Fire Grantham, Hire Vance Bedford

I heard that one of those JR Ewings demanded a one on one with Charlie, and it sounded something like this:

"I don't know where you've been, but this is TEXAS!!!" This here ain't Louieville or down by Cuba with all those god#$#$ Mexicans from Cuba! This is Texas! Ye need to get some more of them colored boys who can run and juke and all that. Take that pigskin and run with it like it's deepfried in Southeastern Texas fatback. I tell ye! This is TEXAS and we expect more from ye! I'm sure as hail glad ye farred that Vance Bedford, we needed more white boys on the staff, Charlie. I don't mean to offend you, I'm just tellin ye what TEXAS football is all about! If ye want, I know Mack's number and his username on the Book of Face....want me to have eem call ye?"
And yes I am playing that card - just like Texas played the god**** JR Ewing card by making him hire that gimmicky uptempo OC from Tulsa (of all places) for this year. Uptempo. From Tulsa. Yeah, that's Charlieball. People are pissed at Charlie for leaving but they don't remember how bad it was under Krag apparently. No Charlie, no Teddy, no ACC! And this is indisputable. SO yeah, I will defend Charlie at Texas, he deserves it and it costs us as Louisville fans absolutely NOTHING.
Because he was a scapegoat for all the JR Ewing types in Austin who think they onow more about football than Charlie Strong. A bad fit all around but yeah.
So just making sure we're on the same page - Vance Bedford is available because all of the 80s stereotypical 'JR Ewing' Texas types care more about white coaches than defenses that give up 30+ points a game?
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So just making sure we're on the same page - Vance Bedford is available because all of the 80s stereotypical 'JR Ewing' Texas types care more about white coaches than defenses that give up 30+ points a game?

Listen, sweetheart (in case your feelings are hurt):

YES. JR Ewing (and many, many just like him) are running Teyux-us football. I thought Charlie had a chance until he was forced to hire an uptempo OC from &*(&*(#&(#* Tulsa. TULSA! Had Texas let Charlie be Charlie, they would have won. But they didn't do that, Charlie lost, he didn't kiss babies etc, and he harred one them thar gunslingers, and here we are.

Vance was great, man.
Vance Bedford is THE best DB coach in football, at any level. I would love to see what he could do with Alexander, Smith, Williams, Blue and the rest. But I do not think that is going to happen.

Grantham is definately to blame for this loss, and Clemson and Houston ran the exact same play over and over and over and not one effective adjustment was made to stop it. I don't know if he needs to be fired, because we have fielded some good defenses. Today was the the first time a rushing TD was scored on is since the Clemson game. He was weakness, but hasn't shown the complete incompetence of Klenakis. Klenakis needs to be the first one out the door.
Listen, sweetheart (in case your feelings are hurt):

YES. JR Ewing (and many, many just like him) are running Teyux-us football. I thought Charlie had a chance until he was forced to hire an uptempo OC from &*(&*(#&(#* Tulsa. TULSA! Had Texas let Charlie be Charlie, they would have won. But they didn't do that, Charlie lost, he didn't kiss babies etc, and he harred one them thar gunslingers, and here we are.

Vance was great, man.
Lol - why would my feelings be hurt? Strong and Bedford are available for the same reasons that all fired coaches are available - they didn't win enough games. Granted that is a moving target depending upon what school you are discussing.

Strong was never going to succeed at UT because he was in over his head - in literally every way imaginable. I have no doubt that both he and VB are good coaches but the bottom line is that even considering the talent on the UT roster, their defenses couldn't stop anyone consistently in the B12 and, Strong's offense couldn't score enough to win.

He wasn't forced to hire a new OC - he did it in an attempt to score more points and save his job. Just like he wasn't "forced" to demote Bedford. If he truly believed that the existing OC and Bedford the best coaches for those jobs, then he should've stuck with them on principle - though the evidence of the last 5 years would suggest that he's probably lacking in that area.

It really isn't any more complicated than that. Kissing babies - lol...
Maybe C Strong as the option for DC? One loss on the O/full team, the other? Look at the final points scored against the D; sometimes you just have to get a stop. On more off tackle power play for 8-15 yards gives me a headache
I think Charlie still has too much ego to accept a DC at this point. I think he still wants to be a HC somewhere. At Texas he wasn't given enough time to get things completely turn around, it wasn't because he couldn't win games consistently :rolleyes:
Charlie's buyout is contingent on if he coaches somewhere else. So he may want to sit out a few years.
I believe that his buyout is only reduced by the amount of money he earns should he coach someplace else so basically he would be working for free. If I'm him, I'd really have to love the location, and the job to do that.
Probably doesn't apply if he goes to the NFL. Also Hugh Freeze has already shown some interest in Charlie as a DC for Ole Miss. don't know if a school would be willing to pay the contingency.
Probably doesn't apply if he goes to the NFL. Also Hugh Freeze has already shown some interest in Charlie as a DC for Ole Miss. don't know if a school would be willing to pay the contingency.
It's well-known that Ole Miss is the institution that told Charlie they were just interviewing him as a courtesy, but couldn't hire him because of his IR marriage. I do not think Charlie is going to be at Ole Miss in any capacity.
He is available and we are paying way too much money for that effed up performance today.
Might be a good idea to bring him on the defensive staff as a position coach if nothing else. he always seemed to have a good rapport with the players.
Because he was a scapegoat for all the JR Ewing types in Austin who think they onow more about football than Charlie Strong. A bad fit all around but yeah.
Maybe he had an affair with one of Texas BOT's wives like he did here?
What, you don't think Charlie's future is as a broadcast commentator? :rolleyes:

I believe that his buyout is only reduced by the amount of money he earns should he coach someplace else so basically he would be working for free. If I'm him, I'd really have to love the location, and the job to do that.
It's well-known that Ole Miss is the institution that told Charlie they were just interviewing him as a courtesy, but couldn't hire him because of his IR marriage. I do not think Charlie is going to be at Ole Miss in any capacity.

Hmmmmmmm . . . I thought it was UF that told CS that very same thing. Perhaps they said it but in a "more classy" way since they are UF. CCS had no, I repeat NO, chance at Texas. Maybe it was because of his IR marriage, maybe not. It, in my opinion, was due to his own skin color. His wife's skin color only added to the "problem". Maybe (hopefully) Texas will pay a heavy price for their attitudes somewhere down the road. And that "price" should also be paid by schools like Ole Miss and Florida. I'm not saying that all universities and colleges "need" to go out and hire an African-American coach but I AM saying that when you have an opening those individuals of color should be treated with total and complete respect. I'm convinced that that isn't the case as it stands right now.

GO CARDS - BEAT EVERYBODY!!! God Bless America!!!
Hmmmmmmm . . . I thought it was UF that told CS that very same thing. Perhaps they said it but in a "more classy" way since they are UF. CCS had no, I repeat NO, chance at Texas. Maybe it was because of his IR marriage, maybe not. It, in my opinion, was due to his own skin color. His wife's skin color only added to the "problem". Maybe (hopefully) Texas will pay a heavy price for their attitudes somewhere down the road. And that "price" should also be paid by schools like Ole Miss and Florida. I'm not saying that all universities and colleges "need" to go out and hire an African-American coach but I AM saying that when you have an opening those individuals of color should be treated with total and complete respect. I'm convinced that that isn't the case as it stands right now.

GO CARDS - BEAT EVERYBODY!!! God Bless America!!!

Their loss was our gain, so sometimes you have to be thankful for others' stupidity.
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