Condolences to Satt/ Some things in life are more important than FB


Jul 12, 2004
Satt’s dad passed away yesterday per Eric Crawford. Apparently he learned of this prior to the game.
My condolences to the Satterfield family. There’s no way his head was in the game. Totally understandable. That’s rough
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Just awful to hear this. Having recently (May 2020) lost my father to bladder cancer (stage 4 diagnosis in early 2019) this sad news makes me wonder if last season’s comment about living closer to his parents was a veiled reference to his father having been diagnosed similarly in 2020.

I’m almost always very tolerant of coaches chasing their dreams, but if the above is anywhere close to the mark, it now makes even more sense to me why the interviews with South Carolina last year.
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In life, you’ll find that jobs and all of that are interchangeable. You take care of your family first.

Scott truly is a great person. I think in this game of winner take all, we forget the human element and the toll it takes on their lives.

Like Bobby, he was so into winning that he ignored his family health. I think that all the staff hires of family was him trying to fix some mistakes in the past and you could tell, he was a lot happier rather than the rage machine that won games.

Sometimes extremes can be harmful. Scott is a family man and I’m glad he’s a role model for these kids to represent our fan base.

Never ignore what important. Treat all well. Wins and losses aren’t all that matters.
The last few years should be a reminder that none of this stuff matters and there’s far more important things. That’s why no win or loss means anything to me as I see it just as mindless entertainment.

Can’t imagine losing a father. Heartbreaking and kudos for having the ability to go work after the fact. Very admirable.
Deepest sympathies and condolences to the entire Satterfield family. Lost my perfectly healthy 92 year old father a little over 2 months ago following surgery for a broken hip. I can’t believe CSS coached that game last night. I was in a complete fog for several weeks. I wish you peace and comfort in the days and weeks ahead Coach.
My condolences to CSS and his family. It’s tough losing your father and in most cases ones dad. My dad passed in 2015. I miss be able to just talk with him and be in his company. Based on past comments by CSS, I believe his dad is in paradise and coach will see him again. Prayers 🙏.
Everyone expressed themselves very well and I agree with everyone’s post. I agree losing a parent is really hard I lost both of my parents in 94 and I still think about them every day.