Congrats to TTTE


Dec 15, 2007
You guys won it on the first play from scrimmage.

I had a bad feeling after youll tied it up.

Cards were paper chumps. Clearly more talented. Played with their heads in the clouds,
while uofk did the dirty work to win.

Cards mailed it in. Shot their wad against NC State.

Hopefully grantham and klenakis are fired. Cards are never ranked again until they earn it.

Congrats to uofk.
Not paper chumps at all, 2nd best team in the ACC, Could easily have beaten Clemson. TO's just did you guys in.
Untimely turnovers. Still a great season for you guys. To be in the playoff conversation this late in the season is quite an accomplishment in itself.
Im sorry, but this season has been an F- in my grade book. There used to be three things a UofL team must accomplish to have a successful season. First, they have to compete and win the conference title. Second, Beat excuses. Third, compete and win a bowl game. If all those things are accomplished, then is season is considered a success. Because if they accomplish all three things, they are successful in recruiting, which translates to getting better players. Now, the most recent change is now competing for the College Football Playoff. For the past 20 years, UofL went from Conference the Big the end up in the ACC. Well deserved...hard work paying off. So, when I review this season...9 and 3...not bad. But does it pass the eye test? No. They didn't beat Clemson, but was a winnable game. Didn't play against Houston, when that could of helped. They lost to UK. Now, I cant stand UK, their fans and their Stupid city. However, I believe that we can and should beat UK every time. Why cant we run off 20 plus in a row like Florida? Because the focus is not their. I believe that if the total game plan and main focus is to beat UK, then everything else well take of itself. No more excuses...No more "wait until next year" In All Sports, we have to beat UK in every aspect. UofL, through Jurich, has given the UofL athletes arguably the best facilities in the country. UofL has shined on occasion. But to lose to UK, when since 1994. UofL has beaten them 13 out of the 21 times played. We lose to them. Why? Why cant we beat them? Do we need better players? Maybe, we need better coaches. I don't know. In the past, you couldn't call out players, because that will hurt recruiting. Well, times have changed...players and coached need to be called out when they are not performed to the level they are capable of and have demonstrated. So, Mr. Jurich...lets have a sitdown with Bobby and review the season and fire some coaches and get better staff. Better players. You want to be considered big time...then show it!​
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You guys won it on the first play from scrimmage.

I had a bad feeling after youll tied it up.

Cards were paper chumps. Clearly more talented. Played with their heads in the clouds,
while uofk did the dirty work to win.

Cards mailed it in. Shot their wad against NC State.

Hopefully grantham and klenakis are fired. Cards are never ranked again until they earn it.

Congrats to uofk.
So can I take it that the glass is half empty? Changes need to happen, but don't give up. (Are we being facetious?) If so, :cool:
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You guys won it on the first play from scrimmage.

I had a bad feeling after youll tied it up.

Cards were paper chumps. Clearly more talented. Played with their heads in the clouds,
while uofk did the dirty work to win.

Cards mailed it in. Shot their wad against NC State.

Hopefully grantham and klenakis are fired. Cards are never ranked again until they earn it.

Congrats to uofk.
Really while I'll give you this pretty much adds a bad taste to the season the bottom line is we finished 9-3. And that's what I predicted for the season. Not to shabby. Although I despise losing to sUcK mainly because they have zero class when they win. But we should have won but didn't so wait until next year to get even.
That TTTE thing is on the same level as telling your woman friend to look down her blouse and spell attic.....sophomore level at best.
Yeah, untimely turnovers and a total lack of defense did us in. Nothing else.

GO CARDS - BEAT EVERYBODY!!! God Bless America!!!
I won't lie. I was so pissed off about the effort against UofK that I forced myself to stay off this board until today.

Normally a loss is absorbed and over with in a matter of minutes for me. Not this loss. THIS loss should never have happened. THIS loss ruined THIS season regardless what happens in the bowl game, and I'm one of the 9-3 prediction crowd prior to the season. THIS loss I can't let go of YET because it was a loss to an inferior team with an inferior coaching staff.

I apologize for sounding like a sore loser but I am still pissed about it. I'll eventually get over it but again, I won't lie. That was a pathetic performance. The defense was pathetic. The offense outside Lamar trying to do everything was pathetic. The overall effort simply sucked. Lamar is a great player but MUST learn to take care of the damn football instead of carrying it like a loaf of bread. His last regular season fumble cost the Cardinals a ugly win over a inferior team and turned it into a embarrassing loss.

OK, rant over. :mad:
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The Houston game buffered the loss.

Had the Cards beat UH but lost to SuCkS, then i went have went ballistic.

Even though they were inferior, it is a rival that youve beaten 5 years in a row.
They let them hang around, unlike what Clemson did to Scar.

So after witnessing the fetal position against UH, it wasnt a 100% shocker they lost to SuCkS.

The Houston debacle is embarrassing and unforgivable.
I'm the opposite. If we had beaten the kitties, the world would have been right again and I would have given serious consideration to make another trip to the Orange Bowl.
Kerry, Lamar Jackson was clearly the best player in college football. Your TE is a special player. Outside of that, not sure how you say Louisville was "clearly more talented" or UK was "inferior". UofL certainly had a better overall season, and the best overall player. I'll give you that.
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