I’ve said it before and I will say it again if the athletes feel like they are being exploited they should join together and form their own league. Build their own stadiums, arenas, etc. Buy all the equipment they need to perform, pay for the insurance policies, pay their utility bills and hire the officials they need to play the game. If they do this then we wouldn’t have to worry about individuals being exploited.
well, if you pay attention to the history of all pro athletes, in a sense they've done that. it used to be owners controlled 100% of everything, split no revenues, controlled 100% of the players lives, controlled everything the players did, forced them to work in terrible conditions with improper equipment, presecribed them illegal drugs and perfoamce enhancing drugs to keep players going so the owners can make money, owners have used pressure, coercion, and threats of lawsuits to keep players down, to keep players uniformed about their injuries, and to keep players making as little money as possible. and since then, players have grouped together to form a union to fight against the owners in every area. players negotiate collective bargaining agreements where there used to be none, players get have the tv revenue where they used to get none, players have the right to free agency where they used to have none, players are no longer edentured servants to a team. so kozmas, i'm pretty sure they've been doing that.and now finally players are making enough money to become the owners themselves and thus change it from the inside. and you';e worng saying they should go form their own leagues, players are under contract, you'd have to start that going to college kids saying don't sign and make that initial money. and cities, not owners build the building and areans 99% of the time. and all the infrastructre needed is paid by tv contracts. the owners put zero money not teams, they don't build the stadiums, their toblame when teams are bad, and they risk nothing of their own finanaces as tv money pays all athletres salaries basically. then ticket sales and merch give them the rest. in mlb, for example, the reds, pirates, rays make so much money of tv they jsut keep it all and don't spend a dime on the prodyuct. they have no incentive to win as the owners have a cash cow goign. gate attendance means nothing. the owners of many pro team do not care one bit about winning or losing, it's simple an investment, so thus they don't care about fans, players, cities or anyone except that cashola.