From Wall St Journal:
Wall St Journal
By Ben Cohen and Kevin Clark
......"The one U.S. city that is most obsessed with college basketball is in Kentucky, of course. It's the home of a school with a rich pedigree, a recent national championship and, most important, a rival that fits the exact same description.
The residents of Lexington, Ky., have an unbeaten team in the Kentucky Wildcats. But the citizens of Louisville can claim a different title: People there watch more college basketball than any other place on the planet.
Louisville has entered a rarified group of cities with almost nothing in common except their unhinged devotion to a single sport. In short, Louisville is the television capital of college basketball-just like Buffalo, N.Y., is the hub of hockey and Oklahoma City is the nerve center of golf." ......
Louisville is Capital of MBB
Wall St Journal
By Ben Cohen and Kevin Clark
......"The one U.S. city that is most obsessed with college basketball is in Kentucky, of course. It's the home of a school with a rich pedigree, a recent national championship and, most important, a rival that fits the exact same description.
The residents of Lexington, Ky., have an unbeaten team in the Kentucky Wildcats. But the citizens of Louisville can claim a different title: People there watch more college basketball than any other place on the planet.
Louisville has entered a rarified group of cities with almost nothing in common except their unhinged devotion to a single sport. In short, Louisville is the television capital of college basketball-just like Buffalo, N.Y., is the hub of hockey and Oklahoma City is the nerve center of golf." ......
Louisville is Capital of MBB