are doing the work of god and jesus but that's just the devil in disguise.
It's not about left or right, liberal or conservative Kerry. Not to me. It's about common sense. There is no data that I know of that supports TheRealVille's take regarding perverts dressed up like men to spy on women in bathrooms (which I guess could happen but who's to say it wasn't already happening before this bill?)

Common sense tells me everyone has to use the bathroom out in public from time to time. People of all factions use those bathrooms. The gay people. The straight people. ALL people including perverts I assume. Some stupid bill making a statement about who can or can't use a bathroom isn't going to stop any of the people from using a bathroom. I'm fairly sure all people of all backgrounds, sexual oreintations, and yes perverts have used a public bathroom many time prior to this becoming a issue. The real issue here is this is a NON issue. Nobody is going to stare at your junk, and if they do then you can call a cop and press charges. Good grief.

Sorry Cue but you're wrong. Of course its about politics. The Cons introduced this legislation after same sex marriage was legalized. Funny thing is, even though I lean Democratic, i agree with the bill.

If you have Male parts, you use the Mens restroom. I have 2 daughters under the age of 16. They might one day see a Man undressed. It just shouldn't be in a public restroom.
You cant legislate morality, however you can legislate actions. No one is going to volunteer to check to see who has what. However, when harassment or worse rape occurs, now the owners of said bathrooms are liable. Just because you dress as a woman or feel like a woman doesnt make you one. If those who want to force their beliefs upon the majority, just practiced decorum, this conversation wouldnt take place.

The bill was rescinded not because legislators changed theyre mind about transgenders, it was because of all the lost income (ACC tourney, NBA all star game, concerts, employers). Thats political as it gets.

How this ties in to UNC and State? With both being State runned schools, there would be alot of politics going around about trying to leave the ACC. The income loss would be astronomical, even if the SEC bailed them out and picked both up. As i said before, SEC States are in league with the NC legislators. Texas introduced or is planning to introduce a bill similar to one NC passed and rescinded. The ACC would own Tv tights for 20 yrs.

Sorry to be longwinded, but this is political to the T, and its the brainchild of the right.
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Sorry Cue but you're wrong. Of course its about politics. The Cons introduced this legislation after same sex marriage was legalized. Funny thing is, even though I lean Democratic, i agree with the bill.

If you have Male parts, you use the Mens restroom. I have 2 daughters under the age of 16. They might one day see a Man undressed. It just shouldn't be in a public restroom.
You cant legislate morality, however you can legislate actions. No one is going to volunteer to check to see who has what. However, when harassment or worse rape occurs, now the owners of said bathrooms are liable. Just because you dress as a woman or feel like a woman doesnt make you one. If those who want to force their beliefs upon the majority, just practiced decorum, this conversation wouldnt take place.

The bill was rescinded not because legislators changed theyre mind about transgenders, it was because of all the lost income (ACC tourney, NBA all star game, concerts, employers). Thats political as it gets.

How this ties in to UNC and State? With both being State runned schools, there would be alot of politics going around about trying to leave the ACC. The income loss would be astronomical, even if the SEC bailed them out and picked both up. As i said before, SEC States are in league with the NC legislators. Texas introduced or is planning to introduce a bill similar to one NC passed and rescinded. The ACC would own Tv tights for 20 yrs.

Sorry to be longwinded, but this is political to the T, and its the brainchild of the right.
Sorry for butting in but in states like NC, a bill like this is as much religious as it is political - making this more a 'brainchild' of religious conservatives which in a state like NC - includes both sides of the aisle. You may disagree but, history teaches us that this type of fear based religious overreach is common and has been used many times with laws for separate rest rooms based upon race, banning interracial marriage, the D.O.M.A., etc, etc, etc. The religious conservatives from both sides of the aisle overreacted and like many useless things that come out of legislatures, created a solution in search of a problem.

As a fan of democracy, I concede that they are (unless determined to be unlawful) able to create laws like this. That said, they wildly miscalculated not only their authority to control the situation but also ultimately their own political will, as they failed to plan for the inevitable reaction to their action. The majority of the NCAA / ACC member institutions do not share in that regressive thinking and decided to hold their events elsewhere. I find it funny but unsurprising, that the convictions of those elected officials were lost along with that revenue - a clear sign of what hypocrites they are.
ACC is a sports conference, not a political party, they need to quit acting like one.
The ACC (and NCAA) is a business - plain and simple. And they reacted to the NC silliness as a business, to protect their interests - no different than dozens of other businesses that decided NC wasn't a place that they wanted to be.
Sorry Cue but you're wrong. Of course its about politics.
Yes Kerry, I realize it's ALL about politics. I'm just saying it's a non issue that doesn't need to be political. Not IMO. It's just a bathroom. I lean more conservative in my beliefs (notice I did not say Republican), but this particular issue just isn't any type of issue as far as I'm concerned. If a man wants to dress like woman and go in the 'women's' bathroom, then that man is going to do it. We're a bit weird about how we address things like this as a nation. I mean if you've ever been to Europe, you would understand what I'm talking about. Genders just mesh together over there, and it's not considered a big deal. I went to Germany to work for 10 days, and went to a spa area in the hotel I was staying at. It was open to both male and female patrons and everyone was naked. I was embarrassed at first because of our culture, but once I saw how the locals made it a non issue, I let go of my own inhibitions and simply enjoyed the spa. Nobody gawked at me. We didn't gawk at each other either. It was just people being people. It was no big deal. This bathroom bill is much to do about nothing. JMO.
The sad part is people think being transgender is normal. They are screwed up in the head without drugs, simply put if you have a penis use the men's room.
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The sad part is people think being transgender is normal. They are screwed up in the head without drugs, simply put if you have a penis use the men's room.
The word normal is subjective. I don't agree with a man thinking he's really a woman or vice versa, but I'm not that person, so while it's not 'normal' to me, it must be normal to them. Since it doesn't effect my life in any way, I don't care. Let them be themselves. Does it really disrupt your life in any way other than maybe making you uncomfortable? Honestly, it makes me uncomfortable, but that's my problem to deal with. Not theirs.
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Sorry for butting in but in states like NC, a bill like this is as much religious as it is political - making this more a 'brainchild' of religious conservatives which in a state like NC - includes both sides of the aisle. You may disagree but, history teaches us that this type of fear based religious overreach is common and has been used many times with laws for separate rest rooms based upon race, banning interracial marriage, the D.O.M.A., etc, etc, etc. The religious conservatives from both sides of the aisle overreacted and like many useless things that come out of legislatures, created a solution in search of a problem.

