Just wondering


Gold Member
Sep 23, 2016
I was just wondering if anybody has heard anything about the NBA to Louisville? All that talk has died down and I was wondering if there was anymore movement under the radar.
It will pop up once an Owner is denied taxpayers monies to finance , or remodel a stadium.

Louisville will be used as 'leverage'

Besides, Seattle is up next, followed by KC.
Unless someone is adamant on bringing it to Louisville. Aint happening.

Id rather have Jacksonville Jaguars relocate here, but we know Indy, Cinn and Nashville would veto that.

Beisbol, the Marlins avg 4-12,000 at home games. Louisville could do better than that.
It will also resurface when more news comes out about Bailout Arena financials...
Seattle, Las Vegas, KC, London, Mexico City, etc will get an NBA team before Louisville will.

Louisville should shoot for a relocating MLS, WNBA, or Arena League team. That is as about as big as Louisville can dream. Unless Louisville suddenly turns into an “it” city, but with Frankfort running the show, that will never happen..