NCAA Tourney Thread

UNC Wilmington and Virginia going down to the wire.
Would have loved to see UVA get clipped in the first round.

Amazing that certain teams including UNC Wilmington can speed up Virginia and get them out of their comfort zone and more talented teams can't. Part of that is not letting them beat you on the glass and UNCW outrebounded them the whole game.
I didnt want to see Vir get beat by UNCW would be a bad indictment on the ACC considering Vir has beaten the top teams including us twice in the league. It would make me nervous going forward in the tourney. Plus that Mitchell kid for Vir who is their best inside defensive player was pretty much out he was sick.
Sounds like Jackson at Kansas might be in deep water. You can't tell women you're "going to beat her ass" and have that on a legal affidavit. This sucks on two levels: 1) the most obvious level - a human one. 2) I want KU at their best.
Sounds like Jackson at Kansas might be in deep water. You can't tell women you're "going to beat her ass" and have that on a legal affidavit. This sucks on two levels: 1) the most obvious level - a human one. 2) I want KU at their best.
Hey let's just take it one game at a time! You know this team is not a sure fire thing like the 2012/and 2013 teams.
Looking like a quick trip out of the tournament for Richard if they don't pick it up. Was hoping they would win a couple of games. Still a lot more time left though.
I'm all for the ACC doing well, but I dislike Virginia with a passion. Absolutely cannot stand how they play.

I was hoping Virginia would take an L to a former Cardinal assistant today. Puts me in a tough situation on Saturday... Virginia v. Florida.
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They look good. Minnesota is in trouble.
No way Middle Tennessee should have been a 12 seed. This team won 30 games going into the Tournament and performed great in last year's tourney.

The committee missed on that one. They should have had Vandy's 9 seed at least.
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No game thread for our game,so....we sure got a lot of guys that like to shoot.

Sorry,I'll refrain
No daggone excuse for this team to come out like this alot of rest and practice time.
Sorry fellow Card fans their is no way any of you can spin anything positive from this play.