FWIW, I thought that question right outta the gate was inappropriate and I'm not saying shouldn't have been discussed later. Pitino was not obligated to come on his show. Meiners could have let RP state some information and comment on the current situation before just dropping that hammer. They're relationship has not been what it once was for years now.
My concern was Vanetti's tone and how staunchly he came out the next day following that interview defending Meiners and calling out Pitino. He, Vanetti, even alluded to some "back channel" info. Throw in Eaves calling for Pitino's head, Meiners abrupt questioning and it makes me feel they are hearing something or know something. They certainly have the backing of their Management team, no way they piss into the wind like that on their own without it. Don't forget who WHAS broadcasts for, they have the ratings and outside of Louisville it's base is Blue. There are a whole lot of folks in this town and at that station who would like nothing more than a bigger white hot dumpster fire then we already have.
Go Cards!