As a fan of democracy, I concede that they are (unless determined to be unlawful) able to create laws like this. That said, they wildly miscalculated not only their authority to control the situation but also ultimately their own political will, as they failed to plan for the inevitable reaction to their action. The majority of the NCAA / ACC member institutions do not share in that regressive thinking and decided to hold their events elsewhere. I find it funny but unsurprising, that the convictions of those elected officials were lost along with that revenue - a clear sign of what hypocrites they are.

No problem. Im open to discuss anything with anyone.

The difference between interracial marriage and G/L is, the transgendered are in name only. One cannot change the colour of their skin. G/Ls use the bathroom of their gender.

Now just because you dress as the opposite sex, doesnt make you the opposite sex.
There aren't any urinals in the Womens restroom for a reason.

The transgender high school boy who is suing to play for the girls team. He is a fully functioning male, who "feels" he is a girl. It has to stop somewhere.

No one is asking to outlaw Transgenders. To each their own. Only for them to use the bathroom of their gender.
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Yes Kerry, I realize it's ALL about politics. I'm just saying it's a non issue that doesn't need to be political. Not IMO. It's just a bathroom. I lean more conservative in my beliefs (notice I did not say Republican), but this particular issue just isn't any type of issue as far as I'm concerned. If a man wants to dress like woman and go in the 'women's' bathroom, then that man is going to do it. We're a bit weird about how we address things like this as a nation. I mean if you've ever been to Europe, you would understand what I'm talking about. Genders just mesh together over there, and it's not considered a big deal. I went to Germany to work for 10 days, and went to a spa area in the hotel I was staying at. It was open to both male and female patrons and everyone was naked. I was embarrassed at first because of our culture, but once I saw how the locals made it a non issue, I let go of my own inhibitions and simply enjoyed the spa. Nobody gawked at me. We didn't gawk at each other either. It was just people being people. It was no big deal. This bathroom bill is much to do about nothing. JMO.

I hear you.
If a bathroom is marked unisex, then so be it.
Ive never been to Europe, but have heard nudity is not an issue between Adults and children.

We here in the States dont have alot of those.
I know this is nothing new, for "There is nothing new under the Sun"

The absurdity of "feelings" is how we got here.
While many politicians do postur, there are some that believe in their heart about doing the right thing.

Before anyone says politics doesnt belong in sports, the two have always been intertwined and always will be.
No problem. Im open to discuss anything with anyone.

The difference between interracial marriage and G/L is, the transgendered are in name only. One cannot change the colour of their skin. G/Ls use the bathroom of their gender.

Now just because you dress as the opposite sex, doesnt make you the opposite sex.
There aren't any urinals in the Womens restroom for a reason.

The transgender high school boy who is suing to play for the girls team. He is a fully functioning male, who "feels" he is a girl. It has to stop somewhere.

No one is asking to outlaw Transgenders. To each their own. Only for them to use the bathroom of their gender.
I guess it really boils down to what your 'belief' is regarding transgendered people and or gays and lesbians. Each of the people that I have known that would fall into one of those categories would tell you that they are nor more able to change who they are, than someone be able to change the color of their skin. Given all of the historical discrimination that minority individuals have faced - whether they be people of color, gays and lesbians, transgendered, etc begs the question - if it really was a "choice" - why in the hell would anyone 'choose' to subject themselves to discrimination up to and including hatred?

FWIW - I think that it's important to note that sex (M/F) is completely different from gender. There are no bathrooms designated for a gender.
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The sad part is people think being transgender is normal. They are screwed up in the head without drugs, simply put if you have a penis use the men's room.
So, is being gay or lesbian "normal" in your view or, is that a mental disorder as well? My guess is that you aren't familiar with anyone who is gay, lesbian or transgendered, as if you were - you'd most likely have a different view on the subject.

Or, you're one of those people who feel that their subjective version of 'normal' should be everyone's version - which is a different type of being "screwed up in the head".
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While many politicians do postur, there are some that believe in their heart about doing the right thing.

And yet, they have a change of heart when the money stops flowing. That seems counterintuitive - no? Personally, I don't want politicians that legislate based upon what is "in their heart" - I prefer that they use their brain.

Also I think its important to note, that is the same sentiment that many politicians used when creating Jim Crow and other discriminatory laws against African Americans and other minorities. Separate bathrooms for whites and blacks was explained as necessary to keep white people 'safe' from having to interact with blacks.

Those policies were wrong, as are these ones.
HB2 came about because the City of Charlotte passed an ordnance allowing anyone to enter any restroom or locker room they chose.

Both were dumb, but one was in response to the other. What ended up happening is Charlotte removed the ordnance, and NC removed HB2.

So now we're right back to where we were before, it was basically a ploy to fire up voters in an election year.
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ACC gets around this issue simply by not scheduling any conference events in NC. No one's "boycotting" anyone.

It WILL, however, temper the message. It won't be a move because of politics...
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