We are the most insignificant team in the ACC. Obviously we are not anywhere near the top 25 in any poll. Without a doubt we have no chance of making the NCAA tournament this year. It goes without saying that we have no say in the ACC race and we, in no way, will be any sort of factor in this basketball season. If we weren’t some insignificant boil on the buttocks of college basketball then surely the four letter network which was happy to show our meaningless game on their network today would have bothered to show even one highlight of our game today. Sure, our game didn’t feature an upset like other games had and our game didn’t come down to a last second shot, but, unless I’m mistaken..we did actually play today. You just wouldn’t know it from watching ESPN highlights. Yeah, they mentioned our score but that’s the least they should do for an insignificant, meaningless, non-factor of a basketball program such as ours. I guess that someday we can aspire to have a program as prominent as Seaton Hall or Butler....but, I guess, not this year. SMH.