New expansion- it will be open for the fans to visit once completed

GridIron Pimp

New Poster, Show Me Love
Jun 21, 2005
Will UL have an open house to see the new weight room addition and expansion? UK did one last year for all the season-ticket holders.
Will UL have an open house to see the new weight room addition and expansion? UK did one last year for all the season-ticket holders.
Have you received any info on Black and Red Night being held August 23, 2018 at the stadium. It's a Grand Opening celebration.
Negative. I have been a season ticket holder for several years but have not received this email. Who sent the email? Does it require an invitation to attend? I will call UL and see if I am included for an invite. Thanks!
I have seats in the expansion and received a mailing from the Athletic office. It may be only for expansion seat holders.