I am currently watching ESPN "Outside the Lines", which is showing a piece on Michigan State and its Sexual Assault issues. Why wasn't the NCAA investigating MSU in 2010/2011? The main theme of the report shows the MSU has the same problem that Penn State. The only difference between MSU and Penn State was that the assaults are by players, not coaches...but just as bad. On its face...Is so and Danatonio should fired immediately. But the NCAA is worried Strippers in Dorms than assaults and rapes. Unlike Louisville, who have no campus and/or police reports on record like MSU...we have book from a prostitute...really? This is a no brainer. My original post...I was trying to point out the hypocrisy of the NCAA. So, you have a team physician of was molesting under age gymnists and recently convicted for life in prision. The activities of the football and basketball teams and the President of the NCAA knowing as early as 2010 about this. Syracuse, UCONN, UNC, and Miami all violated NCAA rules for recruiting and academic fraud....all got to keep their banners. But UofL is going to lose the 2013 title, 2012 appearance and millions in penalties...for strippers....but lets allow rapes, assaults, child molesting to occur at MSU, cheating and academic fraud at UNC, Syracuse, recruiting violations at UCONN. Oh...lets not forget Baylor, that has had murder and rape. Time to disband the NCAA. Put them to test and sue them for their inconsistency.