Local Media

Jun 10, 2005
Pretty sad, the local media (TV, on line and print) seems to be pissed that UofL didn't get nailed with worse. We all know how bad the C-J can be but WAVE had the "Troubleshooter" reporting instead of sports guys, WHAS had the hookers lawyer on camera demanding an apology, WLKY....well, we all know about them and Bozo's hit piece with WDRB.

What a bunch of LAZY, no talent hacks live and work in this town when it comes to media. Even the dang weather people at ALL the stations can't even get the forecast correct!

The National coverage was a 1000x's better than the local crap.

No more rumor hogs around the Katina trough boys, go back to telling us how wonderful Pay Pal Cal and his Wonder Kids are during UofL's top 10 football season.
rick bozitch may be the father of matty bangs, or at least related with the hard on he has for UofL. They should take his credential away. Tom has too much class to do it, but I wish he would take their credential away.

what would hurt them most though is simply not watching wdrb as most have dropped subscription to that lessington courier.
Crawford had a decent piece defending coach Pitino this morning while going out of his way to explain it was just his opinion. :eek:

It's obviously clear what WDRB is doing with Crawford and Bozich. Good cop/bad cop. It's really easy for Bozich to be a dick.
It's obviously clear what WDRB is doing with Crawford and Bozich. Good cop/bad cop. It's really easy for Bozich to be a dick.
they have never done good cop bad cop with the lessington basketball and rifle academy. They did not cover a starting forward drunk with his face on the road behind the wheel of a car..... question is why?
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