More Upheaval for College Football on the way?

You know USC and Stanford will hang with the PAC 12, Northwestern will not abandon all that money from the Big 10, Vanderbilt will not abandon the SEC, and ND is spending 400 million dollars on renovating ND Stadium, turning the old student center into a new basketball practice facility, and other building projects around campus. Our AD has already said the student athletes would be given a stipend after the legislation goes into affect. He is pushing for players to be paid for memorabilia and their autographs. I'm not sure where he's coming from with this talk, but he better find a new job if this is his new position.
Hey Ara, what you doing over here? I'm here more since the free board at the other place has gone down hill. This UofL site is a great place.
I come over to hangout with these cool guys from time to time. They haven't run me off yet and I needed some fresh air from the mess on B&G. I just don't feel comfortable on the Scout board site. Good to hear from you Silver man.
what a bunch of elitest drivel

The author is suggesting some programs who currently receive the financial benefits of major college athletics will split away from other revenue generating programs and join a majority of non revenue programs because of academic perception? Don't make me laugh. The recent split of the P5 has already proved this theory wrong.

The evidence suggests Swarbrick has done all he can to align himself with the "revenue factory land grant schools".

If, big time athletics is a dirty game, then ND is a Pig-Pen look-a-like along with the other programs listed in the story.
Someone like EZ who's smarter than me needs to explain what I just read...
So is he proposing to stay in the current conference alignment but not pay the "student athletes" the going rate that FSU, Clemson sets.

So, ND, Stanford, et al., recruit the top academic, affluent athletes who don't need extra $$$ and stay in their P5 conferences?
I'll just be confused if I skim this article again. Executive Summary available?
I'm totally confused by what he said because it's a complete turn-a-bout to his previous position. His weekly program is on at 5:00 a.m. this morning. You can bet that I'll be listening to that show. He's rattled a lot of the ND's fans cages